The Best Evelyn Walters Quotes

Evelyn: [to Lindsay] If you or the network mistreat my husband in any way, I can assure you the public response will be utterly devastating.

Evelyn: Do not give that interview! Take a day to collect your thoughts. Do you think if you bury the News at Six, some other network's going to pick you up? They won't! They watch the numbers as closely as anyone.
Geoff: I think you've done enough with your little interventions, Evvie.
Evelyn: My little interventions are the reasons you have held that position for the 30 years you have. Yes, I spoke to Lindsay this morning. I have always been there quietly managing situations. If I hadn't, this moment would've happened years ago. You might have decades of work ahead of you-your best years, mine too-but only if you listen to me!