The Best Lance Bennett Quotes

Lance: God, she's thick! Months I've had to put up with her, months! A woman who can't even point to Germany on a map!

Donna: But... we were getting married.
Lance: Well, love, I couldn't risk you running off. I had to say yes. And then I was stuck with a woman who thinks the height of excitement is a new flavour Pringle! Oh, I had to sit there and listen to all that yap yap yap. Oh, Brad and Angelina, is Posh pregnant, X factor, Atkins diet, feng shui, split ends, text me, text me, text me - dear god, the never-ending fountain of fat, stupid trivia! I deserve a medal.

[the Doctor is preparing to take a lift down to a secret alien base]
The: Right then, thanks, you two, I can handle this, see you later.
Donna: [enters lift] No chance, Martian. You're the man who keeps saving my life. I ain't letting you out of my sight.
The: Going down.
Donna: Lance!
Lance: Maybe I should go to the police.
Donna: Inside!
[Lance gives up and enters the lift]
The: To honour and obey?
Lance: Tell me about it, mate.
Donna: Oi!