The Best Professor Hobbes Quotes

The: The hostess... what was her name?
Professor: I don't know.

The: Why are you repeating?
Sky: Why are you repeating?
The: What is that, learning?
Sky: What is that, learning?
The: Copying?
Sky: Copying?
The: Absorbing?
Sky: Absorbing?
The: The square root of pi is 1.7...
Sky: [talking over] The square root of pi is...
The: 7245385090...
Sky: 1.77245385...
The: 551602729...
Sky: 090551602...
The: 816748334...
Sky: 729816748...
The: 1. Wow.
Sky: 3341. Wow.
[the passengers share amazed, incredulous looks]
Professor: But that's impossible.
Sky: [turning to look at Professor Hobbes] But that's impossible.
Dee: She couldn't repeat all that.
Sky: [to Dee Dee] She couldn't repeat all that.
Val: Tell her to stop.
Sky: [to Val Cane] Tell her to stop.