The Best Melissa Hastings Quotes

Melissa: I was hoping you'd be happy for me.
Spencer: Well, you know what they say about hope, it breeds eternal misery.

Melissa: [to Spencer] It is not safe for me here. Or for you.
Melissa: Maybe you should come with me.

Melissa: Is this what all of this has come to? Searching each other's rooms looking for answers to questions we're too afraid to ask? I only helped Mona because I wanted you to see that Ali hasn't changed. She is as toxic as ever.
[shakes her head]
Melissa: We both know Ali wasn't kidnapped. But sooner or later she's gonna get what she deserves. And I do not want you standing too close when that happens.
Spencer: So all this is just sisterly concern?
Melissa: Is that so hard to believe?
Spencer: What did you do, Melissa? And I'm asking you. To your face this time!
Melissa: I can't tell you. Not yet.
[walks off, upset]
Spencer: You're my sister! Does that mean nothing to you?
Melissa: It means that you should know that... honesty does not come easy for this family!

Caleb: Hey.
Spencer: Hi.
Caleb: How did it go?
Spencer: Not good. They asked me to lie.
Melissa: They don't want you to lie.
Spencer: Okay. They want me to use a non-denial denial.
Caleb: So, lying.
Spencer: Yeah.
Melissa: If you can avoid addressing certain things, you should. No, don't take off your shoes. We have to get to Hollis in thirty minutes.
Caleb: What is this Hollis thing? Gill asked me to post about it.
Spencer: They're registering college kids to vote, trying to reverse the political apathy of our youth.
Caleb: That's noble.
Spencer: It's really not. It's a photo-op for the candidate's children...
[whispers: ]
Spencer: who are starving.
Caleb: Okay, I'll make you some eggs. Do you want some toast?
Spencer: Oh, my God, please. Burned.
Caleb: It's the only way I make them.

Melissa: [in London] You know what the best part about living here has been for me? Getting a fresh start, away from all the Rosewood drama.
Spencer: [with longing] Yeah, that would be nice.
Melissa: This could be your future too. Don't miss out on the opportunity.

Spencer: And you told this to Garrett?
Melissa: Ugh, I never should have opened up to him. I was just... venting, trying to sort through my feelings.
Spencer: [throws her head back] This is not good.
Melissa: Why?
Spencer: Melissa, we're not the only people who know about Jason. Dad might have been blackmailed.
Melissa: What? By who?
Spencer: Alison. Jason found cash, a lot of it. Ali was hiding it. And... and I asked Dad about it, the blackmail... and he told me he never paid Alison a cent.
Melissa: Do we believe that?

Melissa: [seeing Caleb and Spencer flirt] When did that happen?
Spencer: What? Caleb? We're friends.
Melissa: Really? 'Cause I know how you like to shop out of other people's carts
Spencer: If you're referring to Hanna, that cart is engaged to someone else. It really doesn't matter because there is nothing going on.
Melissa: Maybe you're more comfortable with lying than you think.

Melissa: Alison fooled us all, didn't she? I remember her constantly trashing that kid... and the whole time she was seeing him.
Spencer: Well, Ali played a lot of games, Melissa.
Melissa: It's probably what got her killed.

Spencer: Church?
Melissa: We're planning the christening.
Spencer: Isn't that a little premature? What if it's not born a human?
Melissa: That's not funny.
Spencer: Well, humor's subjective.
Melissa: No, I know how you feel about Ian, but I honestly thought you'd be happy about this baby.
[goes off]
Veronica: That was cruel.
Spencer: I'm sorry.
Veronica: Well, it doesn't help to tell me that.

Melissa: [as Spencer looks out the window at the DiLaurentis house] Don't let them catch you looking.
Spencer: Why, you think somebody's gonna throw a rock?
Melissa: It's a possibility. They hate us enough.
Spencer: We're not exactly the Hatfields and the McCoys.
Melissa: Nothing so... rustic. More like the Borgias and the Medicis.
Spencer: Well, that ended pretty nasty as well too.
Melissa: Lots of matricide.
Spencer: You think that Jason killed his mother.
Melissa: People are capable of all sorts of things. Under the right pressures.
Spencer: There's plenty of pressure. Right here in this house.
Melissa: Why did you send Toby after me?
Spencer: I didn't. He went on his own. Why did you lie about seeing him in London?
Melissa: On a practical level, there is no difference between seeing him and knowing he was there.
Spencer: Then, on a practical level, why lie about it?

Melissa: You asked me a question once.
Spencer: Hmm?
Melissa: If it came down to protecting you, or protecting somebody else, somebody I loved, who would I pick? Do you remember?
Spencer: [nods] Yeah, I do.
Melissa: What would your answer be... if I asked you the same question? If you had to choose, what would you do?

Spencer: Where's Alex?
Melissa: He left.
Spencer: What do you mean?
Melissa: He. Left. Do you need me to tweet it to you?

Spencer: Okay, so you talked to his parents. Have you spoken with Garrett?
Veronica: Yes. I found his story to be credible.
Spencer: What story is that?
Veronica: All I can say is that
[shakes her head]
Veronica: he convinced me of his lack of guilt as pertains to the charges.
Spencer: Mom...
[comes nearer]
Spencer: what are you doing? Okay, this is the man who killed my best friend. He killed the girl whom Emily was in love with.
Veronica: Accused of killing them!
Spencer: [to Melissa] Will you say something?
Melissa: What do you want me to say?
Spencer: This does involve you!
Melissa: Any interest I had in any of this, ended three months ago!