The Best Odin Quincannon Quotes

Jesse: I told you to serve God, Odin.
Odin: I am. Devoutly.
Jesse: What kind of a God wants to tear down a church?
Odin: The God of Meat, of course.
Jesse: The God... of Meat?
Odin: The God of what's tangible. What's touchable and true. The God of Meat.
Jesse: I see, I see.
Odin: You think that's funny?
Jesse: No, no. It's batshit crazy.
Odin: You know what's crazy, Preacher? What's completely banana-balls insane? Following a God who is silent. That is crazy.
Jesse: I agree.

Jesse: Peace be with you.
Congregation: And also with you.
Jesse: I want to thank you all for coming out this morning. I know it's not always easy to get here on a Sunday. Kid's don't wanna get dressed. Lawn needs mowing. Doing laundry, paying bills. Whatever. It's been a long week and you got another one starting up tomorrow, so thank you. Besides, and here's the real reason it ain't easy getting here, and that's: "What good's it gonna do?" Right? I mean, look at this world. You turn on the radio, surf the internet. Heck, look out your dang window. It's crazy out there. You've got wars in every direction, bombs going off in coffee shops and schools. Folks scared to hug each other on account of some new disease. Yep. The world is turning to shit. And you know what? It's all your fault. You've turned your back on the Lord. Your despair has caused you to lose faith, embrace false idols. But these idols, these... these things... they won't save you. Your whisky won't save you. Your money won't save you. Sex, love, romance... they will not save you. Your parents, your precious little children, that 55 inch flat-screen TV out there? Nothing. Nothing will save you. You are sinners. You have strayed. You have forgotten the power of the Lord. But it's not too late. I'm here to remind that starting today... no, starting right now, I'm going to bring you back to God. One by one. Beginning with one man amongst us who has strayed furthest. God wants you back, Mr. Quincannon.
Jesse: "Serve him, and you will go out in joy, be led forth in peace."
Odin: Right.
Jesse: [quotes] "The mountains and hills will burst into song before you. And all the trees and the fields will clap their hands." I ask you now... Will you serve God?
Odin: No.
Jesse: Will you serve God?
Odin: Now, I heard you the first time.
Jesse: Will you serve Him?
Odin: Oh, for Pete's sake.
[gets up and starts to leave]
Jesse: Odin.
[Quincannon stops]
Odin: I win, Preacher. It wasn't even close.
[Custer puts his hands on Quincannon's shoulder]
Odin: Now, I'm telling you...
Jesse: [uses The Voice] Serve God.
[Normal voice]
Jesse: I ask you again... Will you serve God?
Odin: Of course I will. Yes, sir. Yeah. Of course. Yeah.
Odin: I will... I will.

Odin: You and God can help me with a question. Something that's been consternating me all night.
[Holds up a fistful of intestines in each hand]
Odin: Which is my daughter? And which is the cow?
John: [Looks quizzically at each of Odin's hands]
Odin: Exactly. There is no difference. It's all meat. I've looked, there's nothing else. There's no spirit, there's no soul. There's nothing.

Odin: Now, Preacher Custer here argues not only is there a God, he's going to call him down, right into this room, and we're all gonna talk to him. Ain't that right, Preacher Custer?
Jesse: Something like that.
Odin: What I say, my position in all of this is, that Preacher Custer, like every single preacher, priest, and holy man since the dawn of time, is full of shit. The only true God, the only real God, is the God of Meat.

Odin: Now, I don't want you to feel like you're human shields, but let's not mince words: You are human and you're gonna be acting as shields of sorts.