30 Best Michelle Tanner Quotes

[there's a car in the kitchen]
D.J.: Michelle, do you know how Joey's car got in here?
Michelle: Yes, I do.
D.J.: How?
Michelle: Through the window.

[last lines]
Daniel: Did you hear that girls? Uncle Jesse and Rebecca are gonna be married! Let's celebrate!
Melina: You got it dude!
[Everyone dances to Greek music]

[last lines]
Michelle: We all live here.

[Michelle has regained her memory after a bout of amnesia]
Michelle: How out of it was I?
Jesse: Well, you were pretty out of it. I mean, you were here, sweetheart, but it was like a part of you was missing. So it was like part of all of us was missing. But, we stuck it out and we got through it.
Joey: Just like we always do.
Danny: Just like we always will.
[end of series]

[repeated line]
Michelle: Ah, nuts!

Michelle: Is it almost time for my party?
Becky: You have two and a half hours still.
Michelle: How long is that?
Jesse: Two Sesame Streets and a Mister Rogers.
Michelle: Wow. Turning five is going to take forever.

Michelle: [walks up to the table totally punked out, to Claire] So, you must be the babe who's been hitting on my old man. Got a smoke?
Claire: [shocked] No, I'm sorry, I quit.
Michelle: Too bad, I'm trying to start.
[to Stephanie]
Michelle: Where's Pops?
Stephanie: 'Pops' went to get a cappuccino, and where were you, Madonna's garage sale?
Claire: [in disbelief] You're Danny's little Michelle?
Michelle: Who were ya expecting, Lil' Miss Muffet? Move it or lose it!
[sits down beside her]
Michelle: Is my root beer here yet? I like to suck back before all the foam's gone.
Kimmy: [brings the drinks] Hey kid, what happened to you? You look great!

[repeated line]
Michelle: You're in big trouble, mister!

Stephanie: So what're you gonna wear to the Smash Club tonight?
Michelle: I don't know, but I was thinking about my sunflower dress.
Gia: She was talking to *me*, little Michelle.
Michelle: In that case...
[to Stephanie]
Michelle: Speak slow, and don't use big words.

D.J. Tanner: Kimmy, will you quit copying my essay.
Michelle: Why do think I'm copying off of you?
D.J. Tanner: [takes Kimmy's paper and read it] "What America means to me" by * D.J. Tanner*.

[Walks into old, empty cabin]
Donna Jo 'D.J.' Margaret Tanner: Wow... it looks so different in here!
Michelle: You're right.
Stephanie: Well, that's cause we're not here right now.
Michelle: It feels like we're here.
Stephanie: [Frustrated] Fine we're here. Let's dump the bunny and LEAVE!

Danny: Look, I want you out of these clothes, changed right now, and I want all that make up off your face. Then, I want you come back here and we're going to talk about this.
Michelle: [with a stern attitude] Maybe we will, maybe we won't.
[Danny gives her an angry grin]
Michelle: [without an attitude] Maybe we will?
[she reluctantly leaves]

Jesse: All right, here we go!
[starts Yankee Doodle auditions in a montage]
Michelle: [singing nicely] Yankee Doodle went to town...
Paul: [off key] Riding on a po-ny...
Aaron: [shouting] STUCK A FEATHER IN HIS HAT!
Denise: And... ooh...
Terri: [with pom-poms] Yankee Doodle, keep it up...
Little: [does nothing]
Denise: ...and with the girls be handy!
Little: I never liked this song.

Michelle: Hello? I'd like to order some vermin.

Danny: Michelle?
Michelle: Yo Pops, what've you been telling Blondie about me?
Danny: Michelle, it's not Halloween and you're not an MTV VJ, why are you dressed like that?
Michelle: I'm just being myself.
[at Claire]
Michelle: Bad to the bone!
Danny: Michelle, I've seen all your x-rays, you don't have a bad bone in your body.

Jesse: [doing a puppet show for Michelle, since they got locked in a garage during Michelle's circus party]
[With a funny voice]
Jesse: Hi Socko! How's your day?
Stephanie: Not so good Toesey. I'm locked in a gas station...
Stephanie: thanks to my uncle!
Jesse: I don't think that putting the blame on the nice uncle will help anything.
Stephanie: Well, you DID ask how my day was.
Jesse: Well, yes I did, but it's not your uncle's fault.
Stephanie: It is too!
Jesse: Is not!
[Stephanie's puppet pulls off his sock puppet]
Jesse: Ahh! Help, I'm naked! I'm naked!
Michelle: [Happy] That's funny.

Michelle: [Michelle and Howie are pestering Danny, who is on the phone trying to get answers about Jesse's whereabouts] Daddy, did you find our anything?
Danny: [on the phone] Just a minute.
[to Michelle]
Danny: Honey, I'm trying to find out.
Howie: When are you going to find out?
Danny: When I find out, Howie.
Michelle: Did you find out, YET?
Danny: [annoyed] Kids, if you don't stop this, I'm gonna turn this wedding around and drive right home.
Michelle: Daddy, you need a nap.
Danny: [on the phone] All right, just call me if you hear anything and, yes sir, I'll try to squeeze in that nap.

Denise: [to Teddy] She's really cute.
Denise: [to Henry] Can we keep her?
Michelle: I'm a fun girl.
Henry: Well, until we get things straightened out, you're welcome to stay here.
Michelle: Thanks, New Dad!

Michelle: Daddy's a girl.
Steph: No, he's a women.
Kimmy: An ugly women.

Michelle: Can I watch Arsenio?
Danny: What do you think?
Michelle: I think it's time for bed.
Danny: That's right. It's time for bed. To bed, I said.
Michelle: Daddy, am I still your little princess?
Danny: Oh, you got it, dude.

Michelle: There's a car in the kitchen!
D.J.: Yeah, and there's a bus in the bathroom.

Gia: [the girls walk into Stephanie's room chatting away, while putting their shopping bags down, and heading over to the mirror] Alright. Now, let's work on our look. It should be vulnerable, yet tough.
[They pose]
Gia: Tougher!
[They pose a tougher look]
Gia: Come on, Tanner, can't get any tougher?
Steph: Not without spraining my face?
[They laugh]
Gia: Let's work on our hair.
[Michelle comes in with Derek and Lisa as the girls are fixing up their hair]
Lisa: We better go. It could be contagious.
Steph: We're practicing how to pose for our album cover.
Michelle: Oh, we thought you had cooties.
Derek: Actually, we're here because we maybe of some assistance to your ensemble.
Kimmy: Look, unless you're here to help the band, leave.
Michelle: Kimmy, stay with me on this. Derek and Lisa are great singers. You let them in the band, you definitely win the contest.
Steph: Excuse me when I say...
[laughs mockingly, the other 3 girls join her]
Derek: I knew it. The risk of humiliation has born bitter fruit.
Jesse: [Coming into the room] Alright, Michelle, you and friends beat it. I got to work with the band.
Michelle: You can start on their personalities.
Jesse: [as Michelle, Derek, & Lisa leave] All right, troops. Break's over. Let's hit the studio. Come on.
Steph: Uncle Jesse, we've already got the music part down. Now we need to work on our look.
Jesse: You already got the look. You look four girls who need to rehearse. Now, I'm not gonna be on the side of that stage calling out chords to you guys.
Kimmy: Oh, like we can't remember three chords? A, E... I, O, U.
Steph: Come on, Uncle Jesse. What's the big deal? Dad and Aunt Becky said we were great.
Jesse: Of course, they did. They're family. I'm your manager and I'm gonna tell you the truth.
Steph: The truth is you want to boss around.
Jesse: The truth is you guys made a million mistakes. Now, let's hit the studio!
Steph: Name one.
Jesse: All right, let's start with you. You missed about 3 or 4 chord changes, you were flat on the first verse, you're guitar playing stirred the whole song down...
Steph: --I said one! I mean, give us a break, Uncle Jesse, it sounded okay.
Jesse: Okay? Okay's not gonna cut it, all right? You guys are not ready to perform in front of people. Now what you gotta do is practice over and over and over again till you can play the stuff in your sleep.
Steph: Any other complaints?
Jesse: Yeah, you have a bad attitude.
Steph: Well, that's because you're a bad manager.
Jesse: [Feeling insulted] Steph, I don't, I don't really need this.
Jesse: Well, we don't need you.
Jesse: Really. So, you guys are firing me?
Kimmy: We can't fire you! You quit!
Steph: Kimmy, I'll handle this.
Jesse: You know, Steph, I'm sorry I got involved with your little band in the first place.
Gia: Not as sorry as we are.
Kimmy: Yeah. Pack it up, Uncle Hair Boy.
Jesse: You know, Kimmy, I think I won't miss you most of all.
Gia: [as Jesse leaves] That's it! Tanner's got the look!

Danny: Okay girls. Lets pick a name for our new puppy. Michelle do you have a name for the puppy?
Michelle: Yes I do. Michelle.
Danny: That's your name.
Michelle: I like my name.
Steph: Mr. Bear and I have the perfect name. Mr.Dog!
D.J.: Mr.Dog? Steph when you have a kid someday what are you going to name it? Mr.Baby?
Steph: Not if its a girl.
Danny: I think we should name him something that fits his personality. Like... Puddles.
D.J.: Dad I have the perfect name! Comet. Because he's fast and he has a tail.
Danny: And he only hits the newspaper once every 76 years.

Steph: Michelle, you are old enough to hear this... How rude!
Michelle: [to Uncle Jesse] Why does she always say that?

Michelle: Uncle Jesse, Aaron stole my elephant.
Jesse: That's not right, take his cookie. If somebody does something to you, do it back.
Aaron: Hey, you stole my camel.
Michelle: It's in my tummy now. He, he, he.

[repeated line]
Michelle: There's a car in the kitchen!

Michelle: [Joey is going to open for Wayne Newton in Las Vegas] Joey's opening a Fig Newton in Vegas!

Gia: Hi little Michelle! Are you ready for you first day of third grade?
Michelle: Are you ready for you third year of seventh grade?

Michelle: [to Joey, who has walked in unaware that his car has been plowed through the wall] You're in big trouble, mister.
Danny: Joey, are you all right?
Joey: Yeah.
Danny: In that case, you're in big trouble, mister.

Danny: Okay, Michelle, you want to explain what your Rebel Without a Hall Pass act was all about?
Michelle: I don't want you to marry Claire.
Danny: Who told you I was going to marry Claire?
Michelle: They did.
Danny: Steph, did you two tell Michelle I was going to marry Claire?
Stephanie: No, we were just talking about how cool it would be if you did.
Michelle: I don't think it would be cool.
[to Danny]
Michelle: You'll have Claire, Stephanie and Gia will have each other, I'm alone out in the cold.
Danny: Michelle, nobody is going to put you out in the cold.
Michelle: They already *did*.