The Best Sally Quotes

Sally: So, do you think that you have learned anything?
Curtis: Yeah. Don't get caught.
Sally: Fine... how do you think you have changed?
Nathan: I think I'm taller.
Kelly: They graffiti, and we clean it up. They graffiti, and we clean it up. They graffiti, and we clean it up. What is that about?

Sally: Gary and my colleague Tony were both reported missing. Their families are really worried about them. Have you seen anything unusual, anything at all?
[after a brief silence, Nathan raises his hand]
Sally: You saw something?
Nathan: A few days ago, I go into the toilets. Tony and Gary were in there. They're butt naked, Tony has Gary by his hair- like this- He's just doin' him. Doggy style... And Tony's like, "Ooo who's your daddy? I'M your daddy! I'm BIG daddy! Oh! Oh yeah, you like that? Oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah, I'm daddy cooool!" So I'm guessing they ran away to continue their illicit homosexual affair. And I ask you, in this world of intolerance and prejudice, who are- WHO are WE to condemn them?
[Sally walks off]

Sally: You don't owe them anything.
Simon: They're the only friends I've got.

Sally: He's such a twat. Sorry, that was really unprofessional.
Sally: He is a twat.

Nathan: Get the bodies!
[throws a brick at Sally's windshield]
Sally: What the hell are you doing?
Nathan: It's just pure, mindless vandalism!
Sally: What is the matter with you? Are you mentally deficient?
Nathan: If I were mentally deficient, I would have missed. Check that out. Bullseye!