The Best Stevonnie Quotes

[Stevonnie goes into the donut shop. Lars and Sadie have never seen this beautiful stranger before and blush at the sight of them]
Lars: H-how... can I help... me?
[Stevonnie flips their long, thick black hair and wrings it out]
Stevonnie: Two donuts, please.
[Lars gets out a bag of donuts without taking his eyes off of Stevonnie. Stevonnie gets out a bill]
Stevonnie: What do I owe you?
Lars: Uh...
Sadie: Oh, nothing. It's on the house.
Stevonnie: Really?
[Lars and Sadie nod]
Sadie: Mm-hmm.
Stevonnie: Okay.
[They take the bag of donuts and head for the door]
Stevonnie: But just so you know, that isn't a very sound business practice.
[as Stevonnie leaves, Lars and Sadie stare at them, open-mouthed]

[Steven and Connie have fused into Stevonnie without realizing]
Yellow: [through gritted teeth] Pink, what are you doing?
Stevonnie: I was just dancing!
[Stevonnie looks down at themself and gasps in shock]
Blue: Pink, this is completely unacceptable! Unfuse or I'll make you!
[Ruby and Sapphire fuse into Garnet and stand between Stevonnie and the Diamonds]
Garnet: You'll have to go through me.
Pearl: And me!
[She grabs Amethyst and fuses with her into Opal]
Amethyst: Yeah!

[Stevonnie is divided over whether they should eat the small creature before them]
Stevonnie: [through Connie] Come on, we have to, we're out of energy bars!
[through Steven]
Stevonnie: But it's so cute!
[through Connie]
Stevonnie: But we need the protein for a healthy diet.
[through Steven]
Stevonnie: There has to be another way! We can just take the fruit! Fruit's good!

Stevonnie: If life can thrive here, then so can I. I've just got to hold out until Lars finds me. Until then... we survive.

Stevonnie: Are you okay?
[Stevonnie blinks and pulls the doughnuts apart]
Stevonnie: We can stop if you...
[They put the doughnuts together]
Stevonnie: No. No.
[They look to the side]
Stevonnie: Don't worry.

Stevonnie: You have so many worlds and I don't even have one! It's not fair! I want one! I want my own army! I want my own planet! I deserve it! I'm just as important as you!
Dr. Priyanka Maheswaran: [as Yellow Diamond] Then why don't you act like it, Pink?

Stevonnie: [through Connie] I hate it when she ignores me.