The Best General Staal Quotes

Luke: 52 deaths in the same second, man. That,
Luke: that is just so cool!
General: Is the temperature significant?
Luke: [momentarily stumped; emotions completely deflated] No, th-that, that's just a phrase.

Luke: [talking to unidentified being over a comms channel] Her name is Jo Nakashima. Freelance journalist. Clever by the sound of it; not as clever as me, but that goes without saying. I... recommend... termination.
General: Remember your status boy. We do not take orders from humans.
Luke: I said: recommend.
General: Then your advice shows military wisdom. She will be terminated.
Luke: [short breathy laugh] Cool!

General: Doctor, you impugn my honor!
The: Yeah, I'm really glad you didn't say belittle, 'cause then I'd have a field day.

General: Increase the ATMOS devices to maximum. Choke them. Behold: the Clone world is born!

[speaking though a video-audio comms link]
General: Doctor. Breathing your last?
Colonel: My God, they're like Trolls.
The: [in undertone] Yeah, love your bit of diplomacy, thanks.
[back to Staal]
The: So, tell me, General Staal. Since when did you lot become cowards?
General: [outraged] How... dare you!
Colonel: [annoyed] Oh, *that's* diplomacy?

Staal: The bravery of idiots is bravery nonetheless.

Commander: I see you face battle open-skin, Sir. Might I share that honor?
General: You may.
Commander: Thank you.
[removes his helmet]
Luke: [looking between Staal and Skorr; finally] How do you tell each other apart?
General: [turns towards Luke; short pause] We say the same of humans.

The: And your name?
General: General Staal, of the tenth Sontaran fleet. Staal the Undefeated!
The: Aw, that's not a very good nickname. What if you do get defeated? Staal the Not-quite-so-undefeated-anymore-but-never-mind?

The: Poison gas? That's the weapon of a coward, and you know it. Staal, you could blast this planet out of the sky, and yet you're sitting up above watching it die. Where's the fight in that, where's the honor? Or... are you lot planning something else? 'Cause this isn't normal Sontaran warfare, what are you lot up to?
General: A general would be unwise to reveal his strategy to the opposing party.
The: [amused] Ah, the war's not going so well, then. Losing, are we?
General: [insulted] Such a suggestion is impossible!
Colonel: What war?
The: The war between the Sontarans and the Rutans, raging far out in the stars for 50 000 years. 50 000 years of bloodshed, and for *what?*
General: For victory!
[the Sontarans start chanting "Sontar-Ha" again]
The: [annoyed] Give me a break!
[uses his sonic screwdriver to change to a TV channel]
Colonel: Doctor, I would seriously recommend that this dialogue is handled by official Earth representations.
[the Doctor switches back to the Sontarans who have stopped chanting]
The: Finished?

General: An intruder!
The: An intruder? How'd he get in? Intruder window.