The Best Campbell Scott Quotes

Lewis: You know, I thought you might be different, but you're just like everyone else. You see what you want to see. You imagine unchecked avarice, so that's what you find. You envision what, an evil, unbound Prometheus? So that's what I am to you?
Ian: Prometheus got gored. So will you, you rapacious rat bastard.

Francis: I'm leaving.
Mark: You don't have to go.
Francis: No, I know, I don't have to do anything. Do you remember when we first met? You almost joined my second campaign. We sat down at that little greasy spoon in Gaffney.
Mark: Yes, if you'd signed me on, you would have won by a landslide.
Francis: I won anyway, because I never lose. You know why I didn't hire you back then? Because when you went to pick up the check, you told me I didn't have to pay you. That you would work for free. I don't trust that. Because no one works for free.

Mark: We can't cancel any trip, or any event. We shouldn't.
- A second to catch our breath would be really helpful, I think.
- This is what it is, Hannah.
- If you need to take a break, you can.
- Darling, we haven't slept all week.
- You're exhausted.
- It's just an idea.
- What's my next call?

Mark: [getting right to the point] Okay. The Black Caucus? Really?
Francis: [to the camera] I like Mark, because I always know where he stands. It's usually on someone's neck.

- We, uh, have several people in mind.
- I want you to appoint Elizabeth Benson.
- Well, she's liberal enough for you to swallow, and conservative enough when it counts.
Claire: Yes, but we don't have time for senate hearings.
Mark: I can make a recess happen.

Hannah: What happens after he gets there? To Will? What happens?
Mark: We'll be there for him.
Hannah: You and General Brockhart?
Mark: Yes.
Hannah: What will Will's role be?
Mark: I will continue to support your husband.
Hannah: Give me a real answer. You owe me that.
Mark: His role will be president of the United States.

Francis: As I believe you know, yesterday we had something of a drill here in the White House.
Mark: I know people are wondering what that was about.
Francis: Yes. Everyone except you. The announcement of the recess appointment of Judge Benson has been rescheduled for tomorrow morning.
Mark: Good. So... We have an election.
Claire: Which you will not be able to win with another so-called October surprise.
Mark: Well, we are way past October.
Claire: We certainly are.

Mark: Romero said no, and the usual offers don't interest him.
Francis: Oh, he's interested. He just hates himself for it.

Lewis: [to Dilophosaurus] What's your story?

Claire: Swallowing poison to stay alive.
Mark: Alive is good.

Mark: Oppenheimer was a member. That tree right over there, right under that tree, Manhattan Project was born.
Francis: And right under this one, I'm relieving myself.

Mark: She's testifying 'cause she doesn't want to go to jail. Which is the only reason anyone testifies.

Gemma: How did they get here? It's been three decades since the deadly events of Jurassic Park and we've yet to find a way for these animals to live safely among us. After the devastating eruption of Isla Nublar's long dormant volcano, those who survived were transported to the mainland. Many of the larger predators were captured. But the remaining creatures scattered here in Big Rock National Park.
[we then switch to a pair of ankylosaurus grazing on the forest floor]
Gemma: While most remained in the wild, those who made their way to civilization struggle to adapt to unfamiliar conditions. Local authorities have warned the animals are unpredictable and when Hungry, extremely violent.
[we see a flock of gallimimus on a road and then scattering away, then a clip to an adult allosaurus flipping over a camping truck, obviously filmed during the big rock incident. then we see a map with dots being dinosaurs as we see them spread across the world]
Gemma: As the dinosaurs spread across borders, a global black market has risen.
[we then see footage of policemen outside a pet shop arresting a screaming women as officers haul out bird cages with dimorphodon inside]
Gemma: To combat the growing threat of illegal poachers, the US Congress awards sole collection rights to the global giant, Biosyn Genetics.
[we see a pair of hunters on a hillside before shifting to see the biosyn logo. it is here where we see an interview with lewis dodgson]
Lewis: At Biosyn, we're dedicated to the idea that. dinosaurs can teach us more about ourselves.
[we then see an overview of the italian mountains before shifting to an X-ray of a stegosaurus and tyrannosaurus rex showing their veins with the ones from the brain blue and the ones from the heart orange]
Gemma: CEO Lewis Dodgson has created a sanctuary in Italy's Dolomite Mountains where he hopes to study the dinosaur's ancient immune systems for unique pharmaceutical properties. While Biosin believes we can handle genetic power responsibly. The public remains skeptical.
[we then see a chart showing the percent of people who want the dinosaurs to live and people who want them to die as we see a chart dubbed "destroy them" as leading. we then cut back to gemma speaking to the camera]
Gemma: Some note that these government contracts have led to massive spikes in Biosyn's profits. And rumors persist of a human clone who mysteriously disappeared leading to a worldwide search.
[we then see a photo of a young charlotte lockwood with iris in her youth]
Gemma: Some believe she's genetically identical to Charlotte Lockwood, deceased daughter of Jurassic Park co-founder Benjamin Lockwood.
[we then see a slowed down clip of a cheetah hunting a compsognathus. then a stygimoloch right next to a passing train. and finally we see a quetzalcoatlus soaring over a city to it's nest atop a skyscraper where it's mate is waiting]
Gemma: Now we brought these animals back from extinction, can we face the consequences? Are we responsible for them or should they be left to fend for themselves? As we adapt to an ever-changing world, we must find answers to these questions for their safety as well as for our own.

Mark: It was a wager. The potential gains made it necessary.
Will: It was a complete waste of my time. If you don't start turning things around, you're going to be out on your fucking ass. You understand?
Mark: I do. I should explain something to you, Governor. If you ever talk to me like that again... I'll make sure you never win another election in your life.
Will: Are you threatening me?
Mark: No, I'm enlightening you.

Terry: So, does anyone else have any questions for the governor?
Will: Well, I have a question. What has Francis Underwood ever done for you? This little charade this morning... Well done.
Mark: [interrupting] Will.
Will: Quite an act...
Mark: Governor.
Will: No, but really. See, you may have differences with me... You may have genuine differences with me. But see, that's the operative word, genuine. Can someone here please explain to me why you all are still loyal to Francis Underwood and the Democrats? One of these days the members of this room will realise how much you actually prop up the status quo. And how's that working for you?

Mark: We're done here.
Seth: Sir...
Mark: The Vice President says we're done!

- I'll fire you.
- I'll leave you on the goddamn tarmac.
Mark: Okay.
- What the fuck are you gonna do?
- Sit down and try and act like an adult...
- Or at least like the next president of the United States.
- Sit.

Francis: He just might. But first, I want to know what you have on Romero.
Mark: I don't have a thing.
Doug: Please.
Francis: Doug, let's not be rude.

Mark: Walker's gonna plead the fifth.
- And romero won't rock the boat.
- Thank you, Mark,
- I appreciate that.
- I would suggest you schedule a press conference for right after the hearing.
- All right.

Francis: I thought you had nothing on this guy. How long have you known this?
Mark: I was holding it until... Or, if we needed it.
Francis: No, until you needed it, you mean.

[first lines]
Richard: People will say I am a monster for what I've done. And maybe they're right. I'd always thought that I'd have more time.