The Best Octavian Quotes

Octavian: Our mission is to make this wreckage safe and neutralise the Angels. Until that is achieved...
River: Father Octavian, when the Doctor's in the room, your one and only mission is to keep him alive long enough to get everyone else home. And trust me, it's not easy. Now, if he's dead back there, I'll never forgive myself, and if he's alive, I'll never forgive him. And Doctor, you're standing right behind me, aren't you?
The: Oh, yeah.
River: I hate you.
The: You don't.

River: [hears a loud screeching] What is that? Dear God, what is it?
Octavian: They're back.
Bob: It's hard to put in your terms, Doctor Song, but as best as I understand it, the Angels are laughing.
The: Laughing?
Bob: Because you haven't noticed yet, sir. The Doctor in the TARDIS hasn't noticed.

Octavian: This whole place is a death-trap!
The: No, it's a time-bomb. Well, it's a death-trap and a time-bomb. And now it's a dead end. Nobody panic.
[Nobody shows the slightest sign of panic]
The: Just me, then.

The: You'll die.
Octavian: I will die in the knowledge that my courage did not desert me at the end. For that I thank God, and bless the path that takes you to safety.
The: I wish I'd known you better.
Octavian: I think, sir, you know me at my best.
The: Ready?
Octavian: Content.

Octavian: Doctor, we can't stay here, we're too exposed.
The: We're too exposed everywhere, and Amy can't move, and anyway, that's not the plan.
River: There's a plan?
The: Don't know yet, I haven't finished talking.

Octavian: [about The Doctor] You trust this man?
River: I absolutely trust him.
Octavian: He's not some kind of madman, then?
River: [pause] I absolutely trust him.

[last lines]
Bob: [to The Doctor over the radio] You told me my fear would keep me alive but I died afraid, in pain and alone. You made me trust you, and when it mattered, you let me down.
Amy: [whispering to River Song] What are they doing?
River: [whispering to Amy Pond] They're trying to make him angry.
Bob: I'm sorry, sir. The Angels were very keen for you to know that.
The: Well, then, the Angels have made their second mistake because I'm not gonna let that pass. I'm sorry you're dead, Bob, but I swear to whatever is left of you they will be sorrier.
Bob: But you're trapped, sir. And about to die.
The: Yeah, trapped. And you know what, speaking of traps, this trap has got a great big mistake in it. A great big whopping mistake!
Bob: What mistake, sir?
The: [to Amy] Trust me?
Amy: Yeah.
The: [to River] Trust me?
River: Always.
The: [to Father Octavian and the Clerics] You lot, trust me?
Father: We have faith, sir.
The: Then give me your gun. I'm about to do something incredibly stupid and dangerous. When I do, jump!
Father: Jump where?
The: Oh, just jump. High as you can. Come on! Leap of faith, Bishop. On my signal!
Father: What signal?
The: You won't miss it.
Bob: Sorry, can I ask you again? You mentioned a mistake we've made.
The: Oh, big, big mistake. Really huge. Didn't anyone ever tell you? There's one thing you never put in a trap. If you're smart, if you value your continued existence, if you have any plans about seeing tomorrow, there is one thing you never, ever put in a trap.
Bob: And what would that be, sir?
The: [aiming gun upwards] Me.
[the Doctor fires]

The: Just tell me why she was in Stormcage.
Octavian: She killed a man. A good man, a hero to many.
The: Who?
Octavian: You don't want to know, sir. You really don't.

Father: Verger, how are we doing with those explosives? Doctor Song, with me.
River: Two minutes. Sweetie, I need you.
Amy: Anybody need me? Nobody?

The: Lovely species, the Aplans. We should visit them some time.
Amy: I thought they were all dead.
The: So's Virginia Woolf; I'm on her bowling team. Very relaxed, sort of cheerful. That's from having two heads. You're never short of a snog with an extra head.
River: Doctor, there's something, I don't know what it is...
The: Yeah, something wrong. Don't know what it is yet either, working on it. Then they started having laws against self-marrying and what was that about? But that's the church for you. Erm, no offence, Bishop.
Father: Quite a lot taken, if that's all right, Doctor. Lowest point in the wreckage is only about 50 feet up from here. That way.
Amy: Church had a point, if you think about it. The divorces must have been *messy*.

Father: And two hundred years later the planet was terraformed. Currently there are six billion human colonies.
The: Whew! You lot. You're everywhere. You're like rabbits! I'll never get done saving you.