The Best Viktor Hargreeves Quotes

- How do you know our mothers?
- What did you do to them?
- Tapes. I need my tapes.
Viktor: Hey. I'm talking to you!
- -No!
- -[Harlan strains]
[panting] No.
- Not until you tell me the truth.
- -I could tear you to atoms.
- -Try it.

- We don't know what it does.
Viktor: Allison, stop!
Viktor: Don't make me do this!
- Do you trust me?
[Five] Viktor, what are you doing?
- Stop her!
- -[Klaus] Allison, wait!
- -[Five] Allison, don't do it!

- I don't know. Something must have happened last night, but I don't know what.
Reginald: There is no time.
- I can't do this without you.
- Do we have a deal?
Viktor: Five! Five! What?
- -It's Allison.
- -What is?
[Sloane screams] No!

- Yeah, I know.
- I'll go get him.
- Wait, no.
- Let me do it.
Viktor: He trusts me.
- I can convince him to come quietly.

Viktor: Okay, how do we start?
- Have you ever moved a nest of bees?
- No, because that's weird.
Sloane: You can't just pick it up.
- You have to keep the nest calm while you build a box around it, and then you trap it.

- We should get back to the lobby.
- Yeah.
- Which one of our moronic siblings do you think rang the damn bell?
Viktor: Allison!
- -[Allison groans]
- -[Viktor] Allison, we gotta go!
- Allison, get up! Let's go!

- -[Five] Luther!
- -Oh!
- -Come on. Come on.
- -[laughs]
[Five] Viktor. Viktor, don't be shy.
- Diego, you too.
Viktor: You don't want this.
- Okay, screw it.
- -Get in here, Diego!
- -Come on! Come on! Look lively!

- Sorry.
Viktor: Allison?
- Are you okay?
Allison: Yeah.
- Um…
- Let's go.