20 Best Toby Cavanaugh Quotes

Hanna: Okay, fine. I don't know anything. But what about you? Did you forget everything Jenna did to you?
Toby: No. Did you forget what you did to her?

Spencer: Dad... what are you doing here?
[as he comes down the steps: ]
Spencer: Dad, what are you doing at Jason's house?
Peter: We we're talking... about his fence.
Spencer: No, you're done with that. You set the town's zoning board against him.
Peter: Let's not do this, all right?
[on his way]
Spencer: [pulls him back] Dad, I can't leave this alone. Why are you having secret meetings with this family? First, with Alison's mother, and now with her brother?
Peter: I don't have to answer your questions.
Toby: Yeah, you kind of do!

Alison: [visiting juvenile detention center] Listen, I drove all the way up here and just got a triple-X pat-down by security. The least you can do, is to save me the trouble of being lied to.
Toby: Why are you so convinced that it's me? I'm pretty sure Jenna would love to see your head on a stick.
Alison: [sneering tone] Jenna would be pretty happy to see anything, I imagine. Your step-sis was going through surgery when some of these were sent. Wanna know how it turned out? She's still combing her hair with an electric toothbrush.
Toby: [disdainful] You can go now.
[bumps against her shoulder on purpose as he dismisses her]
Alison: [yelling] You know, I wasn't the only one outside that garage. Why aren't you harassing my friends?
Toby: You know what? I wish I knew who wrote those notes. I'd offer my services. You and your posse deserve a lot worse.
Alison: I bet you wish you'd kissed me when you had the chance.

Hanna: It's unbelievable. Ali's in the penalty box, but she's still playing offensive.
Toby: Maybe this is just her being iced out. Getting desperate. But if you actually think there's somebody on the outside helping her...
Hanna: Yeah, totally! There was a fireworks display.
Emily: But maybe she planned that before she was arrested.
Spencer: No way. Someone is helping her.
Aria: What do you mean "someone"? I saw Alison and Holbrook under the mistletoe, and he had his tongue down her throat. It's him!
Hanna: We don't know that for sure. Didn't Tanner say that he was assigned to a case in Pittsburgh?
Toby: He's off it. He had to take a personal leave to take care of his sick dad.
Emily: That's convenient.
Hanna: [to Toby] Can you see if Holbrook's visiting Ali in prison?
Spencer: No, guys, he can't. Why should he be the one who gets thrown headfirst into the lion's den?

Toby: You know that's my shirt.
Spencer: Yeah, and you're never getting it back.
Toby: I don't want it back.
[they kiss]
Toby: You look better in it than I do.

Toby: [clears throat] So you're in town for your Mom's campaign?
Spencer: No. I got... a request from the State of Pennsylvania. They would like my opinion on something.
Toby: Ali's been trying to get Charlotte out of the hospital.
Spencer: Yeah.
Spencer: We're going to talk to the court.
Toby: We?
Spencer: Aria, Em, Hanna and me.
Toby: All of you in one place at one time? When was the last time that happened?
Spencer: [shakes her head] Long time.
Toby: When Alison flashes the bat signal...
Spencer: It's not like that. You know, we're still friends, and we're not just "let's go see a movie and have dinner" friends, but the "I saved your life and I know you saved mine" kind of friends. You know, you were there.
Toby: How long are you gonna be here for?
Spencer: Well, the hearings tomorrow, and then... and then I don't really know.
Toby: Can I... buy you dinner before you leave?
Spencer: Yeah.
Spencer: Sure, we can do that.

Toby: Spencer, I know you. When you want answers, you get them.
Spencer: Yeah, well, you might know me, but you don't know my Dad.
[gets up]
Spencer: And when he tells me to mind my own business, that's what I do. So can you just get over it?

Toby: [Spencer in doorway] Did you talk to your Dad about Radley?
Spencer: Yeah, I did.
[he notices her baggage]
Spencer: Mind if I stay here for a while?

Toby: [to Spencer] Pretending not to love you was the hardest thing I've ever done.

Toby: Your parents are gonna work through this, Spencer. They have a lot of history together.
Spencer: That's what's splitting them up.

Toby: [about to drive off] Spencer, I don't feel like asking questions, and not when I'm getting answers.
Spencer: [climbing into truck with him] Yeah, and they also feed turkeys lots of tasty treats before they chop their heads off.

Spencer: [dancing with Toby] Why would she say that? Why would she say that I never even liked her?
Toby: Oh, because she hasn't always been the easiest person to like.
Spencer: Yeah, but we came here to protect her. That's all any of us have been trying to do for weeks. Years. We basically missed out on our high school experience trying to solve the mystery that is Alison. The only reason we survived is because we had each other.
Toby: Is that what your speech is about? For commencement?
Spencer: Oh, my God. Just forget about the stupid speech. Nobody's ever gonna hear it.

Toby: [dance continues] Did you write about your friends?
Spencer: I wrote about what I thought it meant to support someone unconditionally, even when they haven't been entirely honest with you. And how everybody needs somebody to be inspired by. Somebody who sets the bar really high. Somebody who'll put someone else's needs before their own. And not resent them for it. Somebody who always expects you to do the right thing. But then forgives you when you don't.
Toby: Well... I think your mother will be pretty moved by that.
Spencer: Yeah, she might be. But I wrote it about you.

Toby: [in hospital] Spencer... Jenna wants to talk to you. All of you.
Spencer: [nods] Okay.
[on her way]
Toby: Are you all right?
Spencer: [little sigh] I think so.

Spencer: [they have Nigel's phone record] So you think this is where CeCe Drake went when she left town?
Caleb: I can get into it and see what I can find out. But why would she want to ruin Ashley Marin, or hurt Hanna?
Toby: Or the rest of you, for that matter. Could she have helped Wilden set that fire? Or was Wilden helping her?
Spencer: She said that she was leaving town because she was afraid of Wilden. So maybe the truth is that... they set the fire, she killed Wilden, and this set-up is her covering her own tracks.
Toby: Can you think of a reason to believe she's not A?
Spencer: Toby, CeCe visited Mona in Radley.
Toby: [to Caleb] Can you give us a minute?
Caleb: Yeah, just don't start making out or anything.
Spencer: [as she follows Toby, scoffs:] Believe me, I missed him while you two were playing Hardy Boys, but now is not the time.

Spencer: [inside burnt-out lodge] What if it was Ali? And what if she brought us here because... she's ready to come home?
Toby: She pulls everybody out and then takes off? Because she knows it isn't safe?
Spencer: It's possible.
Toby: Well, yeah, if you're not taking into account that she died two years ago.
Toby: Sure, it's possible.
Spencer: [floorboards creak] Toby? I don't think we're in here alone!

Spencer: Toby, who are you building the house for?
Toby: What makes you think I'm building it for somebody?
Spencer: Because I know you.

Spencer: After what happened with Mona, we all decided it would be smart to get as far away from Alison as possible. God, how can she still decide where I go and what I do? She's behind bars, and we still cannot get far enough away from her. New Mexico, Montana, let's say I do go to the University of Hawaii...
Toby: She'll be here, in jail.
Spencer: Right. And she was able to plant a murder weapon in Mona's backyard for you to find. You don't think that she can book a plane ticket?
Toby: You don't know...
Spencer: You don't know, okay? We are pretty sure that she had help.
Toby: Well, none of us will ever know that for sure, will we?

Caleb: Wow, when I'm falling for a girl, I, uh usually cook her a meal. You are building her a house.
Toby: So how about you? You, uh... You cooking for anyone?
Toby: That's why I'm here.
Toby: Does that have to do with Hanna? You're still holding on to that?
Caleb: Uh, actually I connected with someone a few years ago. The timing wasn't right and it was just... It-it felt really complicated. It still is pretty complicated.
Toby: For someone who's a straight shooter you're really talking in circles.
Caleb: It's Spencer.

Toby: Do you want me to talk to your Dad?
Spencer: Good luck finding him. He's been avoiding me like the plague.
Toby: Does Alison know? What you think he did to her Mom?
Spencer: Not the kind of information that I wanna arm her with until I know for sure that he did it.
Toby: So, if action is character, then who is Alison now?
Spencer: You've been reading Fitzgerald.
Toby: I've been rereading Fitzgerald. I already know Alison's story, but it's hard to picture her as a victim.
Spencer: She seemed really genuine when she said that what she's been through changed her, and I wanna believe her...
Toby: But you don't.
Spencer: Well, how can I believe a story that I haven't been told? If the truth is in the details, we still don't know what happened to her.
Toby: Hey, Spencer, we wouldn't be us if we didn't believe in second chances, but it's okay to close the door on someone who's toxic.