The Best Denise Quotes

Jesse: All right, here we go!
[starts Yankee Doodle auditions in a montage]
Michelle: [singing nicely] Yankee Doodle went to town...
Paul: [off key] Riding on a po-ny...
Aaron: [shouting] STUCK A FEATHER IN HIS HAT!
Denise: And... ooh...
Terri: [with pom-poms] Yankee Doodle, keep it up...
Little: [does nothing]
Denise: ...and with the girls be handy!
Little: I never liked this song.

Denise: [walks Comet in after all the other dogs run out] Comet, you live *here*.

Danny: [after Michelle mentions an infestation] Mr. Bond I can assure you there's never been a rodent or insect in this house.
Denise: Oh it's way worse than that.
[opens the door to Michelle's room, full of panting dogs]
Denise: You got an infestation of dogs!

Joey: [Michelle shows Rigby and the kids at the mall her midget Rigby] Hold it up, we can't see it!
Michelle: I AM holding it up!
Denise: I was going to take mine to show and tell, but there's NOTHING to show!
Stephanie: You know, Rigby, you don't just rip off kids' money, you rip off their dreams. How do you sleep at night? Especially with that big horn?