The Best The Beast Quotes

The: You can't have come from before the universe. That's impossible.
The: Is that YOUR religion?
The: It's a belief.
The: You know nothing. ALL of you. So small.
[about Zack]
The: The captain, so scared of command.
[about Jefferson]
The: The soldier, haunted by the eyes of his wife.
[about Ida]
The: The scientist, still running from Daddy.
[about Danny]
The: The little boy who lied.
[about Toby]
The: The virgin.
[focuses on Rose]
The: And the lost girl, so far away from home. The valiant child, who will die in battle so very soon...
Rose: [terrified] Doctor, what does that mean?
The: Rose, don't listen.
Rose: What does it mean?
The: You will die; and I will live.

The: [lights are all turned off] This is the darkness. This is my domain. You little things that live in the light, clinging to your feeble suns, which die in the end...
Zachary: That's not the ood. Somehing's talking through them.
The: ...only the darkness remains.
Zachary: This is Zachary Cross Flane of Sanctuary Base 6 representing the Torchwood Archive. You will identify yourself.
The: You know my name.
Zachary: What do you want?
The: You will die here, all of you. This planet is your grave.
The: If you are the Beast, then answer me this: Which one, hmm. Because the universe has been busy since you've been gone. These's more religions than there are planets in the sky. There's the Arkaphets, Christianity, Pash-Pash, New Judaism, San Claar, Church of the Tin Vagabond, which devil are you?
The: All of them!
The: Then you're... what? The truth behind the myth?
The: This one knows me, as I know him: the killer of his own kind.
The: [pause] How did you end up on this rock?
The: The Disciples of the Light rose up against me and chained me in the pit for all eternity.
The: When was this?
The: Before time.
The: What does "Before time" mean?
The: Before time and light and space and matter. Before the calaclysm. Before this universe was created.
The: That's impossible. No life could have existed back then.
The: Is that your religion?
The: [pause] It's a belief.
The: You know nothing. All of you, so small.
[to Zach]
The: The captain, so scared of command.
[to Jefferson]
The: The soldier, haunted by the eyes of his wife.
[to Ida]
The: The scientist, still running from daddy.
[to Danny]
The: The little boy who lied.
[to Toby]
The: The virgin.
[to Rose]
The: And the lost girl, so far away from home. The valiant child, who will die in battle, so very soon.
Rose: Doctor, what does that mean?
The: Rose, don't listen.
Rose: What does it mean!
The: You will die... and I will live!

The: [in the possesed body of Toby Zed] I am the rage and the vile and the voracity. I am the Prince and the Fallen. I am the Enemy, I am the Sin and the fear and darkness. I shall never die. The thought of me is forever; in the bleeding hearts of men, in their vanity and obsecrate and lust. Nothing shall ever destroy me. Nothing!
Rose: [Rose picks up a bolt gun and prepares to shoot the cockpit's front window] Go to Hell.
[she fires, the window brakes and then she unbuckles the seatbelt were the possesed Toby is sitting in. The Beast gets sucked out into the K37 Gem 5 black hole and screams in agony]

[final line]
The: I have been imprisoned for an eternity; but no more. The pit is open; and I am free!

The: If you are the Beast, then answer me this: Which one? Because the universe has been busy since you've been gone. There are more religions than there are planets in the sky. The Arkiphetes, quoldonity, christianity, pash-pash, new judaism, Saint Claar, Church of the Teen Vagabond. Which devil are you?
The: All of them.