Top 250 Quotes From Aria Montgomery

Aria: [regarding their prime suspect Ian] What if he erased the video?
Spencer: Well, then we know for sure he's hiding something and we go to the police.
Emily: With a non-video? You think they're going to take our word for it?
Spencer: Look, we saw what we saw. Something went down between him and Alison. And he buried her in the yard to shut her up.

Spencer: [at night club] That's Alison. Hiding in plain sight and throwing three shows a night.
Aria: [as they enter Alison's cluttered dressing room] It looks like somebody threw a hand grenade into a room full of Rockettes.

Aria: [re Detective Wilden's car they pushed into the river] I thought it would sink faster.
Hanna: Yeah, me too.
Aria: Well, what if it just stays there like that?
Hanna: It'll sink.
[said as if willing the car to sink]
Aria: They're gonna be looking for his car.
Hanna: I know.
Aria: Look, if they find it, and they trace it back to us, we are totally screwed.
Hanna: Yup.
[Aria's face perks up as the bubbles become bigger and bigger]
Hanna: Told you it would sink.
[then, underwater, the red strobe light flickers on...]

Aria: [limousine has stopped, she's supposed to get out] Why are you doing this? You, Sydney, why are *you* doing this?
Sydney: Because it's no fun being on the losing team.

Aria: Well, why don't you just ask him? Be honest.
Hanna: Wow, it's like the world's fattest man giving dieting tips. Hello, you're the one who's sitting on a secret the size of the Matterhorn.

Aria: Camp Mona?
Mona: Don't let the camping part scare you. It's glamping not camping. M is for Mona and massages, not mosquitoes.

Emily: Maybe this is a trap.
[Hanna looks worried]
Aria: [smiles] I'm also pretty good at running.

Spencer: What is the purpose of this party? Is it really to celebrate Jenna's birthday, or is it just to get all of us in the same room so that she can drop a vat of pig's blood on us?
Hanna: She's not dropping anything on me. I won't be there. Who wants to go to this stupid party anyways?
Aria: Me.
[the other two look at her incredulously]

Emily: Do you think twenty dollars was enough to keep the manager quiet?
Aria: I slipped him my number too. Well, the number to Imperial Garden's. I hope he likes moo shu.

Hanna: This isn't happening!
Alison: Yes, it is.
Hanna: No, A.D. doesn't get to poison Caleb, bankrupt Lucas' company, ruin my reputation, and then expose us for murder all in one go! No!
Spencer: Hanna...
Hanna: What? What are the stupid rules to this game anyways? Every time we fail a turn, the cops get a piece of Archer? What's next, his kneecaps or his earlobes?
Aria: Or the video... of you two digging up the grave. We already know that A.D. has that.
Emily: Is this punishment for Charlotte? We didn't find the killer, and now A.D.'s gonna help the cops find us?

[first lines]
Spencer: [reading Alison's diary] I... don't understand. I... I don't recognize any of these names.
Hanna: 'Cause she changed them.
[shakes her head]
Hanna: She would change the stories too. You just have to know the real stories in order to recognize the fake ones.
Emily: Sounds like Ali. The truth bored her.
Spencer: So it's like creative non-fiction with pseudonyms.
Hanna: I don't know what that means, but sure.
Aria: Hanna, I can't believe that you held on to this since Ravenswood.
Spencer: Yeah, but we knew that Ali had journals. What's so bad about this one?
Hanna: [shakes her head] Because the stories in there, they're...
Hanna: they're personal.
Spencer: Personal? About Ali?
Hanna: About Ali and us. I mean, there are things in there that... we may not know about each other, and... things from... the past that we wanna forget.
Emily: [angrily] So you thought that you should get to read it and we don't?
Hanna: [defensively] Look, I just didn't see the point of bringing all that up again when we're supposed to be focused on finding Ali.
Spencer: That's not your call to make!
Hanna: I know! I made a mistake!
Emily: And it took you till now to realize that?
Hanna: Em, I said I was sorry!
Spencer: Did you?
Aria: [intervening] Okay, guys, all right! The most important thing is that we have this now. Okay, Hanna, you said that there are stories in here about Ali. What about Board Shorts,
[shakes her head]
Aria: or someone else who might have been after her?
Hanna: There might be,
[shakes her head]
Hanna: I don't know. I just couldn't put all the pieces together on my own.
Emily: So this is what we do. We each take turns, we'll weed out the stories about us, and we'll see what's left over.
Spencer: Who goes first?
Emily: I do.
[grabs journal]

Aria: That voice may have sounded like Rollins, but he's dead. He's really, truly, dead.
Hanna: Yeah, well, we thought Ali was dead, too, remember? And she survived. I mean, back in the 1900s, they used to bury people alive all the time. They used to find scratch marks inside of coffins.
Aria: Hanna, seriously, you've gotta stop reading Wikipedia. Jenna or Mary are trying to torment you by using a voice that sounds like Rollins. They... They probably just want the burner phone back so that they can protect their own identity.
Hanna: And what if you're wrong?
[Aria shakes her head]
Hanna: You know what he did to me. And that was before I ran into him with a car. We have to tell the police.
Aria: Tell them what? That you got a call on a phone they don't even know exists? How are you gonna explain that?
Hanna: I saw him. I saw his eyes and he saw mine.
[softly: ]
Hanna: He knows it was me.
Aria: Hanna, Elliott is not gonna hurt you anymore. He can't.
[shakes her head]
Aria: Okay?

Hanna: Spence. Did you show your sister the mask yet?
Aria: Morning, Hanna.
Hanna: Hi.
[to: ]
Hanna: Did you?
Spencer: Not yet.
Hanna: What are you waiting for? We can't just let her get away with it because she's your sister, Spencer.
Spencer: Whoa!
Aria: Take it down a notch.
Spencer: That mask puts Melissa at the studio. Right now, that's all it does.
Hanna: She's leaving town, and she's about to pin it on my Mom before she goes.
Aria: If she's A...

[first lines]
Aria: Well, I missed, like, half the movie. That dude that was sitting in front of us kept making sales calls.
Emily: Sales calls? I thought he was breaking up with somebody.
Aria: He was. His car. I swear, if Spencer was there, she would have pegged him with her jelly beans.

Aria: Look, would you be cool if... I left a little early, like now?
Hanna: Where are you going? Hot faculty party?
[gets annoyed look]
Hanna: It was a joke.
Aria: Was it?

Aria: If we do this,
[shakes her head]
Aria: there's no stepping back from it.
Spencer: And we risk the police finding out about Archer.
Caleb: You mean finding out that Hanna ran him over and you buried him like a dog?
Alison: To quote my dead husband, "Karma's a bitch."
Emily: It was an accident.
Spencer: And we knew how it looked. We did it to protect Hanna.
Mona: Who's currently our resident girl gone rogue.
Caleb: [phones] I'm trying her one last time.
Mona: Let's just ping her cell and go get her.
Caleb: I gave her a new phone, okay? You can't hack it.
[Mona glares at him]
Aria: [dial tone on Caleb's phone] Oh, why isn't she picking up?
Emily: Because Noel probably has her locked up in another slaughtering hole.
Hanna: [voice mail] Hey, it's Hanna. Leave a message.
Mona: Let's just call the cops, okay? Tell them everything you just told us about Jenna and Noel.
Emily: And Sara Harvey. None of us believes that was an accident.
Aria: [grabs her handbag] I'm heading to the Radley. Maybe Jenna will lead us to Noel.
[goes off]
Spencer: Do we call Furey or 911?
Aria: Noel is out there somewhere, and he might have Hanna.
[Spencer dials]
voice: 911, what's your emergency?
Spencer: [rueful look at Aria] I think my friend's been abducted.

Aria: Mona basically told you she was ready to kill Charlotte.
Emily: Yeah, but she didn't, because Charlotte never showed up.
Spencer: Not guilty because the victim didn't show? That's setting the bar pretty low, Em.
Aria: Innocent, guilty, whatever. She admits to being the brunette on the phone. Let's, let's tell Tanner this so I can get off the suspect list.
Emily: Well, do you think she's lying?
Spencer: Well, pick a topic.
Emily: About Charlotte not meeting her that night.
Spencer: That's probably true. It's too easy to check.
Aria: While you two are discussing this, let's remember that I was the one in the lineup. All right? Really very unflattering lighting there.
Spencer: So what? Do we wait?
Emily: For what? Whoever this is, wants us to hand over Charlotte's killer before election night. And they're getting impatient.
Aria: Yeah? Well, does anybody want to put some ointment on that impatience?
[holds up her bandaged arm]
Spencer: Look, a free-range Mona is more likely to lead us someplace, especially if she thinks we believe her.
Emily: So, we believe her?
Spencer: We believe her enough.

Aria: How is she?
Hanna: She's getting dressed.
Aria: Yeah, but how is she?
Hanna: She's going to her Mom's funeral, how do you think she is?
Spencer: She's going to bury the woman who tried to bury her.
Emily: Question is, who buried Ali's Mom in Spencer"s backyard?
Spencer: It wasn't Jason.
Emily: What makes you so sure?
Spencer: Because I saw his face when... the dog found the body.
Aria: A dog who knows where the body was buried? That sounds exactly like A.
Spencer: Dogs dig, okay? That's just what they do. They smell something and they dig.
Hanna: You didn't have to mention the smelly part.
Emily: Aria, A's gone. You know that.
Spencer: Yeah, A might be gone, but we still have to deal with Mona.
Hanna: She knows Ali wasn't kidnapped.
Emily: Got in Ali's face about it.
Spencer: She's not the only one we need to worry about.
Aria: Noel Kahn? He's gonna do what's best for Noel Kahn.
Spencer: Not who I was thinking of.
Hanna: [as Alison appears, whispers:] That's not the dress we picked out.
Spencer: [whispers back] That's not hers, but I've seen it somewhere.

Emily: Wait! I can't do this!
Spencer: Emily, we have to get to Alison before A does. We can't back off.
Emily: It's not A that I'm scared of. I don't know if I'm ready to see Alison.
Aria: Em, we already have.

Aria: [in parked car] What is that?
Emily: Read this.
[hands over letter]
Aria: Mm. "If you continue as Rosewood's MVP and anchor until the end of the swim season, we can offer you a full scho-" No way! Em, the scout changed his mind? This is amazing. This means you don't have to move.
Hanna: Wait, wait, wait.
[takes letter]
Hanna: Let me see this.
Aria: [still talking to Emily] What did your Mom say?
Emily: She hasn't seen it.
Aria: Why?
Emily: Because I haven't mailed it yet.
Aria: What?
Hanna: Wait, Em, did you write this letter?
[Emily looks ashamed]
Hanna: Oh, my God. You are a rock star, Emily Fields.
[joyously: ]
Hanna: You are totally getting me into Harvard!
Aria: [cautionary] Emily, I would not mail this letter.
Hanna: Oh, I love it!
[goes for purse]
Hanna: Here, let me see if I have an extra stamp.
Aria: This... this just feels really wrong.
Hanna: Oh, really? And taking an art class with Jenna isn't? Hope your first assignment is how to make a weapon.
Aria: Okay, I never said I was actually staying in the class. Whatever. I'm... I'm still working that out.
[to: ]
Aria: Once your parents read this, it...
Hanna: Oh, big deal! She changed a few words. It's like Alison used to say, "You're not lying, you're just pre-telling the truth." Hey, does it matter if it looks a little used?
Aria: Ugh. There's gotta be another way.
Emily: There isn't.

Mona: Lesli just texted me. She feels she made a lot of progress in her stability and she thinks that this sort of confrontation might set her back.
Spencer: Unbelievable!
Hanna: Tell her to get her ass over here. I'll show her confrontation!
Aria: [grabs car keys] Come on, field trip. Lesli knows who Charles is, and you know where that bitch lives. Let's go!
Mona: No one's going anywhere. Lesli isn't lying. That girl is one lost marble away from a nervous breakdown. Look, I, I swear, Lesli doesn't know anything else. If she did, she would tell me, and I would tell you.
Spencer: The night that Bethany and Charles escaped from Radley, you were with Alison. Ali told us. You picked her up on the side of the road. You took her to the Lost Woods. So, maybe you saw somebody. Some guy who could've been Charles.
Mona: I wish that I did, but no, I didn't see anybody else.
Aria: What about at Radley? Someone you talked to stole the A game from you while you were there. That is what you said.
Mona: I know I did. But I was on so many drugs, I didn't know who I was talking to. I mean, half the time I thought I was being haunted by Ali. And the other half of the time, I thought I was auditioning for American Idol.

Spencer: The real question is, what's really going on with Jason? He told me he was in that creepy house alone. But there was somebody else at that upstairs window. And I was not just imagining it.
Aria: But it wasn't Ian.
Spencer: Okay, so who? Or what? You know, he's hiding something. You don't paper over windows unless you're a vampire.
Aria: I don't know. Okay, maybe... shutting out the world is just how he copes. Who knows what he's feeling right now?
Spencer: Well, apparently, you.
Aria: I'm just trying to be human, Spence, okay? He's lost his sister.

Byron: Well, I just got off the phone with Meredith's father.
Aria: Wow, that must have been weird.
Byron: Well, turns out Meredith has a long history of... issues. He thinks that she stopped taking her meds. And I told him that we didn't wanna see her... punished. We wanted to see her treated. That is still what you want, right?
Aria: Yeah, but can't she be treated in another state? Like, Alaska?

Spencer: This A does not feel like a high-school girl playing games.
Aria: Okay. If you figure out those rules, can you tell the rest of us?
Emily: Know what? I'm not really hungry anymore.
Aria: Me either. My stomach's in a knot.
Spencer: It's just my neck. I haven't been able to brush the back of my head in, like, a year and a half.
Aria: Spence, don't let Wilden freak you out. Okay, if the police really knew that we were lying about the lake house...
Emily: It's not just the lake house. What about the negatives of that picture? Ali's missing body? All the things we buried with her? Any of that could get us arrested.
Spencer: There goes my neck again.

Aria: My mom and dad are having an affair with each other.

[Aria enters, looking depressed]
Aria: [to Emily and Hanna] Ezra's back...
Aria: ...and so is Mrs. Fitz-scary.

[first lines]
Hanna: How you holding up, Em?
Emily: I don't think I'll be taking an elevator any time soon.
Aria: Any word from Jason?
Emily: No, nothing.
Hanna: Spencer, now that the whole NAT club is out of Rosewood, do you think A will retire?
Spencer: Or just have more time for us.
Hanna: Way to think positive, Spence.

Aria: Hanna stop eating so much
Hanna: Why?
Aria: Because... Just don't eat it, it could be poisoned... Just like Charles poisoned us
Hanna: I do not care, i am hungry

Spencer: [reads message on cellphone] "Solve the puzzle, get away with murder."
Emily: [new message] "Or fail and go directly to jail."
Hanna: All right. So, we continue playing the game or the cops find out what we did.
Emily: Didn't we already know that?
Aria: Yeah, but now it's a race. We have to solve this puzzle before the cops can solve Dunhill's murder.
Alison: Furey already suspects that Archer was killed the night he disappeared. He's gonna find out the truth.
Spencer: No one can screw up her turn. Not anymore. If the cops get one more clue about what we did...
Aria: ...It's game over.

Hanna: [while Spence goes to open door] I don't get it. Why would the cops want my Mom to come in for a lineup if Travis told the truth? Do you think that... A found a way to shut him up again?
Emily: Hey, Hanna, don't go there. Travis made you a promise. And he seems like a stand-up guy.
Aria: Plus he's really cute. And he's quite the dancer.
Spencer: [returning with large parcel] It's addressed to all of us.
Hanna: [magic 8 balls... with messages] "If she goes free..."
Spencer: "... you'll hear from me..."
Emily: "Kisses..."
Aria: "A."
Hanna: So, if my Mom gets off...
Aria: CeCe is coming for us.
Spencer: I say, bring it. Maybe then she'll leave our parents alone.
Spencer: Or did she just declare World War A?

Aria: Don't even bring up that singing canary!
Spencer: [correcting] Parrot.
Aria: Whatever. We don't have the bird or the beast. Now that Melissa's gone, we have very little to go on.

Aria: Hanna is convinced that Mona did all this as a way to right all the wrongs.
Spencer: When has Mona ever done anything out of the goodness of her heart?
Aria: What heart?
Spencer: She told the police that we bullied her once. She could do it again.
Aria: [frowns] Like we forced her to confess?
Spencer: Yeah! And she still has that picture that A sent of the four of us standing outside of Wilden's car that night.
Aria: Yeah, but Mona was there too.
Spencer: Not according to the picture.
[shakes her head]

Aria: [to Emily] Where are you going?
Emily: To the restroom. But if you guys don't believe me, we can all try to squeeze into one stall.

Ezra: I would like to know more about you.
Aria: I would like to know more about you too.

Hanna: He was there with a court order to talk to her.
Emily: So what do you think Mona said to Wilden?
Aria: If she knows that we were at Ali's grave that night...
Spencer: We would be in jail right now.
Hanna: [sighs] Hey, guys, we need to find out who the Black Swan is. Like now.

Hanna: We need some bubbly. I'm gonna hijack some champagne.
Aria: Are you... are you sure that's a good idea?
Hanna: I'll be right back.

Aria: Hanna, are you sure that you wanna do this?
Hanna: First it was Aria, then Ali. Whoever's next could end up lying in a casket instead of a hospital bed. And we all decided this is the right thing to do.
Spencer: Okay, but we can un-decide. It's not too late.
Hanna: Yeah, but I trust Caleb.
Spencer: I do, too.

Spencer: [tracking Jason] Guys, this is right outside of Rosewood. He should've called me by now.
Aria: Spence...
Spencer: No! He's supposed to be our backup. Not some one-man target. And if anything happens to him, then... I'm going!
Hanna: I'll go with you.
[gets up from bed]
Emily: Okay, I didn't let Hanna perform surgery on me for nothing. Let's go!

Hanna: You know, she was wearing a gorgeous pair of Chloes.
Aria: Who?
Hanna: The shrink.
Spencer: And this is relevant to this conversation because...?
Hanna: You can tell a lot about a person by their shoes.

Hanna: Do you think that Caleb still has that video file somewhere?
[the other girls all feign ignorance]
Hanna: Because A thinks he does.
Aria: [shakes her head] What are you talking about?
Hanna: I got a text saying to call off my techno boy-toy.
Spencer: A maybe just got their wires crossed.
Aria: Yeah. Maybe they're, like, a step behind or something.
Hanna: Since when is A ever a step behind?

Emily: How long can a person last without food?
Mona: Three weeks.
Spencer: Water's a different story. Some people can only go a few days without it.
Mona: You know you're dying when you're not hungry or thirsty anymore. It means your organs are shutting down.
Aria: Mine are definitely working. Because I'm so thirsty I could seriously consider drinking my own pee.
Hanna: [chuckles along with Emily] I can totally suck on a pee ice cube right now.
Emily: I'd lick sweat off a jock strap.
Hanna: Okay, Emily, you win.
Aria: I don't know how much longer I can handle it.
Mona: You can handle it, Aria. We all can.

Hanna: [shocked] Somebody knows. Somebody knows what I did.
Aria: Hanna, you're not alone in this.
Hanna: [shudders] I'm gonna be sick...!
[rushes off to bathroom]

Aria: [on couch, heard something, wakes up her friend] Hanna!
[Hanna groans]
Hanna: Where's Emily and Spencer?
Aria: I don't know.
Hanna: [holding her forehead] I need an aspirin and a trough of water.

Aria: [they found a feather in Melissa's closet] It matches the one Hanna found at the masquerade ball.
Hanna: You know what they say: "If the feather fits..."
Aria: Hanna, it's "the shoe". "If the shoe fits."
Hanna: Whatever. Melissa's A.
Spencer: I know that she looks suspicious, okay? But we're still just guessing.
Hanna: Well, it's a guess I'm willing to take.
Aria: Me too.

Jenna: We all make mistakes. Remember, I'm still paying for yours.
Hanna: [after Jenna leaves, whispers:] Sick.
Aria: For all we know, she wrote that story.
Emily: And we still don't know how Ali got the video.
Spencer: Yes, we do. That video was Alison's insurance policy... and she cashed it in the day that she got it.
Aria: Which means she was with Ian when she found it.
Spencer: And she couldn't wait to play that video for Jenna. God, do you remember how happy Ali was when she came back from that trip? I think it's because for her, the Jenna thing was over.
Hanna: [smirks] Nice of her to share the safety net with us.
Emily: "Wait for it, girls. Wait for it!"
Spencer: Wait for what?
Emily: That's what Ali said when we met her at the taxi. Maybe that's what we were waiting for.
Aria: Do you remember at Alison's funeral when we were all wondering why Jenna was there? If she's telling the truth, Jenna came back because she could.
Hanna: And Ali's the one who got buried.

Aria: Why would A pretend to be Ian and then... then lead us there to his body?
Spencer: Does it matter? This guy was scum, and now he's dead scum. Who cares if A found him first?
Emily: What does A want?
Hanna: You know what I want? I wanna enjoy my life again... before A finds another way to ruin it.

Hanna: [to hospital patient Emily] So all the muscle spasms and the pain... That's all coming from your stomach?
Spencer: Yeah, but ulcers can heal. It's not forever, Em.
Hanna: Yeah, but she's got like a hole in her...
Spencer: [impatiently] Yes, there's a hole in her stomach. Moving on. Where did your Dad go?
Emily: He went to the house to talk to the new tenants. Guys, I have to deal with this, I can't keep lying to him.
Hanna: I guess not. Not if it's eating holes in your stomach.
Spencer: Moving on!
Aria: [entering with vending machine coffee] Hey, I'm sorry, I got here as soon as I could. I had to escape family court in my living room.
Spencer: Mike on trial?
Aria: Yeah, but the defendant didn't even show up.
[scoffs, hands coffee to Emily]
Aria: I got your fave.
Spencer: [as Emily sighs] Oh, she can't drink coffee.
Hanna: [whispers to Aria] Yeah, she's got a hole in her stomach.

Hanna: [the sticker didn't get rid of the writing on her cast] Oh, God, it's still there.
[becomes too much for her]
Spencer: Hanna. Hanna, don't, okay? Don't look at that. Just look around you. Because you're safe, you're home, and you're alive.
Hanna: Yeah, well, I thought I was safe in my hospital room too. Now, what's going on with Noel Kahn? Is he A?
[to: ]
Hanna: Have you talked to him?
Aria: No, I avoid him. I keep telling him that I'm busy. Busy freaking out every time I look at him.
Hanna: Yeah, well, try being run over by him.

Aria: [as Emily reads received text] Who's that?
Emily: Uh, Shana.
Aria: Why does she keep texting you while Paige is out of town? Is she into you?
Hanna: [late] Sorry, you guys, Caleb had a lot to share.
[to: ]
Hanna: Why are you blushing?
[to: ]
Hanna: Why is she blushing?
Aria: Shana's cruising her, and I think she should turn it down before it turns into Ex And The City.

Aria: [the threatening Halloween note] Guys... this note is signed by A!
Spencer: A was after Alison too!
[realizes: ]
Spencer: Before they were after us!
[worried faces all round]

Aria: How are we supposed to trust anything that she ever says? I mean, who knows what she told those cops? This is Mona. She started lying when she was a fetus.

Aria: How's your eye? Any better?
Caleb: Ugh, still burning. You want a sharp stick for the other one?
Hanna: Hey, you know what? It was just hair spray. It was light hold. What were you doing in there anyway?
Caleb: I'm sort of, uh... I'm crashing here.
Aria: You are? Why?
Caleb: What do you care?
Hanna: Okay, you know what? Don't snap at her like that. I have more.
[holds up can]

Alison: [awaiting election results, Spencer nervously checks her watch] Will you stop stressing? I took care of it.
Hanna: [puzzled] Took care of what?
Alison: [hasty cover-up] I helped her with her acceptance speech.
Emily: [as Spencer takes big gulp] Easy on the coffee, Spence. Your hand's already shaking.
Aria: Are you kidding? Spencer bleeds caffeine.

Aria: [after reading text] 'Mona's almost gone'? Gone where?
Hanna: The doctors at Radley wanna send her to another hospital. One with thicker bars.

Spencer: [to Hanna] So you just decided to go rogue?
Hanna: Well, I was sure Noel was our guy and you guys were just getting cold feet.
Spencer: Hanna, if by "cold feet" you mean we weren't willing to abduct someone and beat a confession out of them, then, yes, we got cold feet.
Hanna: I'm sorry. I thought if I did this on my own, I could prove to you guys that Noel was A.D.
Aria: I cannot help but notice you keep talking in the past tense.
Hanna: Well, there is a problem.
Emily: What problem?
Hanna: I was wrong. I got the test results back, and Noel isn't Mary's second child.
Alison: He isn't?
Hanna: [dejected look] No.
Aria: So, you're saying he's not A.D.?
Hanna: Well, I'm not really saying that either.
Alison: What *are* you saying, Hanna?
Hanna: I'm saying I have Noel tied up to a chair in an old motel room, and we need to deal with that.
Spencer: So we're "we" again?
Emily: Guys, forget about the blood test. Noel pushed a girl down a flight of stairs and tormented us in the dollhouse.
Alison: Emily is right. Just because he's not Mary's kid doesn't mean he's not A.D.
Hanna: How do we know for sure?
Aria: Well, why dont we ask Noel?

Spencer: I need to stay here. I need more time.
Hanna: Time for what?
Emily: [disapproving] Hanna.
Hanna: Shuffling around in Mona's old slippers isn't going to get her any better.
Aria: Hanna, chill!
Hanna: You know what? I would not dine here if I were you. I had to sneak around in that kitchen, and I saw a roach big enough to wear an apron.
Aria: Moving on!
Hanna: You are not crazy. This place is.
Spencer: I'm too tired to have this fight now, guys.
[goes: ]
Spencer: I feel safe here. Those bars don't just keep you from going out, they keep other people from getting in.

Hanna: [realizes who the masked person was] You were on the Halloween train with me, dressed like Caleb.
Mona: To think that we were
[gestures: ]
Mona: this close to our first kiss.
Aria: [remembers her nightmare experience in the crate] And to getting rid of me for good!
Mona: That wasn't me. And I can prove it.

Spencer: [at party, Aria is sitting on her own] Hey. Are you okay?
Aria: Yeah! No.
[puts down her drink]
Aria: Jake's here. I lied to him about what I was doing tonight.
Spencer: Ooh. Well, where is he?
Aria: He's over there with that blonde with giraffe legs. I mean, I didn't even recognize her. Who is that?
Spencer: She's on the swim team.
Aria: Huh. Well, they certainly look cozy.
Spencer: Yeah, she's trying real hard.
Aria: Clearly, he's enjoying it. Look at him.
Spencer: Why don't you go over there and talk to him?
Aria: What? And interrupt the flirt fest? No.
Spencer: [smiling] Are you forgetting that he spent last night on your couch?
Aria: Yeah, but he came to the party with her.
Spencer: I thought you weren't that into him.
Aria: I'm not.
[Spencer nods]

Hanna: God, I wish people would be more specific with their clues.
Spencer: I'll put that in a suggestion box.
Aria: So what do we do about this?
Spencer: I wanna know where Jenna is tomorrow at 4:15.
Aria: [remembers] She asked about you, Em.
Emily: What did she wanna know?
Aria: How you were holding up.
[Emily rolls her eyes]
Spencer: She wants to know if you can remember being in the car with her. She just can't come out and say it.
Emily: This is crazy. It's like trying to read a book, and someone keeps ripping out the pages.
Hanna: [comforting her friend] Em, we'll put it together, right?
Spencer: Yeah, we know that somewhere between being with us and... getting to Alison's grave, you were with Jenna. We just have to find out how you got into the car, and where you went, and we'll be that much closer to figuring out what happened that night.

Spencer: A knows we're coming here.
Emily: And that we were gonna tell.
Aria: How is A always one step ahead of us?
Hanna: Yeah, I'm starting to think that bitch has superpowers.

Aria: You ask Mike why he was at the blood drive. I already know what he'll say.
Hanna: That he was there to donate?
Aria: No. That I should mind my own business. I got the message loud and clear at the dock.
Spencer: Okay, but it is our business. We all saw where he was standing, right? By the coolers where they keep the blood. Our blood.
Aria: Really, Spencer?
Spencer: Well, if he was trying to get his hands on something that will help Alison...
Aria: So that's it? He's guilty? God, the court of public opinion in this town really sucks!
[slams locker door shut]
Emily: Everyone just take a breath, okay?
Hanna: Well, it's hard to breathe when someone is trying to set you up as an accessory to murder.
Spencer: Look, we still don't know why he was visiting Ali in jail, or why he fought with Mona. And if they had a serious falling out...
Aria: Just stop. Please.

Spencer: [regarding supposedly blind Jenna] "Look it in the eye"?
Aria: Yeah, that's what she said.
Hanna: This opens up a whole new dimension of creepy.

[after a dinner of Chinese takeout, Aria and Ezra make out on the couch. The phone rings and the answering machine gets it]
Byron: [over the machine] Mr. Fitz, this is Byron Montgomery, Aria's dad.
[Aria and Ezra stop to listen]
Byron: Look, I'm sorry about how our meeting went, and I owe you one for that. I've read your stories and I'd like to talk with you, so maybe we could have a beer. Give me a call, thanks.
[Aria and Ezra pause. Clearly, the romance is gone]
Ezra: So, you want an eggroll?
Aria: Sounds good.

Spencer: [enters with Hanna in tow] Look, can we just focus on living enemies instead of dead ones, please?
Aria: What are you talking about?
Spencer: Hanna thinks that Rollins could still be alive.
Hanna: That detective told Ali he saw a photo of Elliott Rollins in a rental car. Hey, last time I checked, ghosts didn't show up in photographs.
Spencer: Okay, we were all there that night, Hanna. The man is dead. We killed him, and we buried him. Now somebody knows. So frankly, that's bad enough without having to go all Walking Dead.
Emily: She's right about the traffic cam, Spence. If there's a photo of him...
Spencer: Yeah, that could easily have been manipulated. You find a Rollins-lookalike and you stick him behind the wheel of a mid-sized sedan. The important thing is that A.D.'s fake...
[as: ]
Spencer: Thank you.
[softly: ]
Spencer: A.D.'s fake Rollins trail picks up exactly where ours left off.
Aria: Yeah. That has to be Rollins' partner-in-crime. Mary or Jenna knows that we killed him and... they're helping cover it up.
Hanna: You call that helping?
Emily: A never does anything for free, okay? Not test scores, and definitely not a cover-up.
Spencer: Guys, if Jenna was working with Rollins and she just found out what we did, she could be grooming Sara to become her new seeing-eye dog.
Aria: No, there is no grooming involved. Sara already hates us.

Aria: [entering restroom] Is everything okay?
[knocks on door of cubicle]
Aria: I know that you're in there.
Spencer: [sobbed] I'm fine.
Aria: Come on, open up the door. You're not the only one who could use a little "Team Sparia." Ezra's back.
[long silence]
Aria: Spencer, I know that you don't want a friend right now, but that doesn't mean that your friends don't need you.

Hanna: The text that A sent me in the church said that she was about to run out of air.
Aria: Did A bury Dr. Sullivan alive?

Hanna: Spencer, stop.
[shakes her head]
Hanna: Look, we know this has been... a problem for you before.
Spencer: I don't know what you guys are talking about.
[they show her the file]
Spencer: Where did you get this?
Aria: Ezra. He's worried about you.
Spencer: [all stressed out] You're kidding me, right?
[to: ]
Spencer: And you two didn't tell her? He's A, Aria! And Ezra is Board Shorts. He tried to kill Ali and he's been torturing us ever since!
Emily: Spencer, can we please stick to the subject of you right now?
Spencer: How can you not see what's happening right now? He's trying to undermine me. He's being... being A!
[panting,: ]
Spencer: Please tell me you see what's happening here!
Aria: Ezra said that... he found you passed out in school today. You were barefoot, you were in your pajamas, and you didn't even know where you were. Spencer, is that... is that true or is that not true?

Aria: [re little necklaces being given out by Soencer] What are these?
Spencer: Well, by no means can they top that rock on your finger. But... after what happened to Ali... I started thinking. We're like this crazy, disfunctional family... but... we work... together. And I've just decided that I'm at a point in my life where I wanna put the people who've had my back before anything else.
Hanna: [nods] I'm right there with you.
Emily: Me too.
Aria: I'm in.
Alison: Cheers.

Hanna: [looking at Jenna who is faking being blind] God, what a performance!
[shakes her head]
Emily: Imagine faking it for so long.
Aria: What do you think she's planning?
Spencer: Well, that's what you have to find out.
[Aria looks at her askew]
Spencer: She trusts you. Or at least she wants you to think that she does.
Aria: Great. That's... that's awesome.
Hanna: Hey, I'll trade you Mona for Jenna.
Aria: No, thanks.
Emily: I think I felt safer when Mona wasn't talking.
Spencer: [as Jenna rises] There she goes.
Hanna: We should push a table in front of her and see what happens.
Spencer: God, Hanna, you have all the subtlety of a hand grenade.
Hanna: [doesn't really know that word] Thank you.

Aria: It's a photo of Maya.
Spencer: Yeah, I saw it.
Aria: I... I found it on the website last night. Spence... Look, there's a stamp on her wrist that matches the one Emily remembers from that night. Holden really did see her there.
Spencer: Yup.
Aria: Why are you not all Go-Go Gadget about this? This is big. This is a real link between Maya and that night. Look.
Spencer: Aria, I can't do this anymore,
[shakes her head]
Spencer: okay? I cannot keep running around looking for clues. I can't spend hours hacking into websites. Five days ago, I literally forgot to apply to college. Do you get that?

Spencer: [group going to follow Melissa and Wren] There's no turning back now, right?
Aria: [they go into woods] I've got 911 on speed-dial.
Hanna: [holds phone] I've only got one bar.
[checks again]
Hanna: Crap! No bars.
Emily: We should take a photo of Ian, prove we haven't been making this all up.
Hanna: Yeah, you go ahead and do that while I try not to get killed.
[others look back at her sharply]
Hanna: Sorry.
Hanna: I'm just worried about Melissa. Who knows what Ian's thinking?
Aria: Or if he has a gun?
[this notion upsets the others]
Aria: He's the bad guy, right?

Aria: [flash-back of happy times, group basking in the sun] I wish we could just choose the age we wanted to be, and just... stay there.
Alison: The only way to do that is to die young. Leave a beautiful corpse.
Emily: Don't joke.
Alison: It's not a joke. Oh, come on. Haven't you guys ever thought about how deliciously tragic it would be to die in some... incredibly mysterious way? It would be superior.
Spencer: Is that really how you wanna go, Alison?
Alison: Not just yet.
Hanna: Don't talk like that.
Aria: It's gruesome.
Alison: It's not gruesome. It's immortality, my darlings.
Aria: [back to reality, as they look down at the centerpiece of the memorial] Where did she get that from, a movie?
Spencer: Ali was a movie.

Mona: I am never going to know who she was!
Aria: What did you just say?

Aria: [to Mike] Look, when you love someone, it's worth fighting for. No matter what the odds.

Hanna: So we do these things, and A gives her back? Is that what we're supposed to believe?
Emily: Okay, I get that this is a game, but... I don't understand it.
Aria: [long pause] Spence?
Spencer: No, it's brilliant, actually. I mean, A is being our ultimate frenemy, forcing us to get what we want... but knowing that when we do...
Hanna: ...all hell breaks loose.

[Hanna steals a roll of money from A's hideaway]
Aria: Hanna, you're taking that?
Hanna: Yes. 'A' owes me: hospital bills, pain and suffering, tire marks on my cleavage...

Emily: A wants to play hide-and-seek.
Aria: [reads invitation:] "Be there when the clock strikes midnight."
[as: ]
Aria: Spence?
Spencer: [looking out the window:] Hide-and-seek was my favorite game with Melissa.
[turning back to the others: ]
Spencer: You wanna know why? I always won.

Spencer: [secret corridor] Buildings have secrets too. Just like people.
Aria: So, the hotel doesn't know that this exists?
Spencer: I'll bet it's not on any of the blueprints.
Aria: But Sara knew.
Spencer: Yeah. How do you suppose that happened?
Aria: Long quiet chats with Charlotte?
Spencer: Mm-hmm. Come on, let's go back the way we came.
Aria: Spencer, the file cabinet...!
Spencer: What about it?
Aria: No dust.

Aria: Blackmailed? We really believe that?
Emily: Well, even if it's true, isn't that more reason Melissa would have wanted Charlotte dead?
Aria: Yeah, but Charlotte was still in lockdown when Melissa made her first payment.
Emily: So what are you saying?
Spencer: So the person threatening us is probably the same person who was blackmailing my sister.
Hanna: I don't think that it was Melissa who borrowed that SUV. I mean, I looked at the pictures. One look at that crowd, and her argyle socks would have blown off.
Emily: Which leaves us with nothing.
Aria: I don't know. There's the eyewitness report.
Emily: A hot brunette with a cheesy key-chain? That's like half this party.

Aria: Did my Dad kill you?
Alison: Do I look dead to you?

Emily: [in hospital] Toby isn't A.
Spencer: Well, Hanna knows who is. That's why A tried to kill her.
Emily: Think they're just trying to scare us?
Aria: Well, it worked.
Spencer: This was never about scaring us. That was just a bonus. And... this started with murder. We were crazy to think that it wouldn't end up like this.
Emily: So should we tell the cops?
Aria: Tell them what?
Emily: Everything.
Spencer: We don't know everything.
Aria: So, what do we do?
Spencer: Well, we talk to Hanna before we do anything.
Aria: [concerned] Is Hanna safe here?
Spencer: Yeah. I mean, nothing will happen to her while her Mom is with her.

Spencer: Hanna, stop.
Hanna: What other evidence? What is Furey talking about? Did A.D. send him a nose?
Emily: Hey, Hanna, breathe.
Hanna: No, you breathe! We have to play the game until the end or that body is gonna end up in somebody else's hands, piece by piece, and it's not gonna be ours! I'm taking another turn!
Spencer: Okay, it doesn't work like that. You have to be chosen.
Hanna: [to quiet Aria] Why haven't you had a turn?
Aria: I don't know. I'm not in control of this game.
[door opens]
Spencer: What was that?
Mona: [enters] That was me. Sorry I'm late. What did I miss?
Spencer: Uh... an invitation...?
Hanna: Mona knows about the game.
Emily: Why?
Hanna: Because we need her help, Emily. She's brilliant. She knows the answer before you even ask the questions.

[first lines]
Emily: Can Toby tell you if it was human remains in that drum?
Spencer: [perusing magazine] Uh, they don't know. But even if he could, he probably wouldn't tell me.
Aria: Are you guys okay?
Spencer: [without looking up] We are some distance removed from okay.
Emily: I'm sorry.

Emily: She's locked in a cell because of us.
Aria: No, she's locked in a cell because of karma! Well, and because of us.
Emily: Look, no one's saying that she's a saint...
Spencer: Or even a decent human being.
Emily: She's on trial for a murder that she didn't commit. Mona set her up for it and was killed herself, and now Ali's going down for it. I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy.
Aria: Well, she's definitely runner-up.

Hanna: [takes away beverage from jittery friend] I'm cutting you off. You're over-caffeinated!
Spencer: What? It's herbal tea!
Hanna: Spencer, I'm going to have a breakdown, okay? And your floppy foot is pushing me over the edge.
Spencer: Go sit over there, we're all really tense.
Hanna: Tense? A knocked me out, shot me up and played post office between my teeth.
[quotes: ]
Hanna: "Dead girls can't smile."
Emily: If we don't keep trying to help Ali, she'll never be able to come home.
Aria: Yeah, and the longer she's out there on her own, the easier it is for A to get to her.
Hanna: We're not doing anything.
[shakes her head]
Hanna: We're just gonna wait for her to contact us again.
Spencer: Yeah, if she contacts us. I mean, I might have biffed that one... permanently.
Emily: We don't know that for sure.
Hanna: Could we just all agree on this to keep us safe?

Aria: [as Hanna checks her phone] Han. You okay?
Hanna: [softly] Please don't ask me that.
Aria: Look, I don't wanna push...
Hanna: And I appreciate that.
Aria: We were all in the Dollhouse. I know what you're going through.
Hanna: [shakes her head, smiles, shrugs] It's not the same. Um, can you just order me a latte, I'll be outside.
[walks off]
Aria: Sure.

Hanna: [social media scam to find out more re Jackie] So I looked up alumni and punched in random names until I found a girl who already didn't have a page.
Aria: Tonya Freeman?
Hanna: Yup.
Aria: Who's that?
Hanna: I don't care.
Aria: This is starting to feel so wrong.
Hanna: Hey, it's so not. Look, I don't want what happened to me, happen to you. Fool me once, shame on you, and fool my best friend, you're dead freaking meat.

Aria: [to Liam] Ezra Fitz is not the same person that you met on his book tour two years ago.

Emily: [as Rollins gets hasty burial] No, I don't know if I can live with this! I mean, how can we bury...?
Emily: There has to be another way!
Spencer: There is no other way, Emily! It was a well-thought-out plan. And when it ends up like this, it's called "first degree murder!"
Aria: Look, Spencer's right. Just come on.
[continues to dig]

Aria: Wait, you're gonna be there? That's weird.
Hanna: Why is it weird?
Aria: Because I... I didn't invite any friends. I was trying to be, uh, sensitive.
Hanna: Sensitive to what?
Aria: Making you sit at a small wedding with Caleb and Spencer. Two feet from the ceremony. Would you... be comfortable with that?
Hanna: I have no issue with Spencer and Caleb. All right? They're... great together. And we're all... different people... now. I'm happy for them. This is happy.

Spencer: [reading Alison's autopsy report] There was dirt in her lungs.
Aria: What do you mean?
Spencer: It means that she was breathing in dirt when she died. That the... the blow to her head isn't what killed her.
Aria: [stammering] I don't...
Spencer: Aria, Alison was buried alive.

Hanna: Ugh, my brain is numb from all those cop questions.
Spencer: I don't think I'd be here if it wasn't for A.
Aria: A killed Ian to keep you here.
Hanna: I'm sorry, but that is not a comforting thought.
Emily: A gives so she can take. We know that.
Hanna: So what is the bitch gonna ask for?
Spencer: Whatever it is, I don't think we can afford it.
Aria: Spence, I mean, you didn't... you didn't see anything?
Spencer: I saw... a black hoodie, black boots and gloves.
Aria: Well, I think it's safe to say that A's not Jenna.
Hanna: Are we sure?
Spencer: A sees everything, Hanna.
Emily: I'm starting to think we should tell someone about her. Him. Uh, it. What's the worst thing that can happen?
Aria: What?
Spencer: A knows all of our secrets.
Hanna: Yeah, if people find out, we'll always be those girls who blinded Jenna Marshall.
[shakes her head]
Emily: And now we're those girls who are afraid of A.
Aria: No, Em. I mean, you're right, but... Look, we have so much to lose.
Hanna: Ugh, I feel like I have a hangover and never even went to the party.
Aria: We need caffeine.
[Spencer's going to get up]
Aria: Oh. No offense, but can I make it?
Spencer: [frowning] Seriously?
Emily: [gets a move on as well] I'm with Aria.
Hanna: Yeah. Sorry, Spence, but your coffee gives me the shakes.
[gets up, follows the other two]
Spencer: [left behind] Amateurs.
[tosses her pillow, goes after the other girls]

Hanna: [dream sequence, with corpse banging at door] He's awfully spry for a dead guy.
Aria: Yeah, maybe if you hit him harder the first time...

Hanna: So, how many houses did you build?
Emily: Uh, I think we finished about six.
Hanna: And in poor countries, one house is like a home for fifty.
Spencer: Okay, Miss Productive. How much of your list did you actually do?
Hanna: Let's see.
[consults notebook]
Hanna: Cooking class with Caleb. Done. Volunteered at the animal shelter for pocket dogs.
Spencer: Wait! That exists?
Hanna: Did not. Do. Expand my vocabulary.
[shows: ]
Hanna: "Effectuating."
Aria: Ooh.
Hanna: Intern for Vera Wang...
Emily: You got an internship for Vera Wang?
Hanna: Yeah, I changed my mind. Turns out they want you to work for free.

Aria: [to the sliding corpse back in the trunk] Keep it quiet back there. I'm trying to think!

Hanna: [enters psychiatrist's office carrying designer shopping bags] Sorry I'm late, but have you been downtown? The sales are huge.
Dr. Anne Sullivan: [nods] You must be Hanna. I'm Anne.
Hanna: [sweetly innocent] So, what did I miss?
Aria: Not a thing.
Spencer: We waited for you.
Hanna: [foiled] Damn.

Aria: Don't look at me I'm ready to hang a sign: Bitch can see!

Aria: [after finding a newspaper article about their families] They don't know where we are. They don't even know if we're alive. Can you imagine what they must be going through?
Spencer: It plays on a loop in my head. Day after day. Night after night.
Aria: [to A through the surveillance cameras] I will kill you for what you're doing to our families! Do you hear me?

Mona: [runway practice] Hold!
[music stops]
Mona: I said no flats, Becky. I need to be one hundred percent sure you can walk in heels.
Spencer: [annoyed] Mona... take it easy.
Mona: [snaps command] Reset!
Spencer: [music resumes] I think I feel a migraine coming on, so I'm just...
[gets up]
Spencer: gonna take a quick break.
[storms off]
Hanna: [to Aria and Emily] Do any of you guys have an extra ticket for tonight?
Aria: Did you change your mind about Caleb?
Hanna: It's for my Dad.
Emily: He's still in town?
Hanna: Yup, and he's in no rush to get home to Isabel.
Aria: What does that even mean? There's no way your Mom and Dad are getting back together.
Mona: Aria Montgomery! Less talking, more walking!
[points: ]
Mona: Um... Are your legs always that short?
[Aria frowns]
Spencer: [to Toby, seething] Mona is five feet of insidious snark with a side ponytail. And I just... I...
[nearly chokes]
Spencer: I wanna grab it and yank it really, really hard.

Hanna: [awakens, the door is open] Mona's gone!
Spencer: [only half-awake] Hmm?
[sits up]
Spencer: I don't remember falling asleep.
Aria: Did she drug us?
Emily: Wouldn't be the first time.
Hanna: You guys, she still has that chip!

Liam: Did you sleep at all last night?
Aria: I'll sleep when I'm unemployed.

Hanna: Everyone's got a life except for me.
Aria: I thought you were gonna go to the mall with Mona.
Hanna: Stealing moisturizer is not a life. It's a hobby. It's getting really boring.
Spencer: [disgusted with moisturizer they'd been using] Did you steal this?
Hanna: No!
Hanna: It's a sample.

Aria: I think she's playing with us.
Emily: Why would she do that?
Aria: It's Alison that we're talking about. Wasn't that her favorite sport?

Hanna: Spencer, stop giving us orders! We're not your winged monkeys!
Aria: Okay, guys, stop! Wait, there's gotta be a way that we can get to Caleb without...
[the cell phone rings]
Spencer: Answer it!
[hands it to Aria]
Aria: [gives it to Emily] Answer it. Answer it!
Emily: Why me? I've got glass in my hair!
Hanna: I'll answer it!
Hanna: What do you want me to say? Should I tell them that we have the phone?
Spencer: They'll know that when you say hello.

Emily: [early morning, group going downstairs] I didn't realize life existed at this hour.
Aria: [rushing to computer] Come on, guys, just walk. You need to see this.
Hanna: You know, I always hoped my first sunrise would have tequila in it.
Spencer: I'll make coffee.
Hanna: Well, when it's ready, just pour it down my throat.

Aria: What if Hector realizes Melissa's mask is missing?
Hanna: That guy has so many heads, he'll never miss one.
Spencer: I think I have to write that sentence down.

Aria: Guys, if Jenna is really a part of this, you think she would actually hurt her own stepbrother?
Hanna: Jenna would kill and eat her own mother to get back at us.
Aria: Maybe she's just trying to scare him.
Emily: Or us.
Hanna: Yeah, well, it's working.

Emily: Can we stop talking about Shana for a minute? We need to concentrate on Hanna.
Spencer: Yeah, you're right.
Aria: [entering kitchen with plate of food Hanna rejected] Good. You two are talking. Now, if we could only get Hanna to eat.
Spencer: We could order those mozzarella sticks from The Brew. She loves those.
Emily: The Brew can't deliver the one thing she really wants... her Mom.
Aria: This stuff's getting rock-hard.
[going to throw it away]
Spencer: No, don't throw it out. Maybe Hanna's Dad will eat it when he gets back.
Emily: Or we can use it to chisel Mrs. Marin out of jail.
Aria: Hmm, I don't think that will go down so well with her arraignment. Hey, what's going on with that anyway? Has Hanna said anything?
Emily: Only that her Dad won't take her to any of the meetings with the legal team.
Spencer: Well, I'll see what I can find out. Look, it's getting late. Why don't you two head home? And I'll see that Hanna gets something to eat before her Dad gets back. It's time to bust out the big guns... Cake frosting and a spoon.
Aria: I'm... good to stay.
Emily: Me too. The only way we're gonna get Hanna through this is together.
[they all join hands]
Spencer: So where is she anyway?

Hanna: So what's up with Spencer? Did you notice her last night? All jittery and... caffeine bug-eyed?
Aria: That's pretty much Spencer most days. She's probably just studying for something.
Hanna: She was drinking herbal tea. That girl is strictly espresso. She's not studying. She's investigating.
Aria: Sounds like you're investigating.
Hanna: No, I'm just observing details.

Alison: [text message] It's from A!
Ezra: What does it say?
Aria: "Did you miss me, bitches?"
Emily: It can't be. Shana's dead!
Hanna: Where's Toby?
Spencer: I don't know...!

[last lines]
Aria: Was someone waiting for Charlotte to get released so that they could kill her?
Spencer: Don't go there.
Hanna: Spencer, we lived there, for a long time. It's not like It's a long commute.
Emily: [they look up at the bell tower] I wanna go home.
Spencer: We are home.

[first lines]
newscaster: Authorities have named Charles DiLaurentis as a lead suspect in the kidnapping of five Rosewood teens, as well as a sixth victim from Courtland. Both state and local police remain tight-lipped...
Spencer: Hey, did, um, Ali turn in those home movies to the cops? The ones that Charles left at her house?
Emily: Yeah, I think so. Why?
Spencer: Maybe they could do one of those age progression sketches. We could finally put a face to the name.
Hanna: Yeah, and maybe someone could put a fist in that face.
Aria: [entering, along with Alison, carrying mugs of coffee] Well, we are officially out of beans. What did we miss?
Spencer: Toby says that the Highway Patrol is putting up checkpoints at all the state borders.
Aria: Did he say anything else after he accidentally ate half of your stash?
Spencer: He's texting me. That's a win.
Aria: Hey, guys...
[turns up volume of TV news]
newscaster: ...inside sources speculate that the former Radley patient could be responsible for the death of his mother, Jessica DiLaurentis. One of the first responding officers on the scene suffered minor injuries in pursuit of the suspect.
Aria: [to Alison] Do you know about this?
Alison: No.
Aria: You should probably ask your Dad.
Hanna: Yeah, like he'd give a straight answer.
[Alison gives her a sharp look]
Emily: Okay, well, if it's true, it's awful. Ali's Mom was practically the only person who visited him, who even knew that Charles existed.
Hanna: And he used her to fertilize Spencer's petunias.
Spencer: [annoyed] My Mom grows azaleas.
Hanna: Whatever. Charles is vicious. We all know that. And now everyone else knows it, too.
Alison: [frowns at Hanna's insensitivity] We had birthday cake. That day at the arcade when Jason and I met him. Charles gave me his frosting. How does that change into vicious?
Aria: We're probably done watching this, right?
[switches off TV set with remote]
Aria: Do you remember anything else?
Alison: He cried when it was time to leave. Said it was the best birthday he ever had. The person they're describing on the news, I mean, I don't even know who that is.
Hanna: You played skeeball... once. I wouldn't call that family bonding.
Emily: Hanna!
Spencer: [to distraught Alison] I... think what Hanna is trying to say is that it's hard for us to imagine that A is actually your brother.
Hanna: No, what's hard to imagine is that you feel even the slightest bit of pity for Charles.
Aria: Little harsh, Han.
Hanna: He had been out for blood, for all of us. And he's come way too close, more than once.
Spencer: We hear you, but it's unfair to Ali right now.
Hanna: Why are you trying to shut me up, Spencer? I'm just saying what you guys are thinking! If you guys are too scared to be honest, then fine. I will do it for you. I'm sorry, Alison, I know this must really suck for you, but I'm not gonna sit here and help you give A the benefit of the doubt. I hope the police catch him, because there's nothing they can do to him that's worse than what he did to us.
[stands up, storms out]

Aria: [Hanna wants to get rid of Toby's file] Can we at least talk about this?
Hanna: No! I don't want this in my house, I don't want it in my locker.
Spencer: I will mail it to the police.
Hanna: No, it's not gonna happen. I'm not having this traced back to me.
Spencer: How are they gonna trace it back to you? I'm the one licking the envelope.
Hanna: And I'm the one who works in that building.
Aria: Hanna!
Hanna: And I'm also the one who always gets caught.
Aria: Hanna! Spencer's right. Okay, burning the folder out here is a bad idea. The police could use it to build a case against Toby...
Spencer: He had a motive to kill Alison.
Hanna: And they can also prove that I broke into his shrink's office. Look, I really can't afford to take any more field trips to the precinct. I'm pretty sure that after three strikes you get assigned to the prison laundry.

Dr. Anne Sullivan: When did these threats begin? Did the texts start coming after Alison's funeral?
Emily: Before.
Aria: At first, we thought they were coming from Alison. But then they found her... her body.
Dr. Anne Sullivan: And... you don't have any idea who this A person might be?
Hanna: We do... but...
Spencer: ...we've... been wrong before. A is an expert on making other people look guilty.
Dr. Anne Sullivan: Do we think this person goes to your school?
Hanna: Maybe. But... it's not like we go home and we're suddenly safe.
Aria: A is everywhere, like, constantly on us.
[shaking her head]
Aria: Like a shadow.
Dr. Anne Sullivan: And I'm the first person you've told about this? Why have you waited this long to say something?

Mona: Why the grim faces? Did somebody die?
Hanna: Mona, we need your help.
Mona: What did she do to you?
Hanna: [sighs] Nothing. Yet.
Aria: It's what we think she's about to do.
Emily: We just found out that Ali's at the police station. She's talking to the cops.
Mona: And you don't know what she's telling them?
Spencer: A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.
Hanna: Did Ali say that?
Mona: No, Churchill did.

Aria: So... that's why you were never charged for shoplifting?
Hanna: Okay, you know what, no jokes, no judging.
Spencer: [frowns] All this is over a pair of designer sunglasses?
[Hanna scowls at her]
Spencer: I'm sorry. I'm just still processing.
Hanna: [shakes her head] God, if my Mom knew that I told you guys this...
[wipes hair away from her eyes]
Emily: We'd never judge her. I mean, she took me in. She's amazing. My Mom would have driven me to the station and offered to take the mug-shot.
Spencer: Yeah, the real question is why is A suddenly going after Mona? What, we're not enough?
Hanna: [sits down on bed as well] A knows we're getting closer.
Aria: They can't turn us against each other, so they're using our friends to hurt us.
Emily: How much did you tell Mona about A?
Hanna: Nothing. I didn't... say anything.
[shakes her head]
Hanna: But I feel like I should.
[glances at Spencer]
Hanna: We all know what A is capable of.
Spencer: Yeah, that's exactly why the less Mona knows, the better.
Hanna: Guess you're right. I just feel bad lying to her.
[gets up]
Aria: Where are you going?
Hanna: I haven't eaten anything all day. I'm starting to get a twitch.
Spencer: When you go down there, could you check outside and see if Garrett's car is still out front?
Hanna: Yeah.
[goes out the door]
Spencer: [to Aria] He followed me home.

Aria: Ali?
Spencer: She's gone.
Aria: What do you mean she's gone?
Spencer: I've looked everywhere for her. I think I heard her scream.

Alison: Look at you four. You're scared to death.
Alison: I totally got you.
[as: ]
Alison: It was a hoax. The zombie was Noel.
[Emily drops the plank she'd been clutching]
Alison: Happy Halloween.
[licks tomato sauce from knife blade]
Alison: Ketchup. Want some, Hanna?
Alison: Come on, you guys.
[gets up]
Alison: It was funny.
Spencer: We're not laughing.
Alison: Well, you should be. You guys passed the test.
Aria: What test?
Alison: [smiles] The way you guys came charging in here, I know I can count on you now. If I really need you, you'll be there for me.
[starts leaving]
Alison: Let's go. We're missing a party.

Hanna: [shakes her head] I should be the one in jail, not my Mom.
Aria: Hanna, you didn't do anything wrong.
Spencer: Yeah, somebody killed Wilden, and A is taking advantage of that. It's not your fault.
Hanna: My Mom went out there to protect me. How is this not my fault?
[her cell-phone rings]
Hanna: It's Caleb. I can't talk to him right now.
Spencer: Hanna, my Mom is a really great lawyer.
Hanna: Well, then, why isn't my Mom out?
Spencer: Because it's just one hearing. She'll win the case. She always does.
Hanna: Always?
Aria: [sighs] Okay, so do you wanna... go to school? Or not go?
Hanna: No. You guys go, I'll be okay.
Spencer: Are you sure?
Hanna: I have to see my Dad. If my Mom doesn't come back, then... I have to move in with him and the gruesome twosome.
Hanna: You guys go, just... I'll be fine.

Aria: [revelation in the limousine] You shot Spencer. You helped Jenna escape. You made up the game?
Sydney: Correct.
Aria: I barely know you, Sydney. Why are you doing this? If this has anything to do with Jenna...
Sydney: It doesn't.
Aria: Why now? Why are you letting me see who you are?
Sydney: Because you're desperate, and I can use desperate.
[Aria sighs]
Sydney: You said you want out of the game?
Aria: Yes, the game. All of it.
Sydney: And what about your friends?
Aria: What about them?
Sydney: Do they know you're here?
Aria: No.
Sydney: Good.
[to the unseen driver]
Sydney: Let's take the scenic route.

[first lines]
Aria: I cannot believe we let Noel bring us here.
Hanna: Do we think she's even coming?
Spencer: I don't know, but when I saw that it was him instead of Ali, I felt for sure this was a trap.
Hanna: Probably is, and we're just sitting here like geese.
Spencer: Ducks.
Hanna: What?
Spencer: You 'sit like ducks'. Not geese.
[shakes her head]
Hanna: Okay, well, whatever, they both quack.
Spencer: Geese honk.

Aria: [reading epitaph on Alison's crypt] "Unable are the loved to die, for love is immortality."
Hanna: That's creepy.
[raises her brows]
Aria: It's Emily Dickinson.
Hanna: I don't care if it's Santa Claus. Consider me creeped.

Hanna: The note said that... Spencer should know everything soon.
Emily: What does that mean?
Aria: It means what it always means. Nobody tells you anything when you wanna know it. Only when they feel like telling it.
Hanna: And then they only tell you enough to make you crazy to know more.
Emily: Has anybody talked to Ali?
Aria: She's called, but I don't pick up.
Hanna: You guys, I had a bad thought.
[gets annoyed look]
Hanna: I'm sorry, they just keep showing up in my head.
Emily: What's this one?
Hanna: Ali's out of town. But A said she couldn't. What changed?
Aria: Well, Ali made a deal with Noel. You think maybe she made a deal with somebody else?
Emily: You think she made a deal with A to leave town? What kind of deal?

Aria: Hanna... this is a bad thing. My Mom needs this job.
Hanna: Sorry. Look, she was just trying to help poor Em.
Aria: Yeah, I think poor Em is getting a little tired of being called 'poor Em'.

Aria: But the truth doesn't amount to much if it comes from a bunch of liars.

Emily: Do you think Ali came here to hide something?
Aria: Or did she come here to hide?
Hanna: From A.

Emily: We have every reason to believe that Noel's A.D.
Aria: We also know that A.D. burned us out of the storm cellar so we wouldn't know the name of Mary's child.
Spencer: Are we saying that Noel is that child?

Emily: Tell us what you know about A.D. and we'll get out of your hair.
Sydney: Tell your Chihuahua to keep her paws to herself and maybe I'll talk.
Aria: Do I have to twist your arm again? Answer the freaking question!

Spencer: You bought him groceries?
Aria: It was not groceries.
[holding: ]
Aria: It was two sandwiches. And believe me, I'm still paying for it. You should have seen the look that he gave me.
Spencer: Well, he's your boyfriend, Aria. He's not a baby squirrel.
Aria: [shrugs] I was just trying to do the right thing.
Spencer: Totally wrong. Look, I've been there, I've done that. Every time you baby-squirrel Ezra, you're taking away his nuts.
Aria: You did not just say that.
Spencer: I did. But I don't think that I meant to.

Spencer: Did Malcolm tell you what she looked like?
Aria: No. He just said she was a friend of mine and her name was Alison. That's all I know.
Hanna: Well, look, you have to talk to him. Find out more.
Emily: Yeah, like, did she have dark hair, horns and a tail?

Emily: [enters into room, sees her friends in discussion]
Aria: Hanna's not picking up. And she's not with Mona.
[puts away her cellphone]
Spencer: Or Caleb. But she did drop by his place last night to tell him that she would be going "off the grid" for a couple of days.
Emily: She's gonna do something to Noel.
Aria: Like what?
Emily: I don't know.
Spencer: Whatever it is, she's gonna do it alone because she thought that we wouldn't help her.
Aria: Okay, well, we really need to find her before she does something stupid.
Spencer: He's trying to track her down on her phone right now.
Aria: And... in the meantime?
Spencer: In the meantime, we go to the police. We tell them everything.
Emily: Tell them what? That Hanna said she was gonna be in New York, but we think she's here hunting down Noel like it's The Hunger Games? No... I think we wait and see if Caleb can find her.
[shakes her head]
Aria: Yeah, I agree.
Spencer: Yeah. Okay. Sure.

Aria: You did remember to, like, water and feed him, right?
Hanna: Of course.
[they open the door... Noel has escaped]
Spencer: Did you remember to tie him up?
Hanna: Oh, my God...
Emily: Oh, this is bad. Really bad.
Aria: This is really not very good.
Hanna: He took the camera. He can make it look like I kidnapped him.
Alison: You did kidnap him, Hanna!
Hanna: Well, now he can prove It!

Alison: [as the five girls walk along, three days before Halloween] What do you think, Em? Should Hanna be cute Britney or bald Britney?
Emily: If she wants to be cute Britney...
Alison: [bored by such a reasonable approach] Aria?
Aria: She's not gonna shave her head.

Hanna: [at Radley Hotel] They're gonna ask us questions about that night.
Aria: Yeah. We we're... all together. None of us left the hotel. What else is there to say?
Spencer: I think the person the cops should really be talking to is right over there.
[indicates Sara at reception]
Spencer: Can she really not sign her own name?
Emily: You guys still haven't told anyone about what happened, have you?
Aria: Do we really believe she doesn't remember?
Hanna: I think she's lying. Just like she lied about having Swedish syndrome to get her sentence reduced.
Spencer: Stockholm syndrome. And it is a real thing.
Hanna: She was never kidnapped, Spencer. She was living out in the world. She chose to help Charlotte torture us.
Aria: Yeah, well, the judge didn't see it that way.
Spencer: If Sara really was brainwashed, she'd have a pretty strong motive to kill Charlotte. Revenge.

Byron: I made a mistake, all right? And I will be sorry about it for the rest of my life. I just hope one day you'll be able to forgive me.
Aria: I hope so too.

Hanna: I was just thinking about Emily. She finally gets over Maya,
[shakes her head]
Hanna: and now she's stuck with some twisted psycho bitch.
Spencer: She's just another monster that Alison created.
Aria: [scoffs] She's been gone two years, and we're still caught in her web.

Hanna: Why couldn't we have been one of those people? I'm not saying their lives are perfect. I don't need perfect. I'd settle for boring. Functional.
Aria: You couldn't be boring if you tried.

Mona: [yelling] Spencer!
Spencer: How do you not strangle her?
[is about to go confront]
Aria: [sees a hair out of place] Oh.
[gives Spencer a squirt of hair-spray, which adds to her annoyance]

Spencer: One of us knows how to change a tire, right?
Emily: And you're looking at me 'cause I'm gay?
Aria: No,
Aria: you just happen to be the sporty one.

[last lines]
Aria: [texts received] "Mona played with dolls, I play with body parts."
Spencer: "Game on, bitches."
Aria: "A."

Aria: [racked by guilt] I'm going to the cops tonight. I have to. You guys, I... I cant hold on to this.
Hanna: Aria, breathe.
Emily: Can we at least wait and discuss this with all of us here?
Aria: Where is Spencer?
Emily: She went next door to distract Mr. DiLaurentis so we could sneak Alison over here.
Hanna: She"d better haul ass, because I'm guessing Jason's not making too many more stops tonight.
Aria: Guys, please, enough with Jason for a minute. Mona knows that we were in New York, don't you understand? It's only a matter of time before she hangs up her whistles and starts handing out balloons that says "Aria killed Shana."
Hanna: Okay, whistles?
Emily: Aria, stop, okay? Mona doesn't know about Shana.
Aria: Then who does? Who? Who is screwing with me? You keep telling me that A is dead.
Hanna: [insists] A is dead, Aria.
Aria: Then why am I hearing a violin in my backyard? Who is the fiddler on my freaking roof?
Emily: Hey, Aria, listen to us. Jason was the one in New York. Once we can prove that he's the threat that made Ali tell that kidnapping lie...
Aria: How are we doing that?
Emily: I don't know. That's why we're having a meeting. Once the police are on to Mrs. D and Jason, then everything we've done can be explained, and Alison can finally tell the truth.

Emily: [at Rear Window, chatting to Sabrina] This was amazing, I'm telling you. I'm usually not afraid, but these planes were so much smaller.
Aria: [edgy] Em... Em, can I borrow you?
Emily: Yeah, I'm just in the middle of a conversation right...
Aria: It's urgent.
Sabrina: Are you okay?
Aria: Yeah, I just need to talk to my friend, that's all.
Sabrina: [to Emily] Uh, so, rain check on the rest of your Haiti adventure?
Emily: Yeah, sorry about all this.
Sabrina: [gets up from chair, chuckles] I used to mellow out with weed. Just saying.
Aria: [impatiently] Thanks.

Hanna: Ali was the one who told us about that blonde twin that stabbed her sister.
Aria: Can we not tell ghost stories while we're walking through a graveyard?

Aria: [learns that the fake engagement ring was a ruse] You don't want Spencer to know?
Hanna: Or my Mom. Or our caterer. She's heavily involved.

Spencer: Hanna, you have to go back to Radley.
Hanna: What?
Spencer: You need to make Mona talk.
Aria: Spencer's right. Mona has never been working alone, and she's probably still giving people orders.
Emily: Find out who else has seen her.
Hanna: You know what? You guys just ripped me a new one for visiting her last week, and now you want me to go back there with cupcakes?

Hanna: Wishes don't come true, Emily. If they did, people wouldn't die.
Emily: I'm still holding out hope.
Spencer: Hope is a dirty four-letter word.
Emily: We live in an A world. And they still haven't found Mona's body.
Spencer: Yeah, that's because A likes to bury the bodies herself.
Aria: And then throw Ice Balls. I swear Alison is throwing this party to rub it in our faces. "I ruined your lives and now I'm the belle of the ball."
Spencer: Technically, she only ruined my life.
Emily: Ruin one of us, ruin all of us.
Aria: You know, I'd rather dance on dead monkeys than go to Ali's stupid Ice Ball.
Spencer: [quizzical look] Dead monkeys?
Hanna: Ali got everything she ever wanted. Mona's gone, Bethany's dead. And now she's making Spence go down for it.

Aria: Ian's been watching us for years.
Spencer: And he killed Alison to make sure that nobody found out.
Emily: [distraught] I wish Ali would have told us about these videos.
Spencer: [gets up, disconnects flash drive] You guys, it is not too late to help her. We can use this to prove that Ian killed Alison.
Emily: How are we gonna do that?
Spencer: We start by finding out what Jenna knows.
Aria: Are you on something?
Hanna: No, Jenna's at the top of our A list.
Spencer: Look, I get it, okay? But she knows these videos existed. She was looking for them. That's why she hired Caleb to find that key.
Hanna: But, Spence, how are we ever supposed to believe anything that bitch says?
Emily: If that bitch is A, then this could be a trap.
Aria: But, you guys, Ian was watching all of us. And for all we know, he still is.
[Spencer looks out the window]
Aria: But Spencer's right. We have to try.
Spencer: We've been afraid of her since the Jenna thing. And now we finally have something that she wants. And Alison gave it to us.

Emily: Are you sure you wanna do this?
Alison: Ezra just saved my life. And he probably saved yours too.
[as: ]
Alison: Hanna's right. There's no way my Mom made that jump. She's not A, but Ezra knows who he is.
Aria: Look, Em, the plan was we get Ali out of town, but now that we know that A's after Ezra...
Emily: I get that A wants to shut Ezra up, okay? But Ali's still a target. Can't we think of another way to do this?
Aria: If Ezra...
[decides: ]
Aria: When Ezra pulls through all this, he's gonna tell us who A is, and this thing is finally gonna be over.
Hanna: [on phone, to police] Hi. The guy who just got shot at Lincoln and Hudson is Ezra Fitz. Yeah, I think you should send a cop there, because I saw what happened, and I don't think this is a random thing. Well, yeah, but he might not be safe, so you'd better go fast.
[ends call]
Aria: Are they sending somebody?
Hanna: Yeah, I heard her typing.
[as: ]
Hanna: Look, they're probably on their way.
Emily: Are you sure that we wanna split up?
Spencer: [quoting] A wise commander takes measures to always let his opponent react to the wrong set of circumstances, and in 400 BC...
Hanna: Okay, okay, Spencer, we get it. We're decoys. We don't need a history lesson.
Alison: There's no art to this war, Spencer.
Spencer: You've read Sun Tzu?
Aria: Okay, let's go.
Hanna: Wait.
[hands over pistol to Aria]
Hanna: Just in case.
Emily: We'll give you ten minutes, okay? Then we're making the call.

Spencer: [at computer] There are hundreds of videos, and you don't know what they are until you open them.
Aria: Everything's jumbled up,
Spencer: Yeah, it's more of a junk drawer than a journal.
Hanna: Yeah, but this is real. Mona gave us the genuine article.
Aria: How?
Spencer: Why?
Hanna: [insistent] To help us!
[Spencer shakes her head]
Aria: How much of this did Caleb see?
Spencer: He didn't wanna see any of it once he realized what it was. But... he got us in there.
Maya St. Germain: [on recording] I think Emily's got a very old soul. I feel it when I kiss her. I can hear clocks all over the world running backwards.
Spencer: [guiltily] I'm so out of my comfort zone.

Emily: [re the crying baby on cellphone stuck in pillow] I don't hear anything. Why don't you just go in the house?
Spencer: I can't. My Mom and I...
[baby on video cries relentlessly]
Spencer: Look, I know this is just A.D. pressing on a raw nerve, right? They're just taking the fact that I'm some sort of Dickensian foundling. But one of you needs to take this. Or stick your fingers in my ears so that I can get some frigging sleep, because I've tried literally everything.
Hanna: Oh, my God, that is so annoying!
Aria: Why can't we just lock it up in Ali's house? She's out of town this weekend, right?
Spencer: That's a spectacular idea!
Emily: Actually, kind of unspectacular. I mean, a crying baby is the last thing Ali needs to hear when she comes back. She's got a lot on her mind.
Hanna: Why'd she go away again?
Emily: A-Ali has something to deal with.
[doesn't reveal the secret]
Emily: You know, paperwork. I guess there's a lot of red tape when you're trying to un-marry a dead identity thief.
Spencer: Okay, officially he's still alive.
Hanna: Well, did she officially change her last name yet? She should. Alison Rollins sounds like a mouthful of muffin.
Emily: Ezra's still in New York, right?
[passes the pillow to Aria]
Aria: I'm... I'm not babysitting this pillow by myself.
[passes pillow back to Emily]
Emily: Okay, well, our place is loud enough already. Caleb snores.
[passes pillow back to Aria]
Hanna: No, he doesn't.
Emily: Yes, he does.
Spencer: Oh, my God!
[stops the passing of the pillow between the two girls, hands it to Hanna]
Spencer: Someone, please!
[the whole time that baby is very, very noisy]
Emily: Are we still allowed to think that maybe Mary Drake is responsible for this? I mean, I know she's your birth mother and it's all a sensibilities subject.
Spencer: I don't think this is her. Why would she want to taunt me with this?
Hanna: Well, we could ask her, if she wasn't hiding out somewhere like a lying liar.
[crying stops]
Aria: Wait! Why did it stop?
Spencer: [dog-tired] I don't know and I don't care.
Hanna: [fishes cellphone out of the pillow] Guys, I have to keep the phone.
[baby gurgling]
Hanna: It's my turn.
[the message on the phone asks Hanna to look after the baby]

Spencer: [holds up cell-phone picture of hospitalized Ali] She says that it was an accident.
Emily: Do we believe that?
Hanna: As much as I believe Aria being seared was an accident.
Aria: What do you think, Spencer?
Spencer: At two out of five in the ER, that's 40%. It"s 60% if you count what happened to Emily's eggs.
Hanna: Well, the odds aren't going to get any better the closer we get to election night.
Emily: Three days.
Hanna: Hey, so, Ali's hospital is an hour away. I think I'm gonna go check up on her.
Aria: She says she'll be back tomorrow.
Emily: Maybe she should think about going in the opposite direction.
Spencer: Yeah, check on her, but don't freak her out. And it might be best if she stays away until after the election.
Aria: What do we do about Mona?
Spencer: Keep a close eye on her.
Hanna: You guys, Mona did not kill Charlotte. She couldn't.
Aria: She's got as much motive as anybody, probably more.
Emily: She admits to getting Charlotte out of her house. I mean, she's telling the truth. Not all of it.
Spencer: Mona's changed so many times, I doubt she even knows herself when she looks in the mirror.
Hanna: Okay, who around here hasn't tried to reinvent themselves a couple of times?
Hanna: I'll call you after I go see Ali.

Aria: I can't stop thinking about Mona.
Spencer: We know that A likes to play with us, but this time I don't know what the game is.
Aria: It's "I'm going down, but I'm dragging you with me."

Hanna: [hiking through woods] Whose idea was this again?
Spencer: Emily's Mom.
Emily: The shed was me. My Mom just said we should do something for us.
Hanna: Well, shouldn't we be doing something without mosquitoes?
Aria: They're not mosquitoes, they're gnats.
Hanna: Whatever. They're small and annoying, and they're flying up my nose.
Spencer: Well, they're attracted to your perfume. And your hair product. And your lip gloss.
Hanna: So, what are you saying? I attract flies?
Aria: [turns back to remind her] Gnats.

Aria: [re Mona at bridal shower] Why is she here? I thought you two had it out at The Brew.
Emily: She brought a gift.
Spencer: Yeah, and an axe to grind.

Aria: Mona is a very dangerous person, Mike. She wasn't sent to Radley for spa treatment.

Hanna: Kate's moving to Rosewood.
Spencer: [whirling around] What?
Hanna: Yeah. Yeah, my Dad and Isabel got married, and now... they're looking for a house here... in Rosewood. So now I have more than one monster in my life. Okay? I win.
Emily: No, you don't! I was almost killed! These aren't highlights, Hanna, this is glass in my hair!

Hanna: It's unbelievable. Ali's in the penalty box, but she's still playing offensive.
Toby: Maybe this is just her being iced out. Getting desperate. But if you actually think there's somebody on the outside helping her...
Hanna: Yeah, totally! There was a fireworks display.
Emily: But maybe she planned that before she was arrested.
Spencer: No way. Someone is helping her.
Aria: What do you mean "someone"? I saw Alison and Holbrook under the mistletoe, and he had his tongue down her throat. It's him!
Hanna: We don't know that for sure. Didn't Tanner say that he was assigned to a case in Pittsburgh?
Toby: He's off it. He had to take a personal leave to take care of his sick dad.
Emily: That's convenient.
Hanna: [to Toby] Can you see if Holbrook's visiting Ali in prison?
Spencer: No, guys, he can't. Why should he be the one who gets thrown headfirst into the lion's den?

Aria: Mom, what are you doing here?
Ella: Oh, I tried calling you, but your phone must be turned off for the test.
Aria: Why are you here?
Ella: Well, they called and said they needed proctors. I'm on the sub list.
Aria: You are? Since when?
Ella: Well, since they cut my hours at the gallery and I'm paying rent to live above it. I filled out an application last Monday.
Aria: What, to teach? Why didn't you tell me?
Ella: Well, sweetie, I was going to when you came over for dinner, but then you canceled on Monday... and Tuesday, and then on Wednesday.
Aria: Yeah, this week's been intense.
Ella: I understand. I just, you know, I would like to see you in the flesh. But you don't really plan on ever coming over, do you?
Aria: I can't. Look, if I did, it'd be like saying I'm okay with you and dad living apart.
Ella: But we are.
Aria: I know! Just 'cause you were ready for this doesn't mean that I am. I gotta get back to the library.

Emily: [as Spencer sits down] Hey, are you okay?
Aria: Yeah, we didn't think you were coming in today.
Spencer: I have to be someplace other than my house.
Hanna: Are the cops still there?
Spencer: They came and went.
Aria: They actually took things?
Spencer: Not so much. My Mom says they did it just to shake me up.
Hanna: What did they take?
Spencer: Um, things from my jewelry box... Stuff from my closet, a couple pairs of shoes.
Hanna: Wait, not the Tory Burches?
Aria: [chiding] Hanna.
[Hanna scoffs]
Spencer: No, sneakers. They wanted my laptop, but my Mom said no. It wasn't in the search warrant and they couldn't have it. I think you guys should know that there's a chance that they might try to pull this on you.
Emily: [faltering voice] Search our rooms?
Spencer: My Mom says it's a possibility. I'm so sorry.
Aria: No... it's not your fault.
Hanna: Yeah. We know who's responsible for this.
Spencer: I should have known that trophy was some kind of trap. It's like I can hear A laughing in my head.
Hanna: Does A sound like Jenna?

Aria: Look, it doesn't matter where A got it, what matters is what A is planning to do now.
Alison: If A's behind this, that's exactly where that guy's gonna run to when he panics.
Hanna: What are you saying?
Alison: I'm saying that if I can make him think that he is going to go down for this, we can follow him to A, and finally win A's game!
Aria: Great! We win the game, we find out who A is. What happens when we lose?

Aria: You don't make me unhappy. I, uh... I mean, you totally mess me up and I feel miserable sometimes, but you don't make me unhappy. And... I wasn't unhappy the other night.
Ezra: But?
Aria: But...
Aria: would you go back if you could? If you knew that it would be this complicated, would you have even... talked to me that first day in the bar?

Aria: Who were you talking to upstairs?
Spencer: Toby. Why? What did I miss?
Aria: What did we miss? Spencer, it's like you're living a double life.
Spencer: What makes you think I'm living a double life?
Aria: Because I have, and I know exactly what it looks like.
Emily: Every time Toby calls, you leave the room, your mood changes...
Hanna: Are you pregnant?
Emily: Shut up, Hanna.
[to: ]
Emily: Okay, it's like you're here, but you're not.
Aria: We get it. We understand, you have a boyfriend. We've all had them.
Hanna: Yeah, even Emily.
Emily: Shut up, Hanna.

Aria: Any luck with Big Bird's phone number?
Spencer: No. I plugged it into every reverse directory and search engine I could. But it's a real number. It's going through a real line. But I can't even find a name or even a town.
Aria: Dead end?
Spencer: No. Not yet. I'm not giving up on it.

Aria: What? We just wait until A paints the town red in our DNA?
Spencer: I don't know.
Hanna: One drop here, one spot there, and kaboom, we're all sharing a jail cell with Ali.
Spencer: You're, like, the queen of not helping.
Aria: See, there's a reason I'm afraid of needles.
Hanna: [sighs] We should have all spent the summer in Haiti.

[Aria muscles up the courage to tell her dad's secret...]
Aria: Mom.
Ella: Yeah?
[... but she backs down]
Aria: Can I have a carrot?

Hanna: [at Alison's crypt] Okay, I've been thinking, and I have a theory.
Spencer: [skeptical] You have what?
Hanna: [holding her own] A theory. Do you wanna hear it or not?
Aria: Hey, guys, don't... don't fight in the crypt.
Hanna: Hey, look. Ali's not in the box. She's alive somewhere. But somebody is dead. And that somebody must have been buried in the backyard after Ali was pulled out, and before the men came in to set up the gaze-bo, and pour the cement.
Spencer: [correcting way Hanna pronounced] "Gazebo."
Hanna: Whatever! It still means that there's a girl missing somewhere. And that girl went missing around the time Ali did. So we figure out who's really in there, and connect them with someone we do know, then... that would solve the whole thing.
Aria: Yeah, but the body that was in the box was identified as Ali. How... how did that happen?
Emily: I don't know how, but it was.
Aria: Yeah, so, why?
Hanna: Because... it was important to somebody that we think it was Ali.
Spencer: You're right, that's an actual theory.
Hanna: [smiles] Apology accepted.
Emily: [looking at Alison's crypt] Knock, knock...
Aria: Who's there?

Aria: Where do you think we are? I mean, we don't know how long we were out before we got here.
Hanna: We could be in the Amazon right now.
Spencer: No, we're in the Northern Hemisphere. That's the waning moon.
Hanna: I was saying that facetiously.
Mona: Wow, that's an eleven-letter word, Hanna.

Hanna: Wait, you don't think that's Allison's chopped-up body in those bags, is it?
Emily: Hanna!
Hanna: That's what we're all thinking, isn't it?
Emily: No!

Spencer: [as Aria arrives] Okay... Hanna, we're all here. What's the emergency?
Hanna: I had a nightmare that Caleb was run over by a car, but... he's okay. And then Grunwald showed up, and told me he's not okay, and then Noel Kahn showed up, and made Grunwald's head explode.
Aria: To be fair, that does sound like an emergency.
Spencer: Okay, can you... go over that again... more slowly? And what exactly are you saying?
Hanna: That Noel Kahn is A.D.
[Spencer and Aria do not look convinced]
Hanna: You guys, I told you last night, he stole Mary Drake's file, he hurt Yvonne, he called Dr. Cochran.
Aria: Wait. We weren't even together last night.
Hanna: No, we were in my dream. Catch up! You guys, he burned us out of the storm cellar and wrote on that window. He peobably killed Sara, and we know he's bad because way back when, he pushed that sorority girl down the stairs.
Emily: Hanna, what about Sara telling me "We're looking for the same thing you are"? I mean, she and Jenna were working with Noel.
Hanna: To find Charlotte's killer. And that still leaves room for Noel Kahn to be A.D.
Spencer: And what about the storm cellar?
Hanna: He's the only one who would write "I see you."
Spencer: Maybe...
Hanna: No, you guys...!
Emily: What about Caleb? How's he doing on breaking the code in the files?
Hanna: Not good. But... what does that matter, anyways? You guys are never gonna realize that Noel is the one behind everything.
Emily: Never say never.
Hanna: Oh, thanks, Pam.
Emily: Hey!
Hanna: What else is there to look into? Nothing! We're at a dead end.

Emily: Ali was at that studio. Both masks came from the same place.
Aria: Yeah, but we don't know how many there are, or who has them.
Emily: And if they got them from Ali or this guy's studio.
Hanna: [grabs her stuff] Let's go find out.
Aria: [hesitantly] Shouldn't we wait for Spencer?
Hanna: No, we can handle this on our own.
[the other two look at each other uncertainly]
Hanna: What? We can't make a move without Nancy Drew? This mask connects us to Ali and the Halloween train, which connects us to Wilden. The police have our names on a board with arrows and graphs, and not just ours, my Mom's up there.
[shaking: ]
Hanna: So I'm not waiting for Spencer because A's not waiting for anyone. Now come on!
[goes off]
Aria: Feels like I've just been drafted.

Hanna: [to Aria] Your brother deserves way better than Mona.
Spencer: Boys hate it when you question their judgment.
Aria: If I tell Mike that Mona isn't what he's looking for...
Emily: ...You won't be able to separate them with a crowbar.
Spencer: Colorful. And... graphic. But colorful.

Aria: I want you to understand something. I will not hurt my friends.
eerie: [cold and harsh] And I want *you* to understand something. You'll do as you're told!

Aria: Ezra could have gone to jail.
Alison: So what? It was just a no-brainer for you to pick him over us?
Aria: Guys, I didn't know what to do!
Emily: You could have talked to us, okay? We are friends, since forever, that's what we do!

Aria: Turn the volume up.
Emily: Can you make the view full-screen?
Spencer: Maybe make it lighter? The picture seems really dark.
Caleb: [trying to decipher encrypted data] All right, that's it. I've officially stopped taking requests. Can you guys, like, back up a little bit?
Spencer: We're not even standing that close to you.
Caleb: Oh, really? Then how do I know you had a cheeseburger for lunch?

Aria: He's obsessed. He's convinced that he's ruined Maggie's life.
Spencer: Well, why is he still thinking about his high school girlfriend?
Aria: [sighs] Probably because I pushed him to. God, I just... I just wish that there was a way... that I could get in touch with her.
Spencer: That is a terrible idea.
Aria: No, no, no... I just want...
Spencer: That is such a terrible idea. Stay out of it, it is none of your business.
Aria: It is my relationship, Spencer. I'm sorry, it's just we can't move forward until he does.

[first lines]
Hanna: [Hanna and Aria are clearing up after the reception, Emily is busy on cell-phone] This is so weird. I mean, I barely know the guy's first name, and now he's married to Ali.
Aria: Right. Well, I'm sure that he seems like a stranger to us, but Alison and Elliott have known each other for years.
Hanna: Hey, they just started going out.
[helps herself to leftover wedding cake]
Hanna: Whatever happened to dinner and a movie?
Aria: Oh, Han? There's lipstick on that fork.
Hanna: Ew.
Aria: [takes the plate from Hanna] I'm sure it seems strange, but if you saw Alison and Elliott together, It's... pretty romantic.
Emily: Like romance has anything to do with it. I mean, Alison lost everyone she's ever cared about. She's desperate for a family.
Hanna: Maybe she's smart. If you elope, no one can throw you a bridal shower.
Aria: Since when don't you like bridal showers? Gifts, expensive lingerie, cake. It's, like, made for you.
Hanna: Not when we have two monsters after us.
Emily: Spencer's not answering.
Aria: No, she's probably still dealing with the fallout from the Yvonne leak.
Emily: There's no way Spencer's parents would believe that Caleb did that.
Aria: Yeah, well, be glad that they do, because if they thought that we had a new A, they would march straight down to the police station.
Hanna: You guys, our stalker already warned us, if we talk to the cops, we're gonna have targets on our backs.
Emily: We already do. Melissa tried to turn me into roadkill last night.
Hanna: No. She is not the one sending texts and going after Yvonne.
Emily: [sighs] If Spencer could just... tell Toby. I mean, he could quietly go and...
Hanna: No, if we talk to Toby, there is nothing quiet about that. The whole Rosewood police would be on a manhunt.
Aria: Okay. Could we just talk about something nice for a second?
Hanna: I want my cake back.

Aria: [re return of Jenna] So, the day after we run someone over, she comes tapping through town?
Hanna: It's a coincidence.
Spencer: There's no such thing. Coincidences are the devil's way of remaining anonymous.

Aria: What are they talking to the fire department about?
Emily: They're talking about that night.
Spencer: The Jenna thing.
Hanna: [frowns] Are you serious?
Aria: What could Toby be telling them?
Spencer: I did such a good job of screwing him up.
[shakes her head]
Spencer: He might say anything Jenna wants him to say.
Hanna: That we're the ones that blinded Jenna?
Emily: Alison and us.

Alison: Do you guys know how crazy this sounds?
Spencer: Trust me, we know exactly how crazy it sounds.
Aria: Jason never told you anything about Charlie?
Alison: No.
Spencer: He said your Dad knows all about it. Your Dad was the one who told Jason that Charlie had to go away.
Hanna: Ali, your Dad lied to you.

Aria: On the news... they're calling it the anniversary of Alison's disappearance. Like it's a party or something.

Spencer: Okay, so Mona did us a favor. We did not ask for it. We certainly do not owe her anything.
Aria: I wouldn't call anything that Mona does a favor.

Hanna: Look, when I woke up, I was in a dentist's chair and the lights were off and my jaw hurt and I still feel like half of my lip is frozen.
Aria: Wait a second. You think that A froze you? That A stuck a needle in your gums?
Hanna: I don't know. All I know is that I feel like I've been chewing a sewing kit for the past hour.
Emily: That's crazy. Do we think that the same person who hunted me down at school tonight spent the afternoon operating on Hanna?
Hanna: [gasps] Oh, my God!
Aria: Who is this monster?
Hanna: [gasps] Look, one of you just... please look inside my mouth.

Hanna: [to Alison] Do you need anything? Tea?
Alison: No.
Hanna: [her hand on Emily's shoulder] Em.
Aria: [arrives] Hey, guys. Sorry I'm late. What's going on?
Spencer: Where were you? We were calling.
Aria: Yeah, sorry,
[lying: ]
Aria: I was helping Ezra with Nicole. Did something happen?
Emily: Yeah, something happened. For starters, you left Ali. You just abandoned her when she needed you.
Aria: Ali... I'm sorry. Are you okay?
Emily: No! No. She's not okay. I'm not okay. No one's okay.
Spencer: Em, she doesn't know.
Aria: I don't know what?
Emily: [raised voice] That A.D. stopped playing games and started playing God!
Spencer: A.D. stole Emily's eggs from the domation bank, fertilized them, and then used them to impregnate Ali.
Aria: [incredulously] What?
Hanna: [mutters] Still sounds crazy.
Aria: Guys... I don't know what to say...
Spencer: [to Emily and Ali] No one can imagine how violated and confused you both must feel right now. But Aria's turn is up next... and who knows what A.D. is gonna do to her. We need each other. We cannot let this game rip us apart, no matter what.

Spencer: You guys, my sister is not A.
Spencer: I watched her fall apart when we found Ian's body. She had no idea that he was dead. She wouldn't just text herself from her dead husband's phone and then lose it like that. Can we... can we please just... breathe... for a second?
Hanna: No. We have video of four people who could have killed Alison. Okay, they were in her bedroom the night she died. Can't we get in trouble for withdrawing evidence?
Aria: I think you mean 'withholding'. Look, Spencer's right.
[Spencer nods]
Aria: We've jumped the gun before and we've gone to the cops.
Emily: And we ended up looking guilty.

Ezra: It's a copy of my manuscript.
Aria: Thanks, but I think I'll wait until it's in the clearance bin.

Spencer: [cell phone rings] Hello?
Hanna: Hey, Melissa just left. Should we go in?
Spencer: No, wait. I'll text you when she gets here.
Hanna: All right. Roger that.
Aria: "Roger that"?
Hanna: We're on a mission.

[first lines]
Aria: [in restaurant] Do we really believe that Jenna was out for a joyride that night?
Spencer: Or was her plan to take Emily to Alison's grave all along?
Emily: It seemed to me like she was scared of someone.
Aria: And it seemed like she was blind for five months when she wasn't.
Hanna: For purposes of my head not exploding, can we just say that she was telling the truth?
Spencer: Well, that would mean that we would cross her off the new A list.
Aria: And who's still on it?
Emily: Lucas.
Hanna: No way. He might be a little unhinged lately, but he's not capable of digging up a grave.
Spencer: Guys, all roads lead back to the Black Swan.
[Aria nods]
Spencer: Uh, we know that she was working with Mona, the sketches were in her lair.

Aria: Can't believe it was trashed... Just when you thought that "A" would give it a rest.
Spencer: It's like Toby had to kill Alison all over again.
Hanna: Toby? What do you mean, Toby? His motorcycle was totaled. Isn't he dead?
Spencer: I hear more from Alison now than when she was alive.
Hanna: You guys, I thought we decided "A" wasn't Toby. "A" was happy to have Toby out of the picture.
Aria: How do we know that Toby didn't just send that text? And why are we suddenly trusting "A"? "A" made a fake bracelet to mess with us.

Aria: And I don't know, it's silly, but... I keep waiting for that A message. You know, that text that's gonna come in with a... picture of me standing over Shana's dead body.
Ezra: That picture doesn't exist. You don't have to live in fear of your cell-phone anymore.
Aria: Tell that to my right eye. It still twitches every time I get a text.

Spencer: A likes throwing cars at people.
Aria: Is there any chance this really was an accident?
[gets harsh look from Spencer]
Aria: Yeah, that's what I thought.
[takes sip from her coffee mug]

Spencer: [following coordinates trying to find burial spot] Okay, I think we have to go left up here, and then it's not much further.
Aria: [suffering through woods] Yeah, well, 'not much further' in these... heels is like a marathon in flats.

Aria: Why are you letting her manipulate you like this? You know what Ali's capable of! Mike, I know you got into a fight with Mona the night before she died. Something is going on and you have to tell me what it is!
Mike: I don't have to tell you anything.
[closes door in her face]

Aria: I was on the Red Line going to Braintree... and the train stopped in the tunnel between the stations. The power went out and, and it was dark. 'No, not dark. It was black.' 'And I was back in every box' 'in every dark tight space that' "A" ever put me in, and I couldn't breathe. Then I heard a girl crying. Good. I thought somebody else is scared out of her mind. Then... the power came back on and every single person on that train was staring at me. Because I was the girl that was crying.

Aria: It's too strange to be a coincidence. The two people with the biggest axe to grind against us are, are teaming up to chop our alibi to bits!

Hanna: [in back of police truck] I didn't think I could feel worse after A killed Mona. But the four of us getting arrested for her murder brings low to a whole new level.
Spencer: Technically, they think that we're accessories, not killers.
Aria: An accessory is a necklace or a handbag, not a chain gang.
Hanna: Call it what you want. We're all going to jail. A wins.
Emily: Why do you think they're separating us from Ali?
Hanna: There's a lady in the laundry. If you do her work, she gives you information. Yesterday she told me that the warden received an anonymous tip. They think the five of us are plotting something big.
Spencer: What, and they think Ali's the Big Bad Wolf?
Aria: That make us the little pigs or Little Red?
Spencer: Doesn't matter. A wolf can't lead without her pack.
Hanna: When we get there, they're probably gonna split us up too.
Emily: What's it like, Han?
Hanna: Do you want me to sugarcoat it, or tell you the truth?
Emily: Well, if we're gonna get through it, I'm gonna need to know what to expect.
Hanna: The second they slam that door shut, you feel ashamed.
Aria: This is crazy. We didn't do anything.
Hanna: They don't care about that. They treat you like a criminal. And it's hard to remember that you're not one.
Hanna: The first night's the hardest. You're locked away from everything and everyone you ever cared about. And when they turn those lights out, it is the loneliest feeling you could ever imagine.
Emily: On second thought, I could have used a thick coat of sugar.
Hanna: You can't be ready for how it feels, Em. It's hard not to give up on hope.
Spencer: Hey, guys. They can take everything from us, but they can't take us from each other. I don't care how far apart from you guys I am, I will still be with you.
Aria: Me too.
Emily: Same here.
Hanna: I love you guys.
Aria: Love you.

Hanna: Spencer, you cannot leave now. We've just found out that Ali isn't A. We don't know who's trying to turn us into a chain gang.
Spencer: Well, what am I supposed to do, Hanna?
Hanna: Miss your flight!
Spencer: Don't think that my Mom won't be waiting in Duty Free just to make sure that I catch the next one.
Emily: What did Toby say about all this?
Spencer: I don't know. I didn't tell Toby. The only way to catch his attention these days is over a police scanner.
Emily: Can your Mom postpone the interview?
Spencer: If you have any suggestions on what you think I should say to her, I'm all ears.
Hanna: Why not tell the truth?
[gets sharp look from Aria]
Hanna: What? I think it's time that you finally come clean and ask your Mom for help.
Spencer: [shocked] Are you serious?
Aria: Hanna, we can't do that.
Hanna: Why not?
Emily: Maybe Hanna's right. What have we got to lose?
Aria: Uh, my brother?

Aria: [after returning pen to Ezra's desk] Okay, let's go.
Spencer: [in doorway] Was I just the lookout?
Aria: Did I tell you to whistle if you saw something?
Spencer: No.
Aria: No, you were not the lookout.

Emily: Nobody's gonna believe us when we have every reason to have wanted him dead!
Aria: We need to tell the truth!
Spencer: Yeah, what truth is that? The one where Hanna doesn't know the right pedal from the left?

Hanna: [in car, spying on Lucas] Duck!
Aria: Really?
Hanna: [pushes her friend's head down] Get down!

[first lines]
Hanna: [while Spencer stares out the window] Where has she been all this time?
Aria: I don't know.
Emily: Do you think she's been hiding right here... in Rosewood?
Hanna: Why would she be hiding? Why couldn't she just come back?
Aria: I don't know.
Hanna: You keep saying that.
Aria: [shrugs] Because I don't know.
Emily: Okay, what do we know? Somebody tried to kill Ali. They buried her in her backyard.
Aria: Right, and then Grunwald pulled her out.
Hanna: Yeah, like a carrot.
Aria: But why didn't she just call the cops?
Emily: Which cops were she supposed to call? Wilden, Garrett?
Hanna: Ali not calling the cops is the only thing I do understand.
Aria: You guys, we just found out that Ali is alive. She's really alive. But why am I not insanely happy?
Emily: Thought it was just me.
Hanna: It's not.
Spencer: [turns away from window] Look, we can figure out how we feel about this later. The fact is that Ali's alive. Right? And she's been hiding out this whole time. Maybe it was in Rosewood. Maybe it was in Philadelphia. Maybe it was in Nova Scotia. Okay? But the sooner we can make it okay for her to come back, the sooner we can sit her down in a chair and ask her what the hell is going on, and why she would do this to us.
Emily: [shakes her head] Ali always liked games.
Aria: What? Like she's been playing with us? Chasing us around on the game board...
Emily: Like she was A? Tell me you never thought that yourself.
Hanna: No. That's crazy, isn't it?
Emily: But we have to consider every possibility, don't we?
Hanna: Not the ones that make you wanna hide in the closet with a quart of ice cream.
Spencer: There's someone Ali's so afraid of, she can't come back. Who?
Emily: Toby said the only thing that Shana was guilty of, was selling Jenna's car to Mona.
Aria: And CeCe's been busy running from the cops 'cause she killed Wilden.
Hanna: What about Board Shorts?
Emily: Uh, we don't even know if that's a real person.
Spencer: It was a real person who came after me in that house.

Aria: Wait, they still think you sent that picture?
Hanna: Yup.
Spencer: At least you weren't suspended, Han. This is gonna blow over.
Hanna: Yeah, till A gets hungry again and takes another bite out of my ass.

Aria: There's something seriously weird going on in this town.
Spencer: Uh, gee, you think? They're using headstones for bar-stools.

Hanna: I promised Mona we'd always stay together. We have to figure A keeps souvenirs, right?
Emily: You mean Alison.
Spencer: Different name, same bitch.
Hanna: There has to be something in Ali's house that proves she's killed Bethany. And... Spencer didn't.
Emily: Mona just handed us a way to give you a Christmas, Spence.
Aria: And your stay-out-of-jail-free card.

[last lines]
Aria: Are you sure you wanna do this?
Hanna: I wouldn't have thought of it if I wasn't ready to do it.
Caleb: Look, guys, this isn't a democracy, okay? We're not taking votes. This is something that Hanna and I decided to do.
[his hand goes to his ex's shoulder, and this upsets Spencer]
Caleb: And the only thing you need to do is decide whether or not you're gonna help us.
[whole group considers this uneasily]
Spencer: Nobody here is gonna let you do this by yourself.
Hanna: All right. So let's get started.
[starts: ]
Hanna: Leave my friends alone. I killed Charlotte.

[first lines]
Veronica: [at Hastings household] I'm sure they took your feelings into consideration. And, yes, it sucks. But it came from up high.
Spencer: What, the police?
Veronica: The school board.
Emily: [at Fields household] What?
Pam: They think your attendance could endanger the other students' safety. And from what I understand about the gallery situation, I don't completely disagree.
Hanna: [at Marin household] I do. They can't punish us.
Ashley: It's not a punishment.
Hanna: Really? Being disinvited to your own prom? What would you call it?
Ella: [at Montgomery household] A blessing. If Charles, A, or whatever he calls himself, was bold enough to pull that stunt with the photos, he's not gonna be scared to crash a school party.
Aria: Well, then, fill the ballroom with police. It's fairytale themed, they can come as the village idiots.
Ella: You can still celebrate that night in a quiet, more intimate way. Veronica has offered to host a small gathering in the backyard barn.
Aria: You're kidding me.
Spencer: [back at the Hastings] Seriously?
Veronica: Why not?
Spencer: Because it's filled with Melissa's stuff. How is that a banquet hall?
Veronica: You can roll up a rug.
Spencer: And what? Take our prom pictures on top of a washer and dryer?
Ashley: [at Marin home] Hanna, you don't have a choice. If the school board doesn't want you at prom or commencement...
Hanna: Commencement? Wait, we were barred from that too? So, now I'm not gonna graduate?
Pam: [at Fields household] You will graduate. You just won't be walking across the stage to get your diploma. You'll be...
Emily: ...walking to the mailbox. Unbelievable!
[covers her face with her hands]
Pam: I'm sorry.
Spencer: [at the Hastings home] No. I'm sorry. I spent the last two weeks writing that stupid valedictorian speech that I didn't even wanna give in the first place.
Veronica: Honey, the circumstances have changed since you started writing that speech.
Spencer: I know. It went from a pity toss to a humiliation hurl.
Veronica: Please. Stop focusing on what you don't have. And focus on the fact that you're here. And you have four dear friends that you can celebrate with.
Spencer: That barn is not big enough for us, our dates, and our poufy dresses.
Veronica: You'll open a window.
Aria: [later that morning, at Rear Window] That's what she said?
Spencer: Oh, no, there was more. She said something about hanging twinkly lights on Melissa's shower curtain, but by that time I was already halfway up the stairs.
Aria: I guess it could be worse.
Spencer: Really? How?
Aria: I'm thinking.

Hanna: [car's missing] Tell me this is a nightmare. It's gone!
Aria: No, it, it can't be gone. We must just be in the wrong place.
Hanna: No, I remember covering it up and putting it by the tree.
Aria: The tree? Hanna, look around you. It's all trees, we're in a forest.
Hanna: No, I put it by this tree because it looked like... one of those trees that those... those little men would live in.
Aria: Hanna, just think, all right? Are, are you sure that we came in from this direction?
Hanna: You know, those little men with, like, the ears and...
Aria: We'll be okay, we just... we need to retrace our steps, okay?
Hanna: Keebler Elves!
[Aria shines torch around desperately]
Hanna: Oh, my God.
Hanna: I can't breathe, I can't breathe.
Hanna: It's got to be here. We just hid it really, really well.
Hanna: We lost the car! We lost the damn car, Aria!
Aria: Hanna, cars don't just up and drive themselves.

Emily: On the video, Garrett looked in the box and saw something weird. Wouldn't you like to know what it was?
Hanna: No. Look, we've already seen what we needed to see. All our suspects in the same place at the same time, in Alison's room, talking about how much they hated her. I mean, why don't we just hand the drive to the police?
[picks up Alison's doll]
Hanna: We should be closing things, not opening...
[the secret lid on the back of the doll's neck falls open]
Hanna: Guys, there's something in here.
Aria: [little hand-written notes] What is that?
[reads: ]
Aria: "It's my turn to torture you."
Spencer: Okay, that's creepy.
Emily: [reading another note] "You think you're safe on the outside, but you're not when I'm on the inside."
Spencer: [reading another one] "Scared yet? You should be, bitch."
Hanna: These notes are starting to sound familiar.
Spencer: [reading another one] "Next time it will be your face, not this pumpkin." It looks like it was cut by something.
Aria: It was. Don't you guys remember?
Spencer: Halloween.

Hanna: God, he's freaking me out! Whose locker is he poking into now?
Spencer: He's desperate. Ali's brother's breathing down his neck.
Aria: Ours too. What if Jason told the police Alison's version of what happened after the fire?
Spencer: If Jason was gonna tell them, he would've told them a year ago. He knows that story's bogus.
Aria: Well, then, why do they bring it up?
Spencer: To try to drive a wedge between us. Well, he's not gonna do that.

Aria: What the hell is a chandelier ritual?
Emily: I have no idea. Let me change. I think better in lower heels.
Aria: Okay.

Aria: Uh, wait. Are we not getting a little paranoid right now?
Emily: You're not paranoid if someone's really out to get you.

Hanna: Emily. Hey, where have you been?
Aria: Yeah, why weren't you at Spencer's last night?
Emily: I know, I'm sorry. I didn't get out of practice till late, so I went straight home and crashed. So, what did I miss?
Hanna: Well, we studied.
[correcting: ]
Hanna: They studied, and I annoyed them. And Alison's memorial got trashed.

Aria: Look, guys, maybe if she can see again, we could stop all this whispering. She'll lose her taste for revenge.
Spencer: Yeah, or things will get worse.
Emily: It's already so bad, how can it get worse?
Spencer: Well, for one, she would be able to aim a gun.
Hanna: [sighs] Look, Spencer's right. Jenna's scary enough with four senses. Can you imagine what she's gonna do to us with all five?

Aria: There's a reason why we can't just go around telling the truth. Because it comes back to bite you. Hard.

Aria: Don't you read the newspaper or watch the news?
Mona: No.

Garrett: It's not safe to talk in the car.
Hanna: Well, it doesn't really feel safe out here either.
Garrett: Look, I'm sorry I scared you. There's some things you guys need to know before you start answering questions.
Spencer: We're listening.
Garrett: All right. The police cannot know that you were blackmailing Ian and I was helping you. That's a serious crime.
Aria: Well, what about the messenger?
Garrett: He doesn't want any trouble.
Hanna: What about the money?
Garrett: For now, I'm hiding it.
Spencer: What about the videos?
Garrett: Do you still have them?
Spencer: [glances at Emily, who nods] Yeah, we made a copy.
Garrett: Okay, look, I could never ask you guys how you got them, and I don't wanna know. But you better be prepared to tell the police how you did, because that's... that's the first question they're gonna ask you.
voice: Officer Reynolds, what's your ETA?
Garrett: Uh, yeah, we're en route.
voice: Roger that.
Garrett: [to the girls] I hate asking you to lie like this, but are we all clear?
Spencer: [nods] We'll keep the videos a secret.
Hanna: For now.
Garrett: Okay, good. Let's get back.
Emily: [as Garrett herds them back towards the patrol car] I'm sorry we got you into this.
Garrett: No, we'll be okay. We just need to stick to our story, yeah?

Aria: He said that... he found you passed out in school today. You were barefoot, you were in your pajamas, and you didn't even know who you were. Spencer, is that true or is that not true?

Emily: Poor Ali.
Hanna: Can you believe what a scene this is?
Aria: Alison would've loved it.
Spencer: Popular in life and death.

Spencer: [talking on phone while merrily munching on very suspicious cookies] My mother's just sitting on my chest. She's still on my case about this stupid valedictorian thing.
Aria: Why don't you just say yes?
Spencer: Because it's a pity toss, that's why. I've been gone for over a month. She probably offered to buy them a planetarium.
Aria: Just do it. Please, just give me a freaking reason to go to graduation.
Spencer: Oh, really? Now you wanna go to graduation? Hasn't your Dad excused you from ever having to set foot in school again? I have to run.
Aria: What's happened?
Spencer: My Mom just got back from Curves, and I'm not having this argument with her after she pumped iron. Call you later, okay? Bye.

Aria: [re the ridiculously huge board game] Can it see us or not?
Alison: Guess. It's punishing Hanna for attacking it with a steak knife.
Emily: This is ridiculous.
Hanna: Emily, if this person knows we killed Rollins..
Emily: Why are you giving them that much power?
Alison: "Them" is a vindictive blind girl.
Aria: This can't be just Jenna.
Alison: Why not?
Hanna: [impatiently] Because she's a vindictive blind girl. How can she create a board game when she can't even tell if her blouse is on inside-out?
Alison: Well, it didn't stop anyone from selling her a firearm.
Emily: Okay, I'm not playing this game.
Hanna: [sighs] Too late.
Spencer: I said that I was sorry.
Aria: Spence... you don't have to apologize. We get it.
Hanna: Get what? That letter was bait, Aria. Like some fat, juicy worm that was stuck on an electronic hook.
Alison: From Jenna, who had help.
Hanna: Her help is dead. His head rolled over your feet, remember?
[Alison scoffs]
Aria: Forget Noel Kahn. What about that Sydney-what's-her-face?
Spencer: Oh, please, let's not go there.
Spencer: Em, you've already been there. Jenna once tried to use her as a spy to make...
Emily: Okay, it's not about who started the game. It's... It's how they're getting exactly what they want. We're all scrambling like mice like we're still in high school.
Hanna: You are.
Emily: I park in the faculty lot now, Hanna. Okay? And I'm not gonna let Jenna or Sydney or any other sadistic freak who's watched Jumanji too many times...
Alison: [tries calming her friend down] Emily...
Emily: ...turn me into a tenth grade victim again.
Spencer: They have footage of us burying Rollins' body. If that gets out to the police...!
Emily: Then we tell the police what we left out when we thought Hanna was kidnapped. Alison was tortured by this freak. He deserved way worse.
Spencer: I agree with you, Emily, and it might not be first-degree murder, but we still kind of broke a few laws.
Emily: Yeah, not enough to play this game! Okay, I'm done! I mean it!
Aria: [sighs] Okay.
Hanna: She doesn't just get to walk out like that. I may have been the one driving the car, but... we have to be in this together.
Spencer: We are, Hanna. We are.

[to some jocks who are harassing Hanna]
Aria: Don't you guys have practice, or did you lose your balls?

Aria: [re Alison] The closer we get to the trial, the more desperate she's gonna get.
Hanna: And the more dangerous.

Hanna: [outside institute] What did she say?
Aria: [sighs] Hardly anything. Her visits are supervised now. But she wanted me to tell you that she's sorry. Is it possible she's not behind any of this?
[shakes her head]
Hanna: Either way, she knows who is.
[heads back]
Aria: Hey. Visiting hours are over.
Hanna: Look, the nurses change shifts in twenty minutes.
[Aria raises her eyebrows]
Hanna: What? I've been here enough times to know.
Aria: That's not what the look is for. You're sneaking in? Hanna, I know that you're freaked out about everything, but you can just come back tomorrow.
Hanna: And do what? Have a nice chat about A in the day room?
Aria: Okay, then I'm going with you.
Hanna: No...! Aria, this way...
Aria: Hanna, friends don't let friends sneak into insane asylums alone.

Emily: [as Melissa enters] Spence.
Aria: When did she get back?
Emily: Why did she get back?
Hanna: Yeah, I thought she was gone for good when they found Wilden.
[to: ]
Hanna: Mona said that your sister was with Wilden on the train, and then she just leaves the night he was killed?
Spencer: [with doubt] Well, Mona said she was on the train.
[gets up]
Hanna: Just because Mona said doesn't mean it's not true.

Aria: [after pushing the cabinet away, they find hidden exit, and move through] Are we still in Pennsylvania?
Spencer: Yeah, we're behind The Radley someplace.
Aria: Well, this explains how Sara got in and out of her hotel room to mess with us.
Spencer: Why go to so much trouble just to sneak in and out of a hotel room?
Aria: Maybe sneaking's only part of it.
Spencer: You're still really good at this.
Aria: [smirks] I've had a lot of practice.

Aria: She knew too much, 'A'.

Spencer: [big black box tied with bright-red ribbon] It was here when I got back from the Lost Woods. That's when I called everybody.
Aria: Guys, Noel is dead. Jenna is wandering around in the dark. This... can't be real.
Alison: Noel's dead, but somebody else is out there.
Hanna: Out there and just as crazy.
Aria: You think Jenna and Noel were working for somebody else?
Spencer: Or Jenna and Noel had a twisted scheme all their own, and we mistakenly assumed that they were A.D.
Emily: Sara said we were all looking for the same thing.
Aria: What's inside?
Hanna: We were waiting for you.
Aria: Oh, golly, you didn't have to do that.

Spencer: Why did you ask me if Andrew was released?
Aria: Because if he was out, he could have made that call.
Hanna: Well, he wasn't. So now what?

Emily: That place is really nice.
Hanna: [entering] It's the Hastings. Were you expecting Donuts and Dogs?
Aria: [re Hanna's shiny gold high heels] How can you afford new Miu Mius?
Hanna: Oh, I borrowed them. The store gives full refund for returns.
Emily: That's if you don't wear them.
Hanna: Doesn't say that on the receipt.

Hanna: Okay, I still think that Spencer should get back to Shana and see if she'll say more.
Spencer: What? Why?
Hanna: Because! If CeCe drowned Jenna, then she must know the reason.
Emily: And why exactly do we trust Shana?
Hanna: Why do we trust Jenna?
Aria: All right, I don't trust anybody, and you guys are about as quiet as a monster truck rally. Now shut up!

Emily: Another Jason dream?
Aria: God, what I wouldn't give for just a nice, simple nightmare. Something with a lot of spiders.

Aria: [in Dr. Sullivan's waiting room] What are we supposed to tell her?
Hanna: It's not about telling her. It's about telling each other.
Emily: Hanna, I think sometimes it's better not to talk about things.
Hanna: Really, Em? How have you been sleeping?
Aria: Guys, we shouldn't do this without Spencer.
Hanna: She'll be here.
Emily: Are you sure?
Spencer: [entering just then] Guys, we need to talk.
Aria: [softly] That's why were here.
Spencer: No, I mean, we have to talk. Jason told me who Charles DiLaurentis is.
Aria: Wait. So he knew what Ali didn't? Was Alison lying?
Spencer: It wasn't Charles. At least, not when Jason knew him. It was Charlie. They were friends when they were really little.
Emily: So Charlie grew up to be Charles?
Spencer: Charlie was Jason's imaginary friend.
Hanna: Imaginary?
Hanna: Like... Mr. Biscuit?
[other three look at her funny]
Hanna: Long story.
Aria: Wait.
[to: ]
Aria: Jason told you this?
Spencer: Yes. And then one day, Mr. DiLaurentis went to Jason and said that Charlie had to go away, and then Jason never saw Charlie again.
Aria: Wait... wait a minute. So, if Jason's dad knew that Charlie was Jason's imaginary friend, why wouldn't he just tell Alison that when she asked him?
Spencer: Yeah. Why not?

Aria: [sees Alison leaving, carrying her doll] Hey, what are you doing?
Alison: I'm taking back what's mine.
Aria: Is this a dream?
Alison: [smirks] No, sweetie, I'm more real than I've ever been.

Aria: She's a mess. She can barely move. She's got this wicked bruise on her shoulder. She landed on a huge rock.
Hanna: Why didn't she land on Mona?
Aria: Hanna, the car tried to flatten me and Mona. If Emily hadn't jumped in, we would have been roadkill. Seriously, if A's new plan is to pick off the tiny ones in the herd...
Hanna: Okay, we're not a herd.
Aria: It's an expression.
Hanna: Yeah, for cows.
Aria: Well, I've been crated. What does that make me?

Jenna: You're like scared little rats! And you should be!
Aria: We gotta get out of here! Jenna's got a gun!

Hanna: If A is Charles, and Charles is Andrew, and Andrew is in jail, then who made that call? Who was in the room with Sara?
Aria: Did Mr. Biscuit ever make any threatening phone calls?
Hanna: [huffily] Leave Mr. Biscuit out of this.

Ezra: First of all, I'm not interested in you making any more sacrifices for your friends. Second, Aria, you have an alibi. You're in the clear. There is nothing linking you to what happened to Dunhill.
Aria: His body's in the trunk of my car.

[first lines]
Spencer: Did you actually read this book?
Aria: A few pages. Bits and pieces. Ezra knew who I was before we met.
[shakes her head]
Aria: He knew who all of us were. And he knew Alison too.
Emily: So, he admitted to being in a relationship with her?
Aria: Yeah, a brief one.
Hanna: Then he must be Board Shorts.
Aria: Well, Ezra didn't try to kill Alison. His... his whole book is trying to piece together who did it
Spencer: How's he gonna do that when the police can't even figure it out?
Aria: I don't know. He has a theory, though.
Emily: And? What is it?
Aria: He thinks that one of us did it.
Spencer: [as Emily scoffs:] What? You're... you're kidding, right?
Emily: Well, now we know it's a work of fiction.
Spencer: Which one of us is he trying to pin it on?
Aria: I didn't get that far.
Spencer: You didn't think to ask?
Aria: Why? We know that that's not true.
Emily: Okay, just because he wrote the book doesn't mean he's not A. You know, he could be using it as a way to place the blame on one of us, and keep suspicion off of him.
Hanna: No, he doesn't need to do that. He knows that Ali is alive.
Spencer: Yeah, but he didn't know that when he started writing the book.
Aria: Guys, listen. Ezra's not A! He's a writer who found a great opportunity to make a name for himself.
[eyes: ]
Aria: And he used me! He used us!
[they all consider this ruefully]
Spencer: Wait, what are you saying? That all of that stuff in that room in Ravenswood, that was just... research for his book?
Aria: He's been working on it for years.
Hanna: Well, we've seen the surveillance equipment, so we know he's been watching us.
Aria: He's probably just hoping that we'd lead him to Alison so he could finally get his big ending.
Emily: If he's been watching us, then he has to know about A. I mean, how could he sit back all this time and not do anything to help you?
Aria: [shrugs] It's simple.
[tearfully: ]
Aria: He never really loved me.

Spencer: [to Emily, as they peek at Shana] Have you heard from her since? Can we trust her now?
Emily: If Ali does, I guess that means that we should try.
Hanna: No, Shana has too many faces to trust. I've been keeping count and running out of fingers.
Aria: We all got a finger you can use. It's not the nice kind.

Hanna: Ok, I need to ask you guys something and I need you to be totally honest with me.
Spencer: Of course.
Aria: Sure.
Emily: Sure.
Hanna: Is this side of my face fatter than this side?
Spencer: No!
Aria: No!
Emily: No!

[the girls each get a text message]
Aria: Oh my god.
Hanna: It's from...
Emily: I got one, too.
Spencer: [reading text] I'm still here, bitches...
Spencer: [together] ... And I know everything. A.

Mona: It's gonna require a really big lie, and I'm terrible at that. Which of you girls is best at hiding the truth from someone who's close to you?
Spencer: [all pointing at Aria] Her.
Aria: Wow, really? Thanks, guys. Okay, Mona, what's my lie?

Aria: You guys, if the police know that Ali's still alive...
Hanna: Then we're all gonna get dragged into that precinct.
Emily: But, honestly, I'm a lot more worried about Alison than us.
Hanna: So what are we gonna say when the cops ask whose bones are in Ali's grave?
Aria: That we do not know...?
Spencer: You guys, if the cops are gonna question anybody, it's gonna be me. I'm the one who Ali's mom saw with that shovel.
Aria: But Ali's alive, Spencer.
Spencer: Yeah, and somebody else isn't. And I'm the one who might have bashed in the skull of a stranger.
Aria: Oh...
[glances back to see if Spencer was overheard]
Aria: Okay, you really need to eat something. Hanna, give her your cookie.
Hanna: You give her your cookie! I'm hungry!
Spencer: Aria, face it! That's why Ali's mom has been stalking us ever since Mona put on a straitjacket.
Aria: Okay, just, let's back up... for a second. I get that Mrs. DiLaurentis is really scary, but I'm not buying that she's the devil.
[somebody's watching them through the window]
Emily: I agree. And A knows Ali's alive. If she knew that, why would she waste her energy torturing us instead of bringing her daughter back home?
Spencer: Maybe because she thinks Ali won't be safe until I'm behind bars.
Hanna: Okay, you do need this more than I do.
[shoves her plate towards Spencer]

Aria: Did you really leave a note for your Mom?
Hanna: Yeah.
[with: ]
Hanna: "Dear Mommy, I went to the woods to trap a killer."

Aria: [re Sara at funeral] What is she doing here?
Emily: Making sure that Charlotte is really dead.
Spencer: Really, sincerely dead.
Hanna: Let's go.

Aria: [as they fold up fashion show programs] Did you invite Caleb?
Hanna: [frowns] Why would I do that?
Spencer: Because you kissed him.
Emily: How was it?
Hanna: Well, I wore the total wrong lip gloss. You know, the kind that looks wet, but it's really sticky.
Emily: Ooh,
[makes sour face]
Emily: the wads of hair get stuck to your mouth.
Aria: Hmm, it's all fun and sexy till somebody hacks up a hairball.
Spencer: Hey, could we please keep folding? I needed these done yesterday, and I've already missed a million committee meetings.

Aria: [as Red Coat figure takes off robe] God, Mona, you scared the crap out of us!
Mona: I've been following Alison since yesterday morning I lost her when you guys jumped the cop.
Aria: You knew that Clark was a cop?
Mona: Aria, maybe you thought he was always happy to see you, but I could never get past the bulge in his pants.

Hanna: [car trouble, in the dark] Do you see what the problem is?
Emily: I can barely see it. Okay, there's the radiator. Uh, there's the dipstick...
Aria: Let's just hypothetically say you could figure out what's wrong with the engine, would you even know how to fix it?
Emily: Probably not.
Hanna: That's good to know.
[looks up as thunder rumbles, lightning crashes]

Alison: A killed my mother.
Emily: Who could it be? Mona? Someone working with Shana?
Aria: Yeah. Or someone we haven't even... even thought of yet. Spence, are you okay?
Spencer: [tearfully] My Dad didn't do it. I accused him of murder, but he didn't do it.
Hanna: Well, it made sense why you thought he did.
Aria: [to Spencer] Unless your Dad's A. I'm sorry, I'm just putting it out there.
Spencer: No, he can't be. He thought that I killed Alison. Now Bethany.
Hanna: Well, it still doesn't rule out your sister.
Alison: Some things never change. And now we're back to square one.
Aria: No. Ezra thinks that Bethany can ultimately lead us to A.
Spencer: Okay, then we have to help Ezra try to find out as much as we can about her.
Emily: Aren't we stretching it a little here?
Spencer: You have a better plan?
Alison: I can't wait around for answers. I need to leave town. Now!
Emily: But you just got back here.
Alison: The only reason I came back is that I thought A was dead!
Hanna: If A wanted to kill you, why not just do it? Why play games and blow up a house?
Alison: I have no idea. But I'm not sticking around to find out.
Emily: Okay. But if you leave Rosewood, then we can't protect you.
Aria: And besides, Ali, it's not like before. The cops are watching your every move.
Hanna: The whole world knows you're alive.
Spencer: Even if you could run... Where would you hide?

Spencer: Mona came to see me at Radley, and when I found Toby in the woods,
[shakes her head]
Spencer: she planned the whole thing. She wanted to break me, so that she could put me back together like her own Humpty Dumpty.
Aria: So Mona made you an offer you couldn't refuse?
Spencer: She told me that Toby was still alive.
Emily: [gasp of relief] Toby's alive?

Alison: [what she thinks of her friends] No guts.
Aria: I think I liked you better when you were dead.