The Best Lilith Quotes

The: The Carrionites vanished. Where did you go?
Lilith: The Eternals found the right word to banish us into deep darkness.
The: Then how did you escape?
Lilith: New words, new and glittering, from a mind like no other.
The: Shakespeare.

The: [finds Lilith floating outside the window] Well that's just cheating.
Lilith: Behold, Doctor. Men to Carrionites are nothing but
[whips out a doll]
Lilith: puppets.
The: Now you might call that magic, but I call that a DNA replication module.
Lilith: What use is your science now?
[stabs the doll]
The: Aah!
[collapses while Lilith flies off laughing]

Lilith: But your heart grows cold / The north wind blows / And carries down the distant... Rose?
The: Oooh, big mistake! Because that name keeps me fighting!

[casts a power-of-a-name spell on Martha as a demonstration]
Lilith: I gaze upon this bag of bones / And now I name thee, *Martha* Jones!

William: 'Close up this din of hateful dire decay / Decomposition of your witches' plot! / You thieve my brains, consider me your toy / My doting doctor tells me I am not!'
Lilith: No! Words of power!
William: 'Foul Carrionite specters, cease your show / Between the points... '
[he looks to The Doctor for help]
The: 761390!
William: '761390! / Banished like a tinker's cuss / I say to thee... '
[he again looks to The Doctor]
The: Uh...
[he looks to Martha]
Martha: Expelliarmus!
The: Expelliarmus!
William: 'Expelliarmus!'
The: Good old JK!

Lilith: [explaining the Carrionites plan] And from this world we will lead the universe back into the old ways of blood and magic.
The: [walks up to her] Hmm, busy schedule. But first you've gotta get past me.
Lilith: Oh, that should be a pleasure.
[leans in seductively]
Lilith: Considering my enemy has such a handsome shape.
The: Now that's one form of magic that's definitely not gonna work on me.
Lilith: Oh, we'll see.
[cuts a piece of hair off of him]
The: What's that for? What did you do?
Lilith: Souvenir.

Doomfinger: [having been named by the Doctor] He knows us! He spoke our name.
Lilith: Then he will know death. He will perish at my hand.
[the bells ring]
Lilith: My mothers, the time approaches. You must away to the Globe. Go, I will join you.
[Doomfinger and Bloodtide leave]
Lilith: As soon as this Doctor screams his last.

[Martha has collapsed after being named]
Lilith: Only sleeping, alas. It's curious. Name has less impact. She's somehow out of her time. As for you, sir Doctor...
[she pauses, at a loss]
Lilith: Fascinating. There is no name. Why would a man hide his title in such despair- oh, but look: there's still one word with the power of the days.