The Best Maude Davey Quotes

Helen: I was so nervous about meeting you.
Val: Oh, please. Has Dale met your parents yet?
Helen: No.
Val: Will they be joining us for Easter?
Helen: Um, I don't really have much contact with my family, actually. I haven't since I was a teenager. Things just got all... Just a bit...
Val: It can be a difficult time.
Helen: Yeah.
Val: I made a lot of mistakes when Dale was that age. I'm sure you know.
Helen: No.
Val: Dale's father died when he was 15 and I... I wasn't much of a mother for a good while. I went to pieces, really. Tried to hide it. That made it worse. Dae had to hold me together. For years.
Helen: Well, I know that he adores you.
Val: I'm doing my best to make it up to him. That's all you can do, really, isn't it?

Dale: [answering the phone] Hi, Mum.
Val: You saw the...
Dale: Yeah. I had nothing to do with it.
Val: You said you'd had no contact with him.
Dale: I haven't. Adam's a... I don't know, he's an activist, I guess.
Val: Someone needs to say something to the Lindells. He shouldn't be coming to your work!
Dale: Don't.
Val: Does Helen know about what he...
Dale: No.
Val: Well, if she has any concerns, get her to ring me. I can tell her what kind of person Adam is, what kind of attacks...
Dale: Mum. He's been through enough. I'll call you tomorrow.

Val: And the Carlisles. They rang before it had even finished. They said it was fascinating.
Dale: It's just filler, Mum.
Val: It wasn't. You could see Geoff Waters was impressed. He very pointedly said, 'Thanks, Dale.'
Dale: Oh, he always says that. It's in the script.

Pat: One staff member claims you've been calling them "Ankles"... in front of the patients.
Heather: [matter-of-factly] Yeah, Julian.
Pat: And apparently you told said patient that "ankles" means three feet below an asshole.
Heather: [shrugging it off] Well, that's just poetry.