The Best Worker Quotes

Martha: So, your name's Trepor, yep? Is that Polish? Listen, we're not checking passports. It's not about that, but did you come across from Poland just to work?
Worker: [in an unchanging voice] I came to do my job.
Martha: OK. I need to listen to your heartbeat. This might be a bit cold. Lift.
[the worker lifts up his shirt, and Martha takes his heartbeat. His heart is beating at an extremely high rate, higher than what it should normally be beating at]
Martha: Are you on any medication?
Worker: I'm here to work.
Martha: How many hours a day do you work?
Worker: Twenty four.
Martha: You work 24 hours a day? Down.
[Trepor lowers his shirt]
Martha: Mr. Trepor, have you ever had any form of hypnosis?
Worker: I'm here to work.
Martha: OK.