The Best Riley Vashtee Quotes

Orin: What's your favorite color?
Riley: You what?
Orin: It's the question.
Riley: Purple.
[Orin begins to type in the answer]
Riley: Or did I say orange?
Orin: Come on!

Riley: [reading from display] Find the next number in the sequence: 313, 331, 367...? What?
Martha: You said the crew knew all the answers!
Riley: The crew's changed since we set the questions.
Martha: You're joking!
The: 379!
Martha: What?
The: It's a sequence of happy primes - 379!
Martha: Happy what?
The: Just enter it!
Riley: Are you sure? We only get one chance.
The: Any number that reduces to one when you take the sum of the square of its digits and continue iterating it until it yields 1 is a happy number, any number that doesn't, isn't. A happy prime is both happy and prime. Now type it in!
The: I dunno, talk about dumbing down. Don't they teach recreational mathematics anymore?

Riley: These doors' trip code is the answer to a random question set by the crew. Nine tours back, we got drunk, thought them up. Reckoning was, if we're hijacked, we're the only ones who know all the answers.
Martha: So you type in the right answer...
Riley: This sends a remote pulse to the clamp. But we only get one chance per door. Get it wrong, the whole system freezes.
Martha: Better not get it wrong, then.
Riley: Okay.
Riley: 'Date of the SS Pentalian's first flight?' That's all right. Go!
Martha: [door opens] Yes!
Riley: Twenty eight more to go!
Riley: [reading] 'Find the next number in the sequence: 313, 331, 367...?' What?
Martha: You said the crew knew all the answers.
Riley: The crew's changed since we set the questions.

Riley: The wonderful world of space travel. The prettier it looks, the more likely it is to kill you.