The Best Robert Taylor Quotes

[after finding out he's being ousted]
Geoff: You're a better performer than Lindsay. I'll give you that.
Helen: I was warned only an hour and a half ago. I had no idea.
Geoff: I want you to come with me right now to the CEO. We'll refuse this together. It's me today, but you will end up in the same position.
Helen: I have no sway...
Geoff: They can't do this unless you agree to keep on script. I'm asking you not to. Now, I've always been very discreet about your personal struggles. I've been encouraged to go to the press. I refused. I always put our partnership above everything.
Helen: That's not how I remember it. Not once since I've been on this desk have you shown me the slightest bit of warmth or defended me or protected me. And I have always known that you would welcome my failure. You've just never had the guts to declare it.

Evelyn: Do not give that interview! Take a day to collect your thoughts. Do you think if you bury the News at Six, some other network's going to pick you up? They won't! They watch the numbers as closely as anyone.
Geoff: I think you've done enough with your little interventions, Evvie.
Evelyn: My little interventions are the reasons you have held that position for the 30 years you have. Yes, I spoke to Lindsay this morning. I have always been there quietly managing situations. If I hadn't, this moment would've happened years ago. You might have decades of work ahead of you-your best years, mine too-but only if you listen to me!