The Best Mr. Givens Quotes

[Sheldon has chosen Psychology 101 as his elective]
Mr. Givens: Thanksgiving weekend approaching, it's a perfect opportunity to observe family dynamics, and how our parents, relatives and siblings affect us. Now...
[Sheldon's hand shoots up]
Mr. Givens: Yes, Sheldon.
Sheldon: I don't find that interesting.
Mr. Givens: Well, tough knuckles, that's the assignment. Now you'll all be expected to collect data on your family, form a hypothesis and make a prediction.
Sheldon: So you're giving us homework for Thanksgiving?
Mr. Givens: [with a sly smile] Yes.
Sheldon: Oh boy!

Mr. Givens: [Comes back from the restroom and sits down at the bar] Alright, let's get me drunk.
Sheldon: Hi, Mr. Givens.
Mr. Givens: Oh, come on!

Mr. Givens: [Dressed like Dr. Smith] Here you are, dear sir. Let's get this pusillanimous bucket of nuts and bolts on the road! We have a Comic-Con to get to!
Sheldon: Mr. Givens?
Mr. Givens: Oh, the pain.