The Best Estelle Quotes

[Steven and Connie have fused into Stevonnie without realizing]
Yellow: [through gritted teeth] Pink, what are you doing?
Stevonnie: I was just dancing!
[Stevonnie looks down at themself and gasps in shock]
Blue: Pink, this is completely unacceptable! Unfuse or I'll make you!
[Ruby and Sapphire fuse into Garnet and stand between Stevonnie and the Diamonds]
Garnet: You'll have to go through me.
Pearl: And me!
[She grabs Amethyst and fuses with her into Opal]
Amethyst: Yeah!

[talking to Dr. Maheswaran on the phone]
Garnet: Hello. This is Mom Universe. Yes. The children are playing swords. Sorry, playing with swords. They're bleeding. Oh no, they are dead. Don't call again.
[hangs up]
Garnet: Sorry, I panicked.

Amethyst: [as Yellow Diamond's Ruby squad heads for Neptune] Man, Rubies are dumb.
Garnet: Not all of them.

Steven: [begins to rap] Oooooh, he's a frozen treat with a whole new taste, because he came to this planet from outer space. A refugee, from an interstellar war, but now he's at, your local grocery store. Cookie Cat! He's a pet for your tummy, Cookie Cat! He's super duper yummy! Cookie Cat! He left his family behind! Cooookie Cat!
Steven: Now available at Gertman's off route 109.
[Gems burst out in laughter and applause]
Steven: I can't believe you did this. I'm gonna save these forever! Right after I eat this one. Hello old friend.
[bites into one]
Steven: Oh, so good!
[Steven's gem begins to glow]
Steven: I like to eat the ears first.
Amethyst: uh, Steven...
Steven: Wha-?, oh, my Gem!
Amethyst: Quick, try and summon your weapon!
Steven: I don't know how!
Steven: Ah, its fading! How do I make it come back?
Pearl: Calm down, Steven. Breathe, don't force it.
Amethyst: Yeah, and try not to poop yourself either.
Garnet: Please, don't.
[Steven's Gem glow fades away, collective sigh]
Steven: Ah, I was really close that time! Can one of you just explain how to summon a weapon?

Garnet: [after everyone gets ready to fight Blue Diamond] With all our strength together, we can take her down!
Steven: That's right! This is our home, our planet, our friends and family! We are the Crystal Gems!

Garnet: I know you're worried, but there's nothing we can do right now.
[She picks up Steven and drops him near the other Gems]
Garnet: So let's take it easy.
[She cracks her knuckles]
Garnet: I'll show you how it's done.
[She falls over, stiff as a board]

Garnet: Agree with Amethyst. Turn to Steven. Steven, you should go. No, with more enthusiasm. Steven, it's a vacation!
[She gives Steven a thumbs up and smiles]

Pearl: [at Steven's insistence to keep the lion] Uhhh... Are we really going to keep it?
Garnet: We kept Amethyst.

Garnet: Steven, we're facing an enemy we don't know with technology we don't understand. This isn't the time to be asking questions.
Steven: Really sounds like it is...

Blue: Who are you?
Garnet: I am the will of two Gems that care for each other. To protect each other from ANY threat. No matter how vast or how cruel. You couldn't stop me 5,750 years ago, and you can't stop me now!
Blue: It's you... The Ruby and Sapphire that disrupted my court.
Garnet: This was supposed to be MY day!
Blue: You hope to stop me by... clinging to my feet?
Garnet: I just needed to keep you from taking three steps to the right.
[Lapis Lazuli drops the Barn on Blue Diamond]
Blue: What?

[Garnet, Amethyst and Pearl run through the void, looking for an exit. They stop for a moment. Pearl trembles with fear]
Garnet: There's got to be some way out of here.
Garnet: Pearl, you're overreacting.
[She screams and runs madly about the void. Amethyst yawns. Pearl crashes into Amethyst]

Pearl: Steve, you are in very big trouble and we have no choice but to punish you!
Steven: But...
Garnet: No dinner for one thousand years!
Steven: [on the verge of tears] One thousand...?

Garnet: Stevonnie, listen to me. You are not two people. And you are not one person. You are an experience! Make sure you're a good experience. Now... Go!... Have!... Fun!

[Rose and Pearl defeat the Ruby fusion, and one Ruby is left unpoofed]
Sapphire: Thank you, Ruby. You did your best.
Garnet: [narrating] Ruby suddenly realized what Sapphire meant. She had known that Ruby would fail. Sapphire had accepted it, but Ruby... Ruby could not.
Ruby: NO!
[Ruby rushes at Sapphire and pushes her away before Pearl can poof her. The two of them fuse into an entirely new being: Garnet]
Garnet: What...?
[Garnet opens her eyes and starts in shock. She looks down at herself and gasps, staring in astonishment at her hands]
Garnet: What?
[the Gems all around Garnet gasp and mutter]
Garnet: What... what is this?
[Pearl stares, stunned, before starting to rush forward. Rose grabs her on the arm to stop her]
Rose: Wait. This is...
[She sees the other Gems advancing]
Rose: Let's go.
Pearl: [to the Gems] Uh, bye. She and Rose flee the scene.

Garnet: This isn't about Rose. From now on, everything has to be about Steven.

Garnet: Get open, get honest, invent yourselves together.
[She takes off her glasses, revealing her three eyes, and winks at him]
Garnet: That's fusion.
Greg: Eye!... think I get it.

Steven: Garent! Quick pretend to be my mom to Connie's mom
[hands the phone to Garnet]
Garnet: [into phone] Hello? This... is mom Universe. Yes. The children are playing swords Sorry, playing with swords. They're bleeding. Oh no... They're dead. Don't call again
[hands phone back to Steven]
Garnet: Sorry I panicked.

Steven: [Steven is thrown back into the real world and into Garnet] Garnet!
Garnet: [Steven bites Garnet's arm]
Garnet: Ow.
Steven: You're not clouds!
Amethyst: All right, Steven!
[Amethyst bites Pearl's arm]