The Best Luke Rattigan Quotes

Luke: 52 deaths in the same second, man. That,
Luke: that is just so cool!
General: Is the temperature significant?
Luke: [momentarily stumped; emotions completely deflated] No, th-that, that's just a phrase.

[Luke has just finished rewiring his teleport pod]
Martha: What are you doing?
Luke: Something clever.
[teleports himself onboard the Sontaran ship]
Sontarans: [chanting] Sontar-ha! Sontar-ha!
[chanting stops when they realize Luke has taken the Doctor's place with a device set to ignite the air onboard]
Luke: Sontar-Ha!
[slams the buttom that blows up the ship]

Luke: [talking to unidentified being over a comms channel] Her name is Jo Nakashima. Freelance journalist. Clever by the sound of it; not as clever as me, but that goes without saying. I... recommend... termination.
General: Remember your status boy. We do not take orders from humans.
Luke: I said: recommend.
General: Then your advice shows military wisdom. She will be terminated.
Luke: [short breathy laugh] Cool!

[pointing a gun at the Doctor, Martha and Donna; shouts hysterically]
Luke: Don't tell anyone what I did! It wasn't my fault! The Sontarans lied to me! They-
[stops with the Doctor grabbing the gun out of his hands]
The: If I see one more gun...
[tossing it aside]

Commander: I see you face battle open-skin, Sir. Might I share that honor?
General: You may.
Commander: Thank you.
[removes his helmet]
Luke: [looking between Staal and Skorr; finally] How do you tell each other apart?
General: [turns towards Luke; short pause] We say the same of humans.