The Best Ashley Madekwe Quotes

Victoria: [coming up behind Ashley as she looks at herself in Victoria's mirror] Envisioning your future?
Ashley: No, I didn't know you were there.
Victoria: [sarcastically] Undoubtedly.
Victoria: I used to do the very same thing. Plan out my path, identify the obstacles, visualize the next six months, one year, five years...
Victoria: And as a result all those thoughts became
[gesturing around at wealth]
Victoria: this.
[darkly: ]
Victoria: You've made yourself quite at home at Grayson Manor as of late.
Ashley: I do my best to keep out of your way.
Victoria: That's debatable. Still, I was hoping that you could assist me with a matter that has come to my attention.
[hands her the cellphone, and she plays the caught-in-the-act with Conrad video]
Victoria: Yes.
[regarding: ]
Victoria: I had that reaction too.
Ashley: Please, you must understand...
Victoria: Which part? That you seduced my husband, or that you hid it from my all-too-trusting son?
Ashley: It happened one time. You had just... fired me. It was a terrible mistake.
Victoria: On that, we are in violent agreement.
Ashley: He offered to help me. Money, a job. Put yourself in the same position. Can you honestly say that you wouldn't have done the exact same thing?
Victoria: Oh, well, my judgment's not in question here, nor my future. And we both know it would be a simple pleasure to annihilate you.
Ashley: Please, Victoria. Don't destroy what I have with Daniel. I love him. That's why I would do anything to put this right.
Victoria: I'm counting on it.

Emily: [Ashley is planning Victoria's 4th of July party] Ashley, this looks fantastic. Very festive.
Ashley: Thanks, although I have to admit it is slightly humiliating having to plan a party celebrating the defeat of England. I don't do well with rejection.
Emily: Obviously. That was over two hundred years ago.

Ashley: So you're not even bi?

Ashley: [to Daniel, as she tries on wedding dress] You see, this I love, but in the wrong light, God forbid your mother thinks I've worn white to her wedding. Unzip me?

Daniel: [as dressed-to-kill girlfriend steps into high heels] Wow. Where are you off to?
Ashley: I forgot that I have to butter up some donors for the Heal the Sound benefit. But I won't be long.
Daniel: Good.
[holding her to him from behind]
Daniel: I'm liable to get jealous with you out dressed like this.
[sensing tension]
Daniel: Something wrong?
Ashley: Daniel, no one's ever been kinder to me than you. I just want you to know how much that means to me.
Daniel: Well, that's nice. You're welcome, babe. Now hurry up, so you can get back here.

Victoria: [entering into his office] Conrad, a word.
Ashley: Victoria, do you mind? We are actually in the middle of things.
Victoria: [sarcastic] And fully clothed. How refreshing.
Conrad: [to Ashley] Perhaps it will be best if you gave us a moment of privacy.
[she leaves unwillingly]

Ashley: [to Victoria] We volunteered together at the Met this winter. Apparently, being a sustaining patron just wasn't enough for Emily.
Emily: I try to give back as much as I can.

Jack: I don't think that Conrad and Allison are having an affair. Is she even his type?
Ashley: [nods knowingly] She's a woman.
Jack: Something else is going on. But what could it be?
Ashley: I couldn't say, but after years spent in the revolving door of Grayson Manor, I do know one thing. Conrad has a tell. It betrays when he's lying.
Jack: He opens his mouth?

Ashley: [as the news comes in regarding the health of Conrad's rival] Incredible. In two days from now, you'll be governor of New York.

Charlotte: [he offers her a portfolio] What's that?
Daniel: I went to the bank and opened up a new trust account for you, one that Dad can't touch. I transferred everything I own into it, including my half of the inheritance. You can even have my car if you want it.
Charlotte: What? Why are you doing this?
Daniel: 'Cause when you were born, Mom made me promise to be nice to you, and I don't want to let her down. I'm gonna move out to the pool house. You can, uh, have this place to yourself.
Charlotte: Daniel, I-...
Ashley: What's this about the pool house?
[been eavesdropping]

Ashley: Good morning.
Conrad: Oh, good morning.
Victoria: Charlotte, would you excuse us for a minute? It seems that the cat has dragged itself back in.
Ashley: [handing file to Conrad] There's the report you requested.
Conrad: [taking it] Thank you.
Victoria: [smirking] So this is the new communications director? Don't you know that politicians tend to keep their concubines in the closet?
Ashley: [sarcastically:] Spoken like a woman that no one is sleeping with.
Conrad: You'll be happy to hear that Miss Davenport and I have put our past behind us, and we are now looking to the future.
Victoria: Well, I can only imagine what kind of horrifying footage that will yield.

Ashley: [to Jack] You will be happy to know I'm back in Conrad's good graces, thanks to your photography skills. But... as to the nature of his relationship with Mrs. Stoddard, I'm afraid I didn't glean much.

Conrad: You are deceptively brilliant.
Ashley: I learnt from the best.
Conrad: [took it as a compliment, but then...] You meant Victoria, don't you?
Ashley: [with wink] Yeah.
Conrad: Ah.