50 Best Kimmy Gibbler Quotes

Stephanie: Give us a break, Uncle Jesse, we sounded okay.
Jesse: Okay? Okay is not going to cut it. You guys aren't ready to perform in front of people. Now what you gotta do is practice over and over and over again until you can play this stuff in your sleep.
Stephanie: Any other complaints?
Jesse: Yeah, you have a bad attitude.
Stephanie: Well that's because you're a bad manager.
Jesse: Steph, I - I don't really need this.
Stephanie: Well we don't need you.
Jesse: Really? So you guys are firing me?
Kimberly: We can't fire you. You quit!
Stephanie: Kimmy, I'll handle this.
Jesse: You know, Steph, I'm sorry I got involved with your little band in the first place.
Gia: Not as sorry as we are.
[Jesse gives her an almost-menacing look then walks away]

Kimmy: Last night I dreamt I was driving this big, white porcelain bus.
D.J.: That was because you had your head in the toilet throwing up every half hour.
Kimmy: Oh, so that's why every time I hit the turn signal, I heard a flush.

Kimmy: [to the guys] Do you want me to rewind Dirty Dancing? Or should I just fast forward to the making out parts?

Kimmy: [to Danny] My parents would never let me go to a boy's apartment unsupervised, they have rules you know! What kind of father are you?

Kimmy: What's wrong with you people? How can you get this house any cleaner? It's already the cleanest house in America.
Jesse: For the first time, Gibbler actually is making some sense.
Kimmy: Had to happen some time.

Danny: [about Michelle buying Shorty the donkey] Kimmy, how could you let this happen?
Kimmy: Hey, I told her to go for the two ostriches.

Kimberly: I paid $29.95 for this wedding and I want it to be special.

Kimmy: I had a traumatic experience with squash once - I ate one.

Danny: [after meeting Charles] Maybe there *isn't* good in everybody.
D.J. Tanner: What a brat.
Becky: Somebody needs to teach that kid manners.
Kimmy: I wonder if he's got an older brother.

Kimmy: Hola, Mr. T.
Danny: Kimmy, I'm going through a major crisis right now.
Kimmy: Hey, we all got problems. D.J.!
[walks in the house]
Danny: I gotta build a moat.

Kimmy: We never clean at my house. We move in, trash the place for five years, then move out.

[Kimmy walks in]
Lou: [strong English accent] You again. Who arrre you?
Kimmy: [imitating his accent] The next-door neigh-barrr.

D.J. Tanner: Hi. Kimmy, I have a great idea for our senior class prank.
Kimmy: I'm all ears.
Jesse: Actually, you're all mouth.

D.J. Tanner: [trying to find common interests] Steph, what's your favorite food?
Steph: Pizza.
D.J. Tanner: Kimmy, you love pizza!
Kimmy: Not as much as I love trout.
[she and Stephanie move away from each other]

Kimmy: Sayonara, Bug Breath.
Stephanie: See ya, Kimmy.
Kimmy: What? You're not going to insult me back? Are you mad at me?

Kimmy: [Danny's yelling at her on the phone] Somebody's trap door's buttoned too tight.

Kimmy: [takes picture of DJ for her article] That'll look great on Fred Flintstone's body.

D.J. Tanner: Kimmy, will you quit copying my essay.
Kimmy: Why do think I'm copying off of you?
D.J. Tanner: [takes Kimmy's paper and read it] "What America means to me" by * D.J. Tanner*.

[a flashback shows D.J. and Kimmy at a fraternity party. Kimmy got drunk]
D.J.: And that's what really happened.
Kimmy: [angrily] You just can't admit you were jealous of me! You had to embarrass me, and take my car keys like I'm some kind of *child*!
D.J.: Kimmy, you could barely *walk*.
Kimmy: [shouts] It's my life! What do *you* care?
D.J.: I'm sorry. I *do* care. My mom died because of a drunk driver.
[near tears]
D.J.: I wasn't gonna lose my best friend the same way.
Kimmy: [feeling ashamed] Deej I'm sorry. I know. I made an idiot out of myself last night. I didn't know how to talk to those frat guys. But after a couple of drinks, I started to loosen up. For the first time in my life, I felt cool.
D.J.: Well, Kimmy, they called you a lot of things at that party, but cool wasn't one of 'em.
Kimmy: Well, Deej, how come *you* weren't nervous?
D.J.: Are you kidding? I was a wreck. I was talking to this really cute guy and he kept smiling at me, and then I looked down, and I realized that my elbow was in the clam dip.
Kimmy: Oh, man. I would've been so humiliated.
D.J.: Yeah, well, it wasn't my finest moment. But, in some weird way, it broke the ice, and we were laughing about it.
Kimmy: So, the trick to staying calm is to keep your elbow in the dip?
D.J.: The trick is to remember that everybody is nervous, and it is a lot easier to handle if you stay in control.
Kimmy: I'm glad one of us did. Thanks, D.J.
[she and D.J. hug]

Steph: Kimmy, you're so dumb you don't even know how dumb you are.
Kimmy: Of course I know how dumb I am!

Kimmy: Why do I have to learn Spanish? All I need to know are 3 words: food, boys, and bathroom.
D.J. Tanner: True, but you don't want to get them mixed up. Sentarse muchacha.
Kimmy: No time for dancing, we gotta go study.

Michelle: Boys, they won't buy you flowers.
D.J. Tanner: They won't make a commitment.
Kimmy: They won't squat in Jell-o for you.
[the others look at her]
Kimmy: Hey, don't knock it till you try it.

D.J.: Kimmy, you can't drive!
Kimmy: [drunk] Well if I walk and fall, I might hurt myself.

Kimmy: Deej, meet the answer to our prayers.
[Duane walks in the room]
D.J. Tanner: Apparently, we had a bad connection.

Kimmy: [talking to D.J] Your sister is such a tattle-tale.
Steph: I am not and I'm telling you said that.

Kimmy: No, my sweetie, Duane just got a big plumbing job at the construction site next to the school.
D.J. Tanner: Oh, wow, Duane, that's a lot of toilets to install. You must be really excited.
Duane: Whatever.
Kimmy: Duane can operate that big crane. Right, sweetheart?
Duane: Whatever.
D.J. Tanner: Duane, is that all you say? Whatever?
Duane: I guess.

Kimmy: Are you going to be a wimp your whole life? Don't you want to do something wild and unforgettable like your Uncle Jesse?
D.J. Tanner: Of course, but...
Kimmy: Well, we have a crane, we have Duane, we have your brain. Hey, that almost rhymes.
Duane: Heh. I guess.

Danny: I just got back from taking D.J. to her written test. It's horrible.
Jesse: She failed, huh?
D.J.: [runs in] I PASSED!
Kimmy: [comes in behind her] I failed! I can't believe it! I copied every one of D.J.'s answers!
Jesse: Kimmy, they give everyone different tests so nobody can cheat.
Kimmy: They do? Well that's what's wrong with this world, nobody trusts anyone.

Kimmy: Mr. Tanner, have you ever considered obedience school?
Danny: Yes, and tell your parents I'm willing to pay half!

Kimmy: Duane here is a Shakespeare freak. Aren't you, my little Hamlet-and-cheese?
Duane: [embarrassed] Whatever.
D.J. Tanner: Duane, you're into Shakespeare?
Duane: [soulfully] Shall I compare thee to a Summer's day? Thou art more lovely and more temperate. Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May, and Summer's lease hath all too short a date.
D.J. Tanner: Wow, Duane, I had no idea you had such a sensative soul.
Duane: [choked up] Whatever.

Kimmy: We gotta top this prank. I want to leave more behind at Bayview than a D average and a locker full of Odor-Eaters.

Kimmy: [practicing bagpipes] After next week this place will be quieter than Loch Ness.
Jesse: Yeah but I'll still be stuck with the monster.

D.J.: Some people like chicken and some people like steak.
Kimmy: Are you calling me chicken?
D.J.: No! I'm just saying that people like different things. You can be steak.
Kimmy: Oh, so now I'm a pig?
D.J.: Kimmy, steak is made of cow.
Kimmy: A cow? That's the final insult!

Kimmy: There's something I've always wanted to ask you. Do you get paid by the letter?
Vanna: You know when they buy a vowel? That money goes to me.
Kimmy: Even the Y?
Vanna: Sometimes.

Kimmy: Tommy! Hi, I'm Stephanie Tanner's best friend Kimmy Gibbler. Can I have your autograph? Just write "To Kimmy, the woman of my dreams."
Danny: Kimmy, he writes music, not science fiction.

Kimmy: My dad's taking me for my first test drive. Oh the joker, he's wearing a blindfold. See ya.
D.J.: For the first time in my lief, I wish I was a Gibbler.

Kimmy: [passing her written test] It was amazing! I read the book, I took the test, and I remembered the stuff I read!
D.J.: You mean you studied?
Kimmy: Is that what I did? Wow!

D.J. Tanner: Okay, here it goes. We print up our own school newspaper with fake stories and switch it with the real one.
Kimmy: We have a school newspaper?
D.J. Tanner: Of course. Where do you get your information?
Kimmy: The bathroom wall.

D.J. Tanner: Kimmy, what happened to your bod?
Kimmy: My mom saw me getting on the bus and freaked out, it's back in my sock drawer.

Jesse: [hears bagpipes] Gibbler! What are you killing back there?
Kimmy: [Irish accent] I'm practicing me bagpipes for the Scottish music festival after school.
Jesse: That's not a Scottish accent!
Kimmy: [normal voice] I didn't say I was practicing my accent. Don't get your kilt in a knot, McGreasy.

Kimmy: [Sees DJ dancing alone] DJ, what are you doing dancing with Elliott? You SHOULD be dancing with Kevin Gwin.
D.J.: [Referring to Kevin] I would but Kevin didn't ask me!
Kimmy: [Referring to Kevin] Then ask HIM! It's very simple, watch.
[Turns to Jake Bitterman and gives DJ an example]
Kimmy: Hey, Bitterman, you wanna dance?
Jake: [Agrees to] Sure, why not?
Kimmy: [Explaining to Jake] Maybe later, I'm busy.

D.J.: I'm skipping lunch, do you want my sandwich?
Kimmy: Sure.
[looks under the bread]
Kimmy: Ham again? I've been eating your lunch for 3 days now and every time, it's ham. Did your dad hit a pig with his car?

Michelle: Daddy's a girl.
Steph: No, he's a women.
Kimmy: An ugly women.

Kimmy: I'm not laughing at you, I'm laughing with you... only you're not joining in.

D.J.: [D.J, Kimmy, and Steve walk in through the kitchen door] Can you guys believe this parking ticket?
Kimmy: D.J, your dad is gonna flip when he sees this.
D.J.: I can't believe this. I'm gonna become a pedestrian.
Kimmy: D.J., how can you be thinking of religon? You're gonna have to walk.

Kimmy: Your dad's in the slammer? What'd he do, dust bust a cop?

D.J. Tanner: We've been out shopping for Kathy Santoni's shower tonight.
Danny: Kathy Santoni's getting married?
Kimmy: She's already married, this is for her baby shower.
Danny: Baby shower? But she's only a senior.
D.J. Tanner: I know, she's getting extra credit in home-ec.

D.J. Tanner: Kimmy, this whole thing was our idea. We can't let Uncle Jesse take the blame for it.
Kimmy: Well, he doesn't want you to take the blame. You'll be kicked out of school. You won't go to college. Everything you've worked for will go down the drain.
D.J. Tanner: 3DJ: Well, what are they going to do to him?
Kimmy: Shave his head, toss him in the clink and make him listen to his own singing. Poor sap. Oh, well. Let's go grab a burger.

Jesse: It's a good thing you got that prank done. It looks like it's going to pour.
D.J. Tanner: Oh, my gosh. Kimmy, Robolard's car's on the roof.
Kimmy: I know, I can't get over it either.
D.J. Tanner: With the top down. Kimmy, the interior's going to be destroyed.
Kimmy: This prank is turning out to be great.
D.J. Tanner: Kimmy, the idea of the prank was not to ruin his car, just ruin his day. We've gotta get back there and put the top up. Wait, we can't. It's an automatic top and we'd need the keys. We're dead.
Jesse: Maybe not yet. You know, I can hot wire the car, but we've got to hurry.
D.J. Tanner: How'd you learn how to hot wire a car?
Jesse: Uh... science project.

Kimmy: [thinking] Mrs. Kimmy Katsopolis. Sounds so geeky. I'll have him take my name: Mr. Jesse Gibbler.