The Best Jenny Quotes

Jenny: So, you don't have a name either? Are you an anomaly too?
The: No.
Donna: Oh come off it, you're the most anomalous bloke I've ever met.

The: What are you staring at exactly?
Jenny: You keep insisting you're not a soldier but look at you, drawing up strategies like a proper general.
The: No, I'm trying to stop the fighting.
Jenny: Isn't every soldier?

Cline: Jenny, come back.
Jenny: Sorry, can't stop. What are you gonna do, tell my dad?
Cline: But where are you going?
Jenny: Oh, I've got the whole universe. Planets to save, civilisations to rescue, creatures to defeat and an awful lot of running to do.

The: Just because I share some physiological traits with simian primates doesn't make me a monkey's uncle does it?
Jenny: I'm not a monkey!

Jenny: And Time Lords, what are they for?
The: For? They're not for anything.
Jenny: So what do you do?
The: I travel. Through time and space.
Donna: He saves worlds, rescues civilizations, defeats terrible creatures and runs a lot. Seriously, there's an outrageous amount of running involved.
The: [opens hidden door] Got it!
[shouts echo]
The: Now, what were you saying about running?

Jenny: [to the Doctor] Hello Dad.

General: ...where to find the Source.
The: Ooh, the Source. What's that then; what's the Source? I like a Source. What is it?
General: The Breath of Life.
The: And that would be?
Cline: "In the beginning, the Great One breathed life into the universe. And then she looked at what she'd done, and she sighed."
Jenny: Hmm, 'She'; I like that.

[after Jenny blew up the tunnel]
The: Why did you do that?
Jenny: They were trying to kill us.
The: But they've got my friend!
Jenny: Colateral damage. At least you've still got her.
[looks at Cline]
Jenny: He lost both his men. I'd say you came out ahead.
Donna: Her name's Martha! And she's not collateral damage. Not for anyone. Have you got that, GI Jane?!

Jenny: They blasted through the beams. Time to run again? Love the running, yeah?