The Best Shakespeare Quotes

The: Rage, rage, against the dying of the light...
William: I might use that.
The: You can't, it's someone else's.

William: How can a man so young have eyes so old?
The: I do a lot of reading.

William: 'Close up this din of hateful dire decay / Decomposition of your witches' plot! / You thieve my brains, consider me your toy / My doting doctor tells me I am not!'
Lilith: No! Words of power!
William: 'Foul Carrionite specters, cease your show / Between the points... '
[he looks to The Doctor for help]
The: 761390!
William: '761390! / Banished like a tinker's cuss / I say to thee... '
[he again looks to The Doctor]
The: Uh...
[he looks to Martha]
Martha: Expelliarmus!
The: Expelliarmus!
William: 'Expelliarmus!'
The: Good old JK!

The: Come on! We can have a good flirt later!
William: Is that a promise, Doctor?
The: Oh, fifty-seven academics just punched the air. Come on.

Shakespeare: So, tell me of Freedonia, where women can be doctors, writers, actors...?
Martha: This country is ruled by a woman.
Shakespeare: Ah, she's royal, that's God's business, though you are a royal beauty.
Martha: Whoa, Nelly. I know for a fact you've got a wife in the country.
Shakespeare: But Martha, this is town.

Lynley: [walks in on Shakespeare, while Shakespeare is in conversation with the Doctor and Martha] This is abominable behavior. A new play with no warning? I demand to see a script, Mr. Shakespeare. As Master of the Revels, every new script must be registered at my office and examined by me before it can be performed.
William: Tomorrow morning. First thing, I'll send it around.
Lynley: I don't work to your schedule, you work to mine. The script, *now*!
William: I can't!
Lynley: Then tomorrow's performance is cancelled.
[starts walking out]
Lynley: I'm returning to my office for a banning order. If it's the last thing I do, ''Love's Labour's Won'' will never be played.

[regarding the loss of his only son to the Black Death in his absence]
Shakespeare: Made me question everything, the futility of this fleeting existence, to be or not to be.
Shakespeare: Oooh, that's quite good.
The: You should write that down.
Shakespeare: Mmm, maybe not. Bit pretentious?
The: Ehm.

William: The Doctor may never kiss you, Martha. Why not entertain a man who will?

The: Mr. Shakespeare, isn't it?
William: Oh, no. No no no. Who let you in? No autographs, no you can't have yourself sketched with me, and please don't ask where I get my ideas from. Thanks for your interest, now be a good boy and shove...
[he then notices Martha]
William: Hey, nonny nonny!