The Best Coach Wayne Wilkins Quotes

George: How'd we do?
Coach: You didn't miss anything.
George: That bad?
Coach: I can safely say you saw the best hit of the night.

George Cooper Sr.: Can you for once in your life take my side, Wayne?
Coach: It's not my fault you're never right!

Ms. Ingram: [in the teachers' break room] I mean, why'd I bother becoming a teacher? He knows what I'm gonna say before I say it, or I say it and look like a dumbbell.
Ms. MacElroy: Mm-hmm.
Sheldon: [flashback] Ms. Ingram, may I offer a suggestion?
Ms. Ingram: [trying to hold back her frustration] What?
Sheldon: Never mind. You do it your way.
Ms. Ingram: No, no. You tell me. Tell me how I'm wrong.
Sheldon: You assumed an extra axiom of Euclidian geometry without stating it.
Coach: [returning to the break room] Was he right?
Ms. Ingram: 'Course he's right. He's always right.
Ms. MacElroy: Tell you what I do. I send him on little errands. Like, the other day, I told him "Go to the supply room and get me a framastan."
Coach: What's a framastan?
Ms. MacElroy: No such thing. I made it up.
[they share a laugh]
Ms. MacElroy: He was gone the whole period!
Coach: That's genius.
Ms. Ingram: I'm using that.
Ms. MacElroy: Don't use "framastan". That's mine.

Coach: How's she doing?
George: Well, not bad. Could be worse. A little whiplash, couple of bruised ribs, broken arm... and collarbone. But that's it.
Coach: Pretty funny how you jumped out of the way and let her get clobbered.
George: I did not jump out of the way!
Coach: Oh, yeah, you did.
Coach: They got you on tape.
George: Okay, fine. But that was pure instinct. Besides, she shouldn't have been standing on the sidelines.
Coach: Why was she there?
George: [a little embarrased] I told her she could.
Coach: [laughing] Oh, man you must feel terrible.
George: Yeah, of course I do.
Coach: I mean, it's *all* on you.
George: You done?
Coach: Oh, baby, I'm just getting started.

Coach: All right, who's hotter - Cindy Crawford, or Jessica Rabbit?
George: One's a person, one's a cartoon.
Coach: And you couldn't get either one of them. Now answer the question.