Top 100 Quotes From Donna Noble

The: That's there song.
Donna: I can't hear it.
The: Do you want to?
Donna: Yeah.
The: It's the song of captivity.
Donna: Let me hear it.
The: Face me.
[the Doctor link his mind with Donna's]
The: Open your mind, listen. Hear it Donna. Hear the music.
[the Song of Captivity plays]
Donna: [Crying] Take it away!
The: You sure?
Donna: I can't bear it!
[the doctor takes it away]
Donna: I'm sorry.
The: It's okay.
Donna: But you can still hear it.
The: All the time

Donna: [running away from the giant wasp] Great! Now it's chasing us!

Donna: [after the Doctor pulls her in] I was right, it's always like for you!
The: Oh yes! And off we go!
[both smiling, run out of the room]
Penny: [struggling in the chair] Oi!
The: [poking his head in the doorway] Sorry.
[uses his screwdriver to break her ropes; disappears from sight as she tries to get them off]
The: [pokes his head in again] Oh, and do yourself a favor; get out.

Donna: How about you, are you alright?
The: Oh, I'm always all right.
Donna: Is "All right" special time-lord code for... not really all right at all?
The: Why?
Donna: Because I'm alright too.

[the Doctor shows Donna the message]
The: Maybe it's a cry for help?
Donna: [takes the message and looks at it] A cry for help?
[turns the message round]
Donna: With a kiss?

Spurrina: No man is allowed to enter the Temple of Sybil!
[Sybil was a soothsayer]
The: Oh that's all right.
The: Just us girls. You know, I met Sybil once. Hell of a woman! Blimey, she could dance a tarantella! Nice teeth... Truth be told, I think she had a bit of a thing for me. I said it would never last, she said "I know." Well, she would.
[to Donna, who is tied to an altar]
The: You all right there?
Donna: [sarcastic] Oh, never better.
The: I like the toga.
Donna: Thank you. And the ropes?
The: Eh, not so much.
[cuts her free]

Donna: [outraged] You can't just *leave* them!
The: [bitter] Don't you think I've done enough? History's back in place and everyone *dies*.
Donna: You've got to go back! Doctor, I am telling you, take this thing *back*!
[the Doctor pulls a control and the TARDIS shudders]
Donna: [softly] It's not fair.
The: [softly] No, it's not.
Donna: [crying] But your own planet, it burned.
The: That's just it. Don't you see, Donna? Can't you understand? If I could go back and save them, then I would, but I can't!
The: [pauses] I can *never* go back. I can't. I just can't. I can't.
Donna: Just someone. Please.
Donna: [sobbing] Not the whole town. Just save someone.

Donna: You fought her off with a water pistol. I bloody love you!

[after Donna's appearance in the TARDIS]
Donna: Where am I? I demand that you tell me right now, where am I?
The: Inside the TARDIS.
Donna: The what?
The: The TARDIS!
Donna: The what?
Donna: The what?
The: It's called the TARDIS!
Donna: That's not even a proper word! You're just saying things!

[after spending all day hiding in a toilet stall, Donna emerges, but then gets a call from her mother, and hides back in the stall]
Donna: Not now!
Sylvia: I need the car. Where are you?
Donna: [improvising, and whispering] The car went missing!
Sylvia: Why are you whispering?
Donna: I'm in church.
Sylvia: What would you do in church?
Donna: I'm praying.
Sylvia: [scoffs] A bit late for that, I imagine.
Wilfred: What's she in church for?
Sylvia: Hush, you! Go up the hill.
[to Donna]
Sylvia: Well, I need the car. I'm going out with Suzette Chambers. She's asked all the Wednesday girls. Apparently she's been on those ADIPOSE pills. She says she looks marvelous.
[Donna hangs up because Miss Foster and her bodyguards have burst into the bathroom and are looking for her]
Miss: We know you're in here. So let's make this nice and easy and show yourself.
[Donna puts her feet up to hide herself]
Miss: I'm waiting. I warn you, I'm not a patient woman, so out you come!
Miss: Right, we'll do it the hard way.
[to her bodyguards]
Miss: Get her!
1st: [kicks open each stall's door. He does this four times. On the fifth door, he bursts down the door to reveal Penny Carter]
Miss: [lowers her glasses] There you are.
[takes Penny into custody]
Penny: I've been through the records, Foster, and all of your results have been faked! There's something about those pills that you're not telling us!
Miss: Oh, I think I'll be conducting this interview, Penny.
[Donna looks on as Miss Foster and her bodyguards take Penny away]

Donna: [running after the giant wasp] Hey, this makes a change! There's a monster, and we're chasing it!

Donna: Next thing you know, you're gonna be telling me it's like 'Murder on the Orient Express', and they all did it.
Agatha: 'Murder on the Orient Express'?
Donna: Oh, yeah. One of your best.
The: But not yet.
Agatha: Marvelous idea, though.
Donna: Yeah. Tell you what. Copyright: Donna Noble. Okay?
The: Anyway...

Lucius: Is that so? Man from Gallifrey.
The: What?
Lucius: The strangest of images; your home is lost in fire, is it not?
Donna: Doctor, what are they doing?
Lucius: And you, daughter of... London!
Donna: How does he know that?
Lucius: It is the gift of Pompeii, every single oracle tells the truth.
Donna: But that's impossible.
Lucius: Doctor, she is returning.
The: Who is? Who's she?
Lucius: And you, daughter of London, there is something on your back.
Donna: What's that mean?
Evelina: Even the word Doctor is false. Your real name is hidden, it burns in the stars, in the cascade of Medusa herself. You are a Lord, sir. A Lord of Time.

[last lines; the Doctor is struggling to get up]
Captain: [taking Rose away] Here we go. Good luck, Doctor.
Donna: Will somebody tell me what's going on?
Rose: When he's dying... his body... it repairs itself. It changes... but you can't?
The: I'm sorry, it's too late. I'm regenerating.
[the Doctor begins to regenerate]

Donna: Not what you'd call a natural parent are you?
The: They stole a tissue sample at gunpoint and processed it. It's not what I'd call natural parenting.

Donna: What time does Vesuvius erupt? When's it due?
The: It's 79 A.D. 23rd of August; which makes Volcano day-tomorrow.
Donna: Plenty of time. We can get everyone out, easy.
The: Yeah, except we're not going to.
Donna: But that's what you do. You're the Doctor. You save people.
The: Not this time. Pompeii is a fixed point in history. What happens, happens. There's no stopping it.
Donna: Says who?
The: Says me.
Donna: What, and you're in charge?
The: TARDIS, Time Lord-yeah!
Donna: Donna, Human-no! I don't need your permission. I'll tell them myself.
The: If you stand in the market place, announce the end of the world they're just gonna think you're a mad ol' Soothsayer. Now come on; TARDIS, we're getting out of here.
[takes off down the road]
Donna: Well, I just might have
[shouts after him]
Donna: something to say about that, Spaceman!
The: [shouts back] Oh, I bet you will!

Lucius: There is nowhere to run, Doctor, and Daughter of London!
The: Now then, Lucius, my Lord Pyrovillian, don't get yourselves in a lava.
The: [to Donna, on "lather" pun] "In a lava"? No?
Donna: [Donna gives a disdainful look] No.
The: No. But if I might beg the wisdom of the gods, *before* we perish: once this new race of creatures is complete, then what?
Lucius: My masters will follow the example of Rome itself! An almighty empire, bestriding the whole of civilization!
Donna: But if you've crashed, and you've got all this technology, why don't you just go home!
Lucius: The heaven of Pyrovillia is gone.
The: What do you mean, "gone"? Where's it gone?
Lucius: It was *taken*! Pyrovillia is lost. But there is heat enough in this world for a new species to rise.
The: Yeah, I should warn you, it's 70% water out there.
Lucius: [contemptuous] Water can boil! And everything will burn, Doctor!
The: Then... the whole planet *is* at stake. Thank you. That's all I needed to know. Donna?

Donna: [talking to the Doctor on a cell phone] What's happened? Where are you?
The: Still on Earth; but don't worry. I've got my secret weapon.
Donna: And what's that?
The: You.
Donna: [rolling her eyes] Somehow that's not making me happy.

Donna: [after glancing at a letter informing her she has been sacked] Who typed this? I'm your P.A. Did you get someone else to type this? Beatrice!

[just been rescued; voice high-pitched with relief & gratitude]
Donna: Have I ever told you how much I hate you!
[hugging him tightly]

Donna: [on Ood delta 50] He sang as he was dying.
The: His eyes turned red.
Donna: What's that mean?
The: Trouble.

The: Now, the rest of you, helmets back on and sealed up. We'll need everything we've got.
Donna: But Doctor, we haven't got any helmets.
The: Yeah, but we're safe anyway.
Donna: How are we safe?
The: We're not. That was a clever line to shut you up.

Donna: But I'm history, too. You saved me in 2008, saved all of us. Why is that different?
The: Some things are fixed, some things are in flux. Pompeii is fixed.
Donna: How do you know which is which?
The: Because that's how I see the universe. Every waking second, I can see what is, what was, what could be, what must not... That's the burden of the Timelord, Donna. And I'm the only one left.

Morganstern: [on TV and still in shock] There were these creatures, like Rhinos. Talking Rhinos. In... in... in black leather!
Donna: Rhinos!
Wilfred: Rhinos? Could be aliens.
Donna: Shh!
Morganstern: We couldn't breathe, we were running out of air. A colleague of mine gave me the last oxygen tank. Martha... Martha Jones. And she... she died.

Woman in Door: Used to be a nice little family living at Number 29. They missed one mortgage payment, just one, they got booted out. For you lot!
Donna: Don't get all chippy with me, Vera Duckworth. Pop your clogs on and go feed whippets!

Lady: The Unicorn. A jewel thief and nobody knows who he is. Snatched Lady Babington's pearls right from under her nose.
Donna: Funny place to wear pearls.

Solana: [addressing the Doctor and Donna] Doctor Noble, Mrs. Noble, if you'd like to come with me.
The: [rapid fire with Donna's lines] Oh, no. No, no, no. We're not married.
Donna: *So* not married.
The: Never.
Donna: Never, ever!
Solana: [politely] Of course.

The: [knocks on the TARDIS door] We'll be late for cocktails!
[TARDIS door opens, Donna steps out, wearing 1920s dress]
Donna: What d'you think? Flapper? Or slapper?
The: [smiles] Flapper. You look lovely.

Donna: Doctor.
The: Oh, just in time!
[grabs her hand; starts running toward the jeep, sounding excited]
The: Come on. Come on, we're going to the country. Fresh air and geniuses! What more could ask for?
Donna: I'm not coming with you. I've been thinking... Sorry, I'm going home.
The: Really?
Donna: I've got to.
The: [looking really disappointed] Well, if that's what you want. It's a bit soon. I had so many places I wanted to take you. The fifteenth broken moon of the Medusa Cascade, the lightning skies of Cotter Palluni's World, the diamond coral reefs of Kataa Flo Ko. Thank you. Thank you, Donna Noble, it's been brilliant. You've saved my life in so many ways. You're... you're just popping home for a visit, that's what you mean?
Donna: [nods] You dumbo.
The: [looks and sounds embarrassed] And then you're coming back?
Donna: Do you know what you are?
[sing-song voice]
Donna: A great big outer space dunce.
The: Yeah.

Fortune: [notices Donna] Tell me your fortune lady. The future's predicted and your life's foretold.
Donna: [kindly] Oh, no thanks.
Fortune: [surprised] Don't you want to know? If you're going to be happy.
Donna: [confidently] I'm happy right now, thanks.
Fortune: You've got red hair. The reading's free for red hair.
Donna: [smiles] All right then.
[Donna enters, followed by the Fortune Teller herself]

Jival: I'm losing a fortune!
Donna: Well, sack one of this lot. Sack Cliff. He just sits there. Don't know what he does all day. Sorry, Cliff. Actually, I'm not sorry. What *do* you do all day?

Donna: [the Doctor and Donna have been handcuffed and left to die] Well, do something! You're the one with all the tricks... and you must've met Houdini!
The: [straining] Ugh... These are really good handcuffs...
Donna: [sarcastically] Well, I'm glad of that. At least we've got quality!

The: Question is, what did camouflaged robot mercenaries want with you? And how did you get inside the TARDIS? I don't know... what's your job?
Donna: I'm a secretary.
The: [scanning Donna with his sonic screwdriver] Weird. I mean, you're not special. You're not powerful. You're not connected. You're not clever. You're not important.
Donna: This friend of yours, just before she left, did she punch you in the face?
[slapping the sonic screwdriver out of the way]
Donna: Stop bleeping me!

[in the original timeline]
Sylvia: Well let me tell you, sweetie. City executives don't need temps, except for practice.
Donna: Yeah, well they haven't met me.
[She proceeds to turn left. In the alternate timeline, however, she says]
Donna: Yeah, I suppose you're right.
[She turns to the right instead]
Donna: .

[after Jenny blew up the tunnel]
The: Why did you do that?
Jenny: They were trying to kill us.
The: But they've got my friend!
Jenny: Colateral damage. At least you've still got her.
[looks at Cline]
Jenny: He lost both his men. I'd say you came out ahead.
Donna: Her name's Martha! And she's not collateral damage. Not for anyone. Have you got that, GI Jane?!

Donna: Never mind Planet Zog. A party in the 1920s! That's more like it!
The: Trouble is, we haven't been invited. Oh, I forgot!
[pulls out the psychic paper]
The: Yes we have!

The: Lady Eddison!
Lady: Forgive me, but, who exactly might you be? And, what are you doing here?
The: I'm the Doctor. And this is Miss Donna Noble, of the, Chiswick Nobles.
Donna: Good afternoon, my lady. Topping day, what. Spiffing. Top-hole.
The: No no no no no no no. Don't do that. Don't.
[holds up his psychic paper]
The: We were thrilled to receive your invitation! We met at the Ambassadors' reception.

[the Doctor makes muffled noises while making a shaking motion]
Donna: I can't understand you! How many words?
[the Doctor holds up one finger]
Donna: One! One word! Shake, milk-shake, milk! Milk! No? Not milk! Um, shake, shake, shake! Cocktail shake! What, d'you want a Harvey Wallbanger?
The: Harvey Wallbanger?
Donna: Well, I don't know!
The: How is Harvey Wallbanger one word?
Agatha: What do you need Doctor?
The: Salt! I was miming salt! I need salt! I need something salty!
[Donna grabs a bag from the counter]
Donna: What about this?
The: What is it?
Donna: Salt!
The: That's too salty!
Donna: Oh, that's too salty!
Agatha: What about this?
[Agatha hands the Doctor a jar and he upends it, eating the food]
Donna: What's that?
Agatha: Anchovies.

Donna: [being told to jump from the taxi into the Tardis] I'm in my wedding dress!
The: Yes! You look lovely! Come on!

Dalek: The prophesy must complete!
Davros: Don't listen to him!
Dalek: I have seen the end of everything Dalek, and you must make it happen, Doctor!
Cloned: He's right, cause with or without a Reality Bomb this Dalek Empire's big enough to slaughter the cosmos. They've gotta be stopped!
Donna: But... just wait for the Doctor.
Cloned: I *am* the Doctor! Maximizing Dalekanium power feeds, blasting them back!
[Daleks begin exploding. The Doctor runs out of the TARDIS]
The: What have you done?
Cloned: Fulfillin' the prophesy.

Donna: Oy! And you be careful, all right?
The: Ahh, taking a big space truck with a bunch of strangers across a diamond planet called Midnight? What could possibly go wrong?

The: Nice door skills, Donna.
Donna: Yeah, well, you know. Boyfriends. Sometimes you need the element of surprise.

Fortune: I see... a man... the most remarkable man. How did you meet him?
Donna: You're supposed to tell me.
Fortune: I see the future, tell me the past. When did your lives cross?
Donna: It's sort of complicated. I ended up on a spaceship on my wedding day. Long story.

Donna: What if I said something in actual Latin? Like, "Veni, vidi, vici"? My dad said that when he came back from football. If I said, "Veni, vidi, vici," to that lot, what would it sound like?
The: I'm not sure. You have to think up difficult questions, don't you?
Donna: [excited] I'm gonna try it!
Stallholder: A'ernoon, sweetheart. What can I get ya, my love?
Donna: Um, "Veni, vidi, vici."
Stallholder: Huh? Sorry?
Stallholder: [slowly and loudly] Me no a-speak Celtic. No can do, missy.
Donna: [sarcastically] Yeah!
Donna: [to The Doctor] How's he mean, Celtic?
The: Welsh. You sound Welsh. There we are. Learnt something.

Donna: I'm waving at fat.

[the Doctor is preparing to take a lift down to a secret alien base]
The: Right then, thanks, you two, I can handle this, see you later.
Donna: [enters lift] No chance, Martian. You're the man who keeps saving my life. I ain't letting you out of my sight.
The: Going down.
Donna: Lance!
Lance: Maybe I should go to the police.
Donna: Inside!
[Lance gives up and enters the lift]
The: To honour and obey?
Lance: Tell me about it, mate.
Donna: Oi!

Mr: The Ood were nothing without us. Just Animals, roaming around on the ice
The: That's because you can't hear them.
Mr: They welcomed it. It's not as if they put up a fight.
Donna: You idiot. They're born with their brains in their hands, don't you see, that makes them peaceful. They've got to be, 'cause a creature like that would have to trust anyone it meets.
The: Ooh, nice one.
Donna: Thank you.

Donna: [referring to a soldier] Let me distract this one. I've picked up a few womanly wiles over the years.
The: Let's... save your wiles for later.
[big pause]
The: In case of emergency.

Wilfred: I won't tell her. Best not... just keep it as our little secret, eh?
Donna: [brief smile] Yeah.
Wilfred: And you go with him, that wonderful Doctor. You go and see the stars...
[emotion in his voice]
Wilfred: Then, bring a bit of them back for your old Gramps.
[tears in her eyes, nods and gets up to leave; stops to hug him, kisses him on the head]
Donna: Love you.
[walks away; trying not to cry]

Donna: [Martha's wearing the doctor's coat] You know that coat, sort of works.
Martha: I feel like a kid in my Dad's clothes.
Donna: Oh, well if you're calling him dad you're definitely getting over him.

Donna: D'you know what I think? Those books of yours, one day they could turn them into films. They could be talking pictures.
Agatha: Talking pictures? Pictures that... talk? What do you mean?
Donna: Oh. Blimey, I've done it again.

Donna: [seeing an Ood's eyes turn red] Oh no you don't!

Colonel: [talking about U.N.I.T. & all their operations] A modern UNIT for the modern world.
Donna: What and that mean's arresting ordinary factory workers? In the streets? In broad daylight? It's more like Guantanamo Bay out there. Donna, by the way. Donna Noble; since you didn't ask. I'll have a salute.
[Colonel Mace, who is taken aback at her outburst, looks at the Doctor; the Doctor just give a 'you better do as she says' look; the Colonel salutes her]
Colonel: Mamm.
Donna: Thank you.

[meeting on the stairs; both hug each other]
Donna: [high-pitched voice] Oh my God! I don't believe it!
[looks him over]
Donna: Oh, you got the same suit!
[as her voice returns to normal]
Donna: Don't you ever change?
The: Yeah, thanks Donna; not right now.
[look beneath them to see Miss foster & her gunmen running up the stairway]
The: [to Donna] Just like old times.
[both take off up the stairs]

The: Donna, come on, think: Earth, there must have been some sort of warning. Was there anything happening back in your day, like... electrical storms, freak weather, patterns in the... sky?
Donna: Well, how should I know? Um, no. I don't- I don't think so. No.
The: [disappointed] Oh, OK, nevermind.
Donna: Although, there were the bees disappearing.
The: [dismissive] The bees disappearing.
The: [sarcastic] The *bees* disappearing.
The: [revelational] The bees disappearing!

Donna: Who was it? Who's paying you? Was it Nerys? Oh my God, she's finally got me back! This has got Nerys written all over it!
The: Who the hell is Nerys?
Donna: Your best friend!
The: Hold on, what are you dressed like that for?
Donna: [sarcastically] I'm going tenpin bowling. WHY DO YOU THINK, DUMBO? I was halfway up the aisle! I've waited my whole life for this, it's seconds away, and then you, I don't know, drugged me or something!

The: [grabs a newspaper] The date on this newspaper.
Donna: What about it?
The: It's the day that Agatha Christie disappeared.

[repeated line]
Node: Donna Noble has left The Library. Donna Noble has been saved.

Donna: [watching the Adipose getting beamed on to the nursery ship] What are you going to do then? Blow them up?
The: They're just children; they can't help where they came from.
Donna: Oh, well that makes a change from last time. That Martha must've done you good.
The: She did, yeah. She did...
The: She fancied me.
Donna: Mad Martha, that one. Blind Martha. Charity Martha.

[the Doctor uses a 4H pencil and a mug to explain how Donna was transported into the Tardis]
Donna: I'm a pencil inside a mug?
The: Yep! 4H, suits you, actually!

The: This must be the biographies. I love biographies.
Donna: Yeah, very you. Always a death at the end.
The: You need a good death. Without death there'd only be comedies. Death gives us size.

Donna: You're saying bees are aliens?
The: Don't be so daft - not all of them.

Donna: I'll tell you something, Doctor. Something I've never told you before. I think you're wrong.

Agatha: The stories are true. I found my husband with another woman. A younger, prettier woman. Isn't it always the way?
Donna: Well, mine was with a giant spider, but... same difference.
Agatha: [laughs] You and the Doctor talk such wonderful nonsense!

Agatha: [upon meeting one another] Agatha Christie.
Donna: What about her?
Agatha: That's me.

Donna: [enters ADIPOSE Industries through the front doors] Donna Noble, Health and Safety.
The: [enters the building by using his sonic screwdriver to disable the alarms on the emergency exit] John Smith, Health and Safety.

Greeves: You won't find anything in there.
Donna: Oh! How come it's locked?
Greeves: Lady Eddison commands it to be so.
Donna: And I command it to be otherwise. Scotland Yard. Pip Pip.

The: I'm unique - never been another like me, 'cause all that regeneration energy went into the hand. Look at the hand - I love that hand - but then you touched it. *Wham!*
[Donna startles]
The: Shhhh! Instantaneous biological metacrisis! I grew... out of you. Still, could be worse...
Donna: Oi! Watch it, spaceman!
The: Oi! Watch it, earthgirl!
[Donna is taken aback]
The: Oooh... I sound like you! I sound all - all sort of... rough!
Donna: Oi!
The: Oi!
Donna: Oi!
The: Spanners, shhhhh! Must've picked up a bit of your voice, that's all - is it? Did I? No! Ohhh, you are kidding me, no way! One heart - I've got one heart. This body... has got only one heart!
Donna: [Donna feels his heart beating] What, like, you're human?
The: Awww, that's disgusting!
Donna: Oi!
The: Oi!
Donna: *Stop it!*
The: [suddenly realizing] No, wait, I'm... part-Time Lord, part human! Well, isn't that wizard?

Donna: I thought we'd try the planet Feldspoon. Just cause. What a good name, Feldspoon. Apparently it's got mountains that sway in the breeze. Mountains that move, can you imagine?
The: And how do you know that?
Donna: Because it's in your head. And if it's in your head, it's in mine.
The: And how does that feel?
Donna: Brilliant, Fantastic, Molto Bene, Great big universe, packed into my brain. You know you can fix that chameleon circuit if you just try hotwiring the fragment links and superseding the binary binary binary binary binary binary binary binary binary binary binary binary binary binary binary
Donna: ... I'm fine!
Donna: Nah! Nevermind Feldspoon. You know who I'd like to meet? Charlie Chaplin. I bet he's great, Charlie Chaplin. Shall we do that, shall we go see Charlie Chaplin?
[picks up phone]
Donna: Shall we, Charlie Chaplin? Charlie Chester, Charlie Brown, no he's fiction,
[puts phone down]
Donna: friction, fiction, fixing, mixing, Rickston, Brixton.

The: Haven't you got a mobile?
Donna: I'm in my wedding dress; it doesn't have pockets. Who has pockets? Have you ever seen a bride with pockets? When I went to my fitting at Chez Alison, the one thing I forgot to say was "Give me pockets"!

Wilfred: [looking at the night sky] ... one day; 100 years time we'll be striding out amongst the stars. Dueling about with all them aliens. Just you wait.
Donna: [smiling] You really believe in all that stuff, don't you?
Wilfred: [chuckles] All over the place these days. If I wait here long enough...
Donna: I don't suppose you've seen a little blue box?
Wilfred: Is that slang for something?
Donna: [laughs] No. I mean it. If you ever see a little blue box fly up there in the sky, you shout for me Gramps. Oh you just shout.

Lieutenent: Cline, at Arms!
Donna: [Cline cocks and aims his gun at Donna and the Doctor] Oi, Oi! Alright, cool the beans, Rambo!
Lieutenent: Take them. I won't have them spreading treason. And if you try anything, Doctor, I'll see that your woman dies first.
Donna: [the Doctor and Donna at the same time] I'm not his woman.
The: Oh, no no no. No, we're not a couple!

Agatha: You make a rather unusual couple.
The: [together] Oh, no no no no, we're not married.
Donna: [together] Yeah, we're not a couple.
Agatha: Well, obviously not. No wedding ring.
[Donna and the Doctor exchange admiring glances]
The: Oh, oh! You don't miss a trick.

The: You know what? This is the biggest library in the universe. So where is everyone?
[looks around]
The: It's silent...
Donna: The library?
The: The planet. The whole planet.
Donna: Maybe it's a Sunday?
The: No, I never land on Sundays. Sundays are boring.

Donna: [Donna aproaches a stranger] Listen, there's a woman going to come along. Tall blonde woman called Sylvia. Tell her, that bin there. It'll all make sense.
[She heads back to the TARDIS, toward the past, future and everything in between. The stranger she was talking to turns back towards the camera - she is ROSE TYLER. Looking worn, depressed. She turns back around, walks away, and then simply vanishes into thin air...]

The: Ah! Smell that air! Grass and lemonade! And a little bit of mint. Just a hint of mint. Must be the 1920s.
Donna: You can tell what year it is just by smelling?
The: Oh, yeah.
Donna: Or, maybe, that big vintage car coming up the drive gave it away.

Donna: [to the Doctor] What is it? What else?
[the Doctor jolts his hands out, miming a shock]
Donna: Um, it's a song! 'Mammy'? Um, I don't know! 'Camptown Races'?
The: 'Camptown Races'?
Donna: Well! All right, then! 'Towering Inferno'!
The: It's a shock! Look, shock!
[he mimes again]
The: I need a shock!
Donna: Right, then. Big shock. Coming up.
[Donna grabs the Doctor and plants a full-frontal kiss on him. The Doctor staggers away, lifts his face up to the ceiling and releases a cloud of poisons from his body]
The: [gasps] Detox. Oh! I must do that more often.
[looks at Donna apprehensively]
The: I mean, the, the detox.
Agatha: Doctor. You are... impossible!
[the Doctor winks]
Agatha: Who are you?

Donna: It's weird... but... being with you, I can't tell what's right and what's wrong anymore.
The: It's better that way. People who know for certain tend to be like Mr. Halpen.

Donna: [on the Sontaran ship; talking softly] There's a door.
The: [talking just as soft] There should be a switch on the side.
Donna: Yeah, there is. But it's a Sontaran switch; you need three fingers.
The: You've got three fingers.
Donna: Oh, yeah.
[shapes her hand to form 3 fingers; places it in the switch; the door opens]
Donna: I'm through.
The: Oh,
[talking right into the mouth piece]
The: you're brilliant you are.
Donna: [sighs] Shut up.

The: Why aren't they stopping?
Donna: They think I'm in a fancy dress.
[a cab drives by and the driver says, 'Get off the sauce, darling!']
Donna: They think I'm drunk.
[a car drives by in the other way and both occupants yell, 'You're fooling no one, mate!']
Donna: They think I'm in drag!
The: Hold on, hold on.
[He whistles and successfully hails a cab]

Jenny: So, you don't have a name either? Are you an anomaly too?
The: No.
Donna: Oh come off it, you're the most anomalous bloke I've ever met.

Donna: Hole punch, having that, stapler, mine, toy cactus, you can have that Beatrice, catch. Cliff, I'd leave you my mouse mat, but I'm worried you'd cut yourself.
Jival: Alright Donna, have some respect. There's 2000 people in that hospital, and it's vanished.
Donna: Oh, I'll show you vanishing, thanks for nothing! Oh, and you know when that money went missing from the kitty? Anne-Marie, that's all I'm saying. Anne-Marie!
[a loud rumble shakes the room]
Donna: Oh, don't tell me, the hospital's back. Well, isn't that wizard!
[She slams a drawer shut with her leg]

The: [examining Donna at hyper-speed with various medical items] There is no way a human being can lock itself onto the TARDIS and transport itself inside! It must be some atomic connection, disruption? Something in the temporal field? Something pulling you into the chronon shell! Maybe something macro-binding your DNA with the interior matrix! Maybe a genetic...
Donna: [slaps him hard upside the face]
The: [picks himself up, completely shocked] What was that for?

Donna: But I still don't understand, I'm full of particles, but what for?
The: There was a Racnoss web at the center of the Earth, but my people unraveled their power source. Because Huon particles ceased to exist and the Racnoss were stuck, so they just stayed in hibernation for BILLIONS of years, frozen, dead, caput! So you're the new key, brand new particles, living particles, and they need you to open it. And you have never *been* so quiet!
Donna: [is gone]
The: [upset] OH!

[series 4 trailer]
Donna: There are things waiting in the darkness. Creatures of metal, fire and blood. But he's out there, burning through time, facing a thousand dangers across the stars and never giving up. He looks like a man but he's a legend and his name is the Doctor. He'll come back to save us and this time I'm going to be ready. Then just like that...
Donna: We'll be gone.

Donna: Come on, Agatha! What would Miss Marple do? She'd have overheard something vital by now because the murderer thinks she'd just a harmless old lady.
Agatha: Clever idea! Miss Marple... Who writes those?
Donna: Um... Copyright Donna Noble, add it to the list.

Donna: So the Source could be a weapon and we've just given directions to Captain Nut-Job?
The: Oh, yes.
Donna: [sighs] Not good, is it?

[the Doctor and Donna think they're in Rome]
Donna: Have you been here before, then?
The: Mmh, ages ago. Before you ask, that fire had nothing to do with me. Well, a little bit.

Albino: I'm so sorry for your loss.
Donna: Yeah. My whole planet's gone.
Albino: I mean the loss that's yet to come.

Donna: [looking lustfully at Jack through the TARDIS screen] ... and who is... that?
The: Captain Jack.
[to Donna]
The: Don't... just... don't.

Donna: What did you do?
The: Guess what I've got Donna.
[Pulls out a large remote device from his overcoat]
The: Pockets.
Donna: How did they fit in there?
The: They're bigger on the inside.

Donna: [the Ood show the Doctor and Donna their Brain] Is that...
The: It's a Brain. A Hind Brain. The Ood are born with a secondary Brain. Like the Amygdala in Humans, it processes Memory and Emotions. You get rid of that, you wouldn't be Donna anymore, you'd be... well, like an Ood, a processed Ood.
Donna: So the company... cuts off their brains.
The: And they stitch on the translator.
Donna: Like a Lobotomy. I spent all that time looking for you doctor because I thought it would be so wonderful out here. I wanna go home.

Donna: But... we were getting married.
Lance: Well, love, I couldn't risk you running off. I had to say yes. And then I was stuck with a woman who thinks the height of excitement is a new flavour Pringle! Oh, I had to sit there and listen to all that yap yap yap. Oh, Brad and Angelina, is Posh pregnant, X factor, Atkins diet, feng shui, split ends, text me, text me, text me - dear god, the never-ending fountain of fat, stupid trivia! I deserve a medal.

[the Doctor grabs the ginger beer from the shelf, drinks some of it, and pours the rest over his head]
Agatha: I'm an expert in poisons! Doctor! There's no cure! It's fatal!
[the Doctor spits out the ginger beer]
The: Not for me! I can stimulate the inhibited enzymes into reversal! Protein! I need protein!
[the Doctor breathes heavily while Donna runs to the counter]
Donna: Walnuts!
The: Brilliant!
[the Doctor upends the walnut jar and chews furiously]

[last lines]
The: Sometimes I think there's way too much coincidence around you, Donna. I met you once, then I met your grandfather, then I met you again. In the whole wide universe, I met you for a second time. Like something's binding us together.
Donna: Don't be so daft. I'm nothing special.
The: Yes you are, you're brilliant!
Rose: [Donna has a sudden flashblack] I thought you're brilliant.
Donna: She said that.
The: Who did?
Donna: That woman... I can't remember.
The: She never existed now.
Donna: No, but she said the stars... she said the stars are going out.
The: Yeah, but that world's gone.
Donna: No, but she said it was all worlds, every world. She said, "The darkness is coming, even here."
The: Who was she?
Donna: I don't know.
The: What did she look like?
Donna: She was... blonde.
The: [passionately] What was her name?
Donna: I don't know.
The: [insisting] Donna, what was her name?
Donna: But she told me... to warn you. She said...
Donna: [Rose silent in flashback, Donna aloud] "Two words:..."
The: [concerned] What two words? What were they? What did she say?
[In flashback, Rose leans in and whispers into dying Donna's ear]
Donna: "Bad wolf."
[the Doctor is shocked]
Donna: What does it mean?
[the Doctor runs out of the fortune teller's tent, Donna quickly following, both stopping short. Everywhere there was writing in any language, the English words "Bad Wolf" now appear. "Bad Wolf" on all of the posted bills. "BAD WOLF" verticallly on all the hanging banners. They run to the TARDIS and on its phone panel, "Bad Wolf" repeated over and over in place of the instructions. Even on its marquee, where it normally says "Police Box" and "Public Call", both are replaced with "Bad Wolf". They enter and, inside, everything is lit in red. Even the time rotor is glowing an uncharacteristic red. From the inside, the marquee is still altered in mirrored image. The cloister bell is tolling]
Donna: What is it? What's "Bad Wolf"?
The: It's the end of the universe!

[looking at a map of the 2nd Great and Bountiful Human Empire and it's Galaxies]
Donna: But look at us. We're everywhere. Is that good or bad though? Are we like explorers, or more like a virus?
The: Sometimes I wonder.

Donna: [as Rocco is taken to one of Britain's new 'Labour camps'] It'll be quiet with him gone. Still, we'll have more room...
Wilfred: [in tears and horrified] Labour camps... that's what they called them last time.
Donna: What'd you mean?
Wilfred: It's happening again.
Donna: What is?

Donna: [taps Ood to get its attention] Excuse me, are you all like this?
Alien: [as Ood] I do not understand, miss.
Donna: [agitated] Why do you say "miss?" Do I look single?
The: Back to the point...
Donna: Right... sorry...

Miss: No, they're right, though. I'm a moron, me. My dad said I had the IQ of plankton, and, I was pleased.
Donna: [laughs] See, that's funny!
Miss: No. No, I really was pleased. Is that funny?
Donna: No, no.

Donna: [on Mr. Halpern] They... turned him into an Ood.
The: Yup.
Donna: He's an Ood.
The: I noticed.