The Best Mr. Finch Quotes

The: If I don't like your plan, it will end.
Mr. Finch: Fascinating. Your people were peaceful to the point of indolence. You seem to be something new. Would you declare war on us, Doctor?
The: I'm so old now. I used to have so much mercy. You get one warning. That was it.

[first lines]
Mr. Finch: [walking the halls while making fingerings with his left hand as if playing a three-keyed brass instrument, then sings softly] Bom bom bom bom / Da-bom bom bom.
Mr. Finch: [He walks just past Nina waiting in a chair by his Headmaster office, stops, and turns taking notice of her] What do you want?
Nina: The nurse sent me, sir. I was in English and I got a headache.
Mr. Finch: Then don't bother me, go home.
Nina: I can't.
Mr. Finch: Why, is your mother at work?
Nina: I live in Ambrose Hall. The children's home.
Mr. Finch: [conciliatory] No parents. No one to miss you. I see why the nurse sent you. You poor child. Poor... thin... child. Come inside. It's nearly time for lunch.

Mr. Finch: You... bad dog!
K9: Affirmative!

Mr. Finch: May I introduce... Miss Sarah Jane Smith?

Mr. Finch: Forget the shooty dog thing.