The Best Corporal Walter Tillman Quotes

Col. Hogan: [Col. Hogan and his crew enter their cabin with a new prisoner, Corporal Walter Tillman]
[pointing at an empty bunk]
Col. Hogan: That one's yours, pop.
Corporal: Okay, Hogan.
LeBeau: It's Colonel Hogan.
Corporal: Yeah? Well, I'll remember that.
Col. Hogan: What outfit were you with, pop?
Corporal: 605th engineers. After that, I went airborne. Don't ask me any questions about baseball. Any German spy knows more about it than I do.
Col. Hogan: You know how it is, pop. Can't be too careful
Corporal: Yeah, I know. Knock it off with that pop routine, will ya?
Col. Hogan: Unless that's the way you want it.
Corporal: That's the way I want it.
Carter: Hey, look, American cigarettes!
Corporal: Give me those!
[everyone looks at Tillman with suspicion]
Corporal: Well, it's the only pack I got.
Kinchloe: Yeah, well, there's a war on.
Col. Hogan: Tillman, didn't your mother ever teach you anything about sharing?
Newkirk: Maybe his mother doesn't know he smokes.
LeBeau: Well, maybe we should take his cigarettes away so his mother won't be unhappy.
Carter: Yeah, that's what we ought to do.
Corporal: Well, don't start anything. Someone might get hurt.
Newkirk: What gave you that idea, pop?
Col. Hogan: Knock it off! Go take a shower, Tillman.