The Best Paige McCullers Quotes

Emily: [as new girl stares at her] I've had all of being stared at that I can take for one day.
Paige: I'll take care of it. I know her. She's on the team. She just transferred in.
Emily: It's not important. Forget it.

Emily: [as her former love walks away] Paige...
[the girl turns around]
Emily: You deserve the best of everything.
Paige: That's what I had.

Samara: Look, Paige, I hope it didn't seem like I was calling you out. I get it. We've all been there.
Paige: I know you're trying to be nice and everything, but honestly, you don't even know me.
Emily: Paige...
Paige: What? Sorry, Emily, I'm not looking to join a club and ride down main street on a rainbow chopper.
Samara: Actually, I drive a Jeep. But that's beside the point.

Paige: [in reference to Emily's Barbarella costume] Tell me about love on your planet.

Paige: Maybe we should watch a movie to take your mind off things.
Emily: I don't know if I can sit still for that long.
Paige: I have to be honest. I get worrying about CeCe, but not Mona. She tried to kill you.
Emily: I know. But we created the beast.
Paige: No, Ali did that.
Emily: Yeah. And we let her.

Paige: That is so easy for you to say. You're fearless.
Emily: I am so not fearless.
Paige: You came out.
Emily: I didn't come out of the closet. I fell out, on my face. But I'm out. And whatever else happens, I don't have to worry about it anymore.

Emily: [at dance] Hey.
Paige: Hey.
Emily: Look, I don't wanna be the person that ends up with mushy squash.
Paige: [puzzled] Are you drunk?
Emily: No.
Paige: [shakes her head] What are you trying to say?
Emily: I'm saying that I wanna dance with you. Now. Before they turn the lights off.

Paige: Listen, it's like your Mom said. My Dad is always looking for someone to blame.
Emily: Uh... I have to go home. My Mom is waiting for me. Do you mind?
Paige: Right, your Mom's waiting. God... why is everything so easy for you?
Emily: Easy? What planet do you live on? I've spent most of my life trying not to feel the way I feel. I come out and they ship my first girlfriend off to who-knows-where. And now maybe she's done with me. So, yeah! It's all about me. It's all about Emily! All Em, all the time!
[Paige suddenly kisses Emily very passionately for several seconds before slowly pulling away]
Paige: [frightened and desperate tone] Please... don't tell.
[Paige runs off while Emily looks completely stunned]