The Best Young Amanda Clarke Quotes

Mason: [introducing himself to the little girl] Leo Treadwell.
[holds out his hand]
Mason: I'm a journalist. How do you like it here, Amanda?
[no response]
Mason: I'm told that your prior foster home was destroyed by a fire. How terrible.
Young: Sometimes bad things happen to good people.
Mason: Indeed. I'm here because your father says he's innocent, that he didn't do what they're saying.
Young: But they proved it in court.
Mason: Courts have been known to make mistakes. Do you think they made a mistake, Amanda?
Young: [lowers her head, whispering confidentially] I have to say he's guilty, or they'll put me away, just like him.
Mason: I am not gonna let that happen.
Young: [looks around to see if anybody's watching, then takes a chance and retrieves photograph of her Dad from hiding place] I keep this here where they can't find it. I don't think he did it.
Mason: I don't either. How'd you like to help me rescue your father?
Emily: [back in the present, relaying to Nolan] But the book he published might as well have been written by the Graysons. All the same lies. What's worse, is he made me believe them.

Young: [as she is taken away by social worker, to Sammy, the puppy she has to give up to young Jack] I'll come back for you. I promise.
Young: I promise, I'll come back. I'll come back!