The Best Pam Fields Quotes

Pam: [on Aria's pink hair] What kind of mother would I be if I let you run around looking like a goth? I mean, that kind of lifestyle might fly in Europe, but it's not going to get you very far here in Rosewood.
Emily: Not everyone dreams of making it in Rosewood, Mom. Some people dream of making it out.

[first lines]
Veronica: [at Hastings household] I'm sure they took your feelings into consideration. And, yes, it sucks. But it came from up high.
Spencer: What, the police?
Veronica: The school board.
Emily: [at Fields household] What?
Pam: They think your attendance could endanger the other students' safety. And from what I understand about the gallery situation, I don't completely disagree.
Hanna: [at Marin household] I do. They can't punish us.
Ashley: It's not a punishment.
Hanna: Really? Being disinvited to your own prom? What would you call it?
Ella: [at Montgomery household] A blessing. If Charles, A, or whatever he calls himself, was bold enough to pull that stunt with the photos, he's not gonna be scared to crash a school party.
Aria: Well, then, fill the ballroom with police. It's fairytale themed, they can come as the village idiots.
Ella: You can still celebrate that night in a quiet, more intimate way. Veronica has offered to host a small gathering in the backyard barn.
Aria: You're kidding me.
Spencer: [back at the Hastings] Seriously?
Veronica: Why not?
Spencer: Because it's filled with Melissa's stuff. How is that a banquet hall?
Veronica: You can roll up a rug.
Spencer: And what? Take our prom pictures on top of a washer and dryer?
Ashley: [at Marin home] Hanna, you don't have a choice. If the school board doesn't want you at prom or commencement...
Hanna: Commencement? Wait, we were barred from that too? So, now I'm not gonna graduate?
Pam: [at Fields household] You will graduate. You just won't be walking across the stage to get your diploma. You'll be...
Emily: ...walking to the mailbox. Unbelievable!
[covers her face with her hands]
Pam: I'm sorry.
Spencer: [at the Hastings home] No. I'm sorry. I spent the last two weeks writing that stupid valedictorian speech that I didn't even wanna give in the first place.
Veronica: Honey, the circumstances have changed since you started writing that speech.
Spencer: I know. It went from a pity toss to a humiliation hurl.
Veronica: Please. Stop focusing on what you don't have. And focus on the fact that you're here. And you have four dear friends that you can celebrate with.
Spencer: That barn is not big enough for us, our dates, and our poufy dresses.
Veronica: You'll open a window.
Aria: [later that morning, at Rear Window] That's what she said?
Spencer: Oh, no, there was more. She said something about hanging twinkly lights on Melissa's shower curtain, but by that time I was already halfway up the stairs.
Aria: I guess it could be worse.
Spencer: Really? How?
Aria: I'm thinking.

Pam: [to Sara] Up until the age of twelve, Emily's closet was done in early hurricane. Then came the glorious day she discovered hangers.
[embarrassing Emily]