The Best Tim Ahern Quotes

Tim: Helen seem tense to you?
Dale: No. I think she's just anxious to get the story.
Tim: I heard the two of you had a good night the other night at Geoff's party.
Dale: It's not really that fascinating, Tim.
Tim: [laughs] Pashing a newsreader in front of everyone, I think, is fascinating. Plus, I thought you said nothing was going on.
Dale: Well, there wasn't.
Tim: But then things changed?
Dale: Yeah.
Tim: I guess that happens.
Dale: Guess so.

Tim: You sure you don't want to get out of those pants?
Dale: What?
Tim: They look hot.
Dale: I'm fine.
Tim: What are they? Polyester?
Dale: They're a blend.
Ross: [to Tim] Ooh! 'They're a blend.'

Tim: I'm surprised you're not sharing a room with Helen. It's a bit early in the relationship, is it?
Dale: You seem totally obsessed with my personal life.

Dale: I feel like I should explain myself. I was in a bit of a strange state yesterday.
Tim: Right.
Dale: It's just the shock of everything. I don't actually remember what happened or in what order.
Tim: So, I was just there. It could've been anybody.
Dale: The shots, adrenaline... I just came to say that whatever happened between us, I hope it doesn't affect things going forward. Because we have been a good team and it would be a shame to lose that over a few seconds.
Tim: It was a solid minute, from what I recall.
Dale: I'm committed to Helen. I care about her deeply. The last thing I want to do is hurt her. So please don't tell anyone.
Tim: Of course.
[Dale turns to walk away]
Tim: It wasn't the shots, by the way. We never drank them.

Tim: Was I the first?
Dale: No, there was someone in high school. A friend. Didn't work out very well.

Tim: Was I the first?
Dale: No, there was someone in high school. A friend. Didn't work out very well.
Tim: Can I ask what happened?
Dale: His father caught us after school one day. They called the police. He said I forced myself on him. And I was taken to the station... in front of everyone. They called me a pervert. I had to change schools.

Dennis: [on the radio] Geoff's been booted. Rob's done a runner. Lindsay's blowing his top. Like, he's literally foaming at the mouth. So I need you to get back here now, please.
Tim: You're on the desk.
Dale: Uh, I don't know.
Tim: You are.

Tim: Your first hatchet job. Congrats. It's quite a milestone.
Dale: Sorry?
Tim: You don't actually believe that there's people deliberately out there poisoning the blood banks, do you?
Dale: I don't always get a final say about what goes into the edit.
Tim: But you do get a say, though, don't you?
Dale: [whispering] I know it's a sensitive issue for you.
Tim: No. It's just shit journalism.

Tim: Why are you killing yourself over this? It's a shit story.
Dale: Given a job, I like to do it well.
Tim: Shooting yourself in the foot, that's what you're doing. You know, if this story comes off well, you're going to be stuck babysitting Rob. Let him stuff it up. That way they'll put him back to sport, put you on camera.
Dale: Are you actually saying the best way to help my career is to do a bad job?
Tim: That is exactly what I'm saying.
Dale: Good advice. Can we just get the shots?

Tim: So, you and Helen, eh? When did that happen?
Dale: What?
Ross: She a bit of a goer? I reckon she would be for sure.
Dale: Uh, there's nothing happening between Helen and I.
Tim: Oh, right.
Ross: Okay.

[after an explosion nearby]
Tim: Dale, they've bombed the police building!
Dale: Get Ross! Get the camera!

Dale: Have you always known who you are?
Tim: Yeah.
Dale: I think we're very different people, Tim.

Tim: Hey, so I notice you and Helen are keeping a low profile. Is it over or has it just kind of gone underground?
Dale: Nothing ever happened.
Ross: I heard she stayed at your place. And I heard you made out with her in Murray's edit booth.
Dale: She stayed at my house on one occasion and we had a career discussion. That's it. I don't know why you find it so fascinating.
Tim: You know it's not just us, right? It's the talk of the entire office.
Dale: Why?
Tim: I don't know. People like to gossip about Helen.

Tim: Who made the first move?
Ross: She the big spoon or little spoon?
Tim: Big spoon, I reckon.
Ross: Big spoon, for sure. Definitely.
Dale: Can we focus please?