The Best Tony Gonzalez Quotes

Special: Congrats, huh? I heard you popped the big question. When's the big day?
Timothy: Well, we don't have a firm date yet, but we plan on saving money on the invitations just by telling *Bishop* and everyone will show.

Paul: What's wrong, hotshot? No witty comeback?
Xander: No. I just finally figured out that math problem.
[Xander pushes Donovan through a hole in the hull of the plane]
Xander: It's gonna take two flushes.

Paul: Yo, asshole. We gonna have a problem?
Xander: Oh, no problem. How was your trip? I'm just doing the math.
Paul: Oh, yeah? What math?
Xander: Air velocity divided by distance. So, when I stuff you down the toilet, search and rescue will know where to find you between China and North Korea.
Paul: Keep talking, little man.
Xander: Hold that thought, G.I. Joe.