The Best Rusty Quotes

Rusty: [Rusty is walking towards the front door] Well, my work here is done. It's been a blast, Tanners.
Jesse: [lunging towards Rusty] Hold it. Come here, you.
Danny: [holds Jesse back] No, Jess, he's mine. I'll handle this, everybody.
Joey: Book 'im, Dano.

Rusty: [Looking at Danny covered from head to toe with mud] Too bad, you should have gone deep.
Danny: You know, this isn't the best tasting mud. You mind if I hit the showers a little early?
Rusty: Sure, I'll see what the others are up to.
Danny: [Annoyed] Beautiful.

Rusty: You know, Mr. Tanner, you look good in green.
Danny: Pranks are one thing, but when you mess with a man's shampoo, you're messing with the man!

Cindy: I made my famous homemade apple pie for the barbecue.
Danny: I can smell it from here. I can't wait.
[opens the lid to see a big piece has already been taken out]
Danny: Apparently, somebody else couldn't wait, either.
Cindy: [annoyed] Rusty!
Rusty: [sheepishly] Sorry, Mom. It was a long car ride.

Jesse: I'm pretty hip to you, wise guy. I know you pulled all those stunts at lunch, but since Danny likes your mother so much, I'm going to let it slide, but from now on, you respect others and their property. Capisce?
Rusty: Capisce. Thanks for setting me straight, Mr. Katsopolis. You're tough, but you're fair.

Danny: [baffled and frustrated by Rusty's pranks] Rusty, I don't get this. I really wanted us to be friends.
Rusty: You don't want to be my friend. You want to be my MOM's friend.
Danny: Well, I do like your mom very much.
Rusty: You're wasting your time because someday my mom and dad will get back together.
Danny: Oh, so that's what this is about? Look, Rusty, I know how you feel. My parents are divorced, too. It hurts that they're not together, but you can't wreck every relationship that your mom tries to make. You know that's not fair.
Rusty: I don't want to talk about it!
[there is a knock at the door]
Danny: That must be your mom.
Rusty: Go ahead, tell on me.