The Best Aaron Quotes

Michelle: Uncle Jesse, Aaron stole my elephant.
Jesse: That's not right, take his cookie. If somebody does something to you, do it back.
Aaron: Hey, you stole my camel.
Michelle: It's in my tummy now. He, he, he.

Jesse: All right, here we go!
[starts Yankee Doodle auditions in a montage]
Michelle: [singing nicely] Yankee Doodle went to town...
Paul: [off key] Riding on a po-ny...
Aaron: [shouting] STUCK A FEATHER IN HIS HAT!
Denise: And... ooh...
Terri: [with pom-poms] Yankee Doodle, keep it up...
Little: [does nothing]
Denise: ...and with the girls be handy!
Little: I never liked this song.

Aaron: [after looking in refrigerator] This fridge is a joke! No Ding-Dongs, no Ho-Ho's, no Nutty Buddy's... it's bone-dry!
Danny: I have raisins.
Aaron: I'm allergic to raisins. My lips blow up and I can't talk when I eat raisins!
Danny: ...raisins it is then!