The Best Spurrina Quotes

Spurrina: No man is allowed to enter the Temple of Sybil!
[Sybil was a soothsayer]
The: Oh that's all right.
The: Just us girls. You know, I met Sybil once. Hell of a woman! Blimey, she could dance a tarantella! Nice teeth... Truth be told, I think she had a bit of a thing for me. I said it would never last, she said "I know." Well, she would.
[to Donna, who is tied to an altar]
The: You all right there?
Donna: [sarcastic] Oh, never better.
The: I like the toga.
Donna: Thank you. And the ropes?
The: Eh, not so much.
[cuts her free]

[as Donna lays tied to a sacrificial alter]
Spurrina: The false prophet will surrender both her blood... and her breath.
Donna: I'll surrender you in a minute. Don't you dare!
Spurrina: You will be silent!
Donna: Listen, Sister. You may have eyes on the back of your hands; but you'll have eyes on the back of your head by the time I'm finished with you! Let me GO!
Spurrina: This prattling voice will cease, forever!
[raises her knife to finish it]
The: [sardonically] Oh, that'll be the day.