The Best Iorgos 'Papouli' Katsopolis Quotes

Daniel: You remember me?
Papouli: Of course I do! Joey!
Daniel: No, I'm Danny.
Joseph: I'm Joey.
Papouli: Of course you are!
[turns to D.J]
Papouli: And little Stephanie!
Donna Jo 'D.J.' Margaret Tanner: No, I'm D.J.!
Papouli: Of course you are!
[turns to hug Stephanie]
Papouli: And little Michelle!
Stephanie: I'm Stephanie.
Michelle: I'm little Michelle.
Papouli: [turns to Michelle] Of course you are!
[turns to Steve]
Papouli: And... I have no idea who you are.
Michelle: You don't know who any of us are.

Jesse: You have to give me this recipe before you leave!
Papouli: No problem. This I got off a box of Moussaka Helper.

Papouli: Of *course* you are!

Jesse: I really don't dance.
Papouli: You're Greek, you dance!

Iorgos: He gives her the flowers, they dance around the table and... that's what it's all about!
Daniel: That's not a wedding. That's the hokey-pokey.

Michelle: We missed you, Grandpa!
Papouli: You remember last time I was here? I told you to call me Papouli. Grandpa means someone who is old and gray
Michelle: What does Papouli mean?
Papouli: In Greece, it means someone who is old and gray, but it sounds so much better!