The Best Ross McGrath Quotes

Tim: So, you and Helen, eh? When did that happen?
Dale: What?
Ross: She a bit of a goer? I reckon she would be for sure.
Dale: Uh, there's nothing happening between Helen and I.
Tim: Oh, right.
Ross: Okay.

[after Helen is rebuffed]
Ross: How'd you go? Did you get the story? From here, it kind of looked like he slammed the door in your face.

Tim: Who made the first move?
Ross: She the big spoon or little spoon?
Tim: Big spoon, I reckon.
Ross: Big spoon, for sure. Definitely.
Dale: Can we focus please?

Tim: Hey, so I notice you and Helen are keeping a low profile. Is it over or has it just kind of gone underground?
Dale: Nothing ever happened.
Ross: I heard she stayed at your place. And I heard you made out with her in Murray's edit booth.
Dale: She stayed at my house on one occasion and we had a career discussion. That's it. I don't know why you find it so fascinating.
Tim: You know it's not just us, right? It's the talk of the entire office.
Dale: Why?
Tim: I don't know. People like to gossip about Helen.

Tim: You sure you don't want to get out of those pants?
Dale: What?
Tim: They look hot.
Dale: I'm fine.
Tim: What are they? Polyester?
Dale: They're a blend.
Ross: [to Tim] Ooh! 'They're a blend.'