The Best Jenny Quotes

Madame: Jenny and I are married, yet, for appearances' sake, we maintain a pretense in public that she is my maid.
Jenny: Doesn't exactly explain why I'm pouring tea for you in private.
Madame: Hush, now.
Jenny: Good pretense, isn't it?

Madame: Is it choking?
Jenny: There seems to be something lodged in its throat.
Inspector: Well, how could it time-travel?
Madame: I don't know. Perhaps it was something it ate.
[dinosaur spits out the Tardis]

The: It's simply misunderstandable to me. I don't know what it is. Who invented this room?
Clara: Doctor, please, you have to lie down.
The: It doesn't make any sense. Look, it's only got a bed in it. Why is there only a bed in it?
Clara: Because it's a bedroom, it's for sleeping in.
The: Okay, what do you do when you're awake?
Jenny: You leave the room.

Jenny: Madame Vastra will ask you questions. You will confine yourself to single word responses. One word only. Do you understand?
Clara: Why?
Madame: Truth is singular. Lies are words, words, and words. You met the Doctor, didn't you?
Clara: Yes.
Madame: And, now, you've come looking for him again. Why?
Jenny: [as Clara hesitates] Take your time. One word only.
Clara: Curiosity.
Madame: About?
Clara: Snow.
Madame: And about him?
Clara: Yes.
Madame: What do you want from him?
Clara: Help.
Madame: Why?
Clara: Danger.
Madame: Why would he help *you*?
Clara: [taken aback] Kindness.
[Jenny looks to Madame Vastra]
Madame: The Doctor is not kind.
Clara: No?
Madame: No. The Doctor doesn't help people. Not anyone, not ever. He stands *above* this world and doesn't interfere in the affairs of its inhabitants. He is not your salvation, nor your protector. Do you understand what I am saying to you?
Clara: Words.
[Madame Vastra is now taken aback, her lie called out. Jenny looks proudly at Clara]
Madame: He was... different, once. A long time ago. Kind, yes. A hero, even. The saver of worlds. But he suffered losses that hurt him. Now, he prefers isolation to the possibility of pain's return. Kindly choose a word to indicate your understanding of this.
Clara: Man.
[Madame Vastra looks to Jenny, who imperceptibly but enthusiastically nods rapidly]

Jenny: Now then, that's enough noise. We don't want to attract attention, do we?
Clara: I'm looking for the Doctor. Do you know about him, the Doctor?
Jenny: Doctor who?

Jenny: We've got the Paternoster Irregulars out in force. If anyone can find him, they can. Meanwhile, Madam Vastra is slightly occupied by the Conk-Singleton forgery case and is having the Camberwell child-poisoner for dinner.
Clara: For dinner?
Jenny: After she's finished interrogating him. Probably best to stay out of the larder. It'll get a bit noisy in there later.

Jenny: You're home early, ma'am. Another case cracked, I assume?
Madame: Send a telegram to Inspector Abberline of the Yard. Jack the Ripper has claimed his last victim.
Jenny: How did you find him?
Madame: Stringy, but tasty all the same. I shan't be needing dinner.

The: [in a Scottish accent] Why do you keep talking like that? What's gone wrong with your accent?
Jenny: [in her normal English accent] Nothing's wrong with her accent.
The: You sound the same, it's spreading. You all sound all English, now you've all developed a fault!

Jenny: [Holding a sword at the throat of a control guard] Now dear, which button controls the lights?

The: It was a minor skirmish by the Doctor's blood-soaked standards. Not exactly the Time War, but enough to finish him. In the end, it was too much for the old man.
Jenny: Blood-soaked?
Vastra: The Doctor has been many things, but never blood-soaked.
The: Tell that to the leader of the Sycorax, or Solomon the trader, or the Cybermen, or the Daleks. The Doctor lives his life in darker hues, day upon day, and he will have other names before the end: Storm, the Beast, the Valeyard.
Vastra: Even if any of this were true, which I take the liberty of doubting, how did you come by this information?
The: I am information.
Jenny: You were a mind without a body when we last met.
Vastra: And you were supposed to stay that way!
The: Alas, I did.
[he strips off his face and another Whisper Man takes his place]
The: As you can see.

The: Jenny!
Jenny: Doctor!
The: Jenny! Jenny, Jenny, Jenny, Jenny, just when you think your favourite lock picking, Victorian chamber maid will never turn up, Jenny!

Jenny: I should've locked up before we went into the trance.
Vastra: Jenny, it doesn't matter.
Jenny: Someone's broken in. Someone's with us. i can hear them.
Vastra: Jenny, are you alright?
Jenny: Sorry, Mum. So sorry. So sorry. So sorry. I think I've been murdered.