The Best Ross Jenkins Quotes

Colonel: Jenkins.
Ross: Sir!
Colonel: You will accompany the Doctor; take orders from him.
The: Yeah, I don't do orders.
Colonel: Any sign of trouble get Jenkins to declare a code red. And good luck, Sir.
[salutes the Doctor]
The: I said no salutes.
Colonel: [as he walks away] Now you're giving orders.
The: [half smiling] Little bit cheeky, aren't we?

[after General Staal unmasks]
Ross: He's like a potato. A baked potato. A talking baked potato.
The: Now, Ross, don't be rude. You look like a pink weasel to him.

[talking about ATMOS]
Ross: Drives me around the bend.
The: Oh, nice one.
Ross: [both smiling] Timed that perfectly.
The: Yeah, yeah you did.