Top 30 Quotes From Bill Moseley

Drayton: [to Leatherface] Did you see it? Well, did you? Well, didn't you? Did you, didn't you? Go check it out boy!
Drayton: Awww shut up!
[to Leatherface]
Drayton: I told you to go check it out before I start kicking your ass.
[to Chop-Top]
Drayton: Some kind of crazy booger just skitched through here.
Chop: No, a booger? How big?
[imitating Nubbins the puppet]
Chop: Big, crrazzzzyyy booger! Let's haul butt bro!

Otis B. Driftwood: Hurry up and don't take too fucking long.
Baby: Fuck you!
Otis B. Driftwood: Fuck you!
Baby: Fuck you!

Chop: Dog will hunt. Get that bitch, Leatherface. Get that bitch!
Chop: Dog will hunt.

Adam: Please, mister. This is insane.
Otis B. Driftwood: Boy, the next word that comes out of your mouth better be some brilliant fuckin' Mark Twain shit. 'Cause it's definitely getting chiseled on your tombstone.

Chop: Exit. E-X-I-T.

Chop: [to Stretch] You hog bitch!

Otis B. Driftwood: I am the devil, and I am here to do the devil's work.

Captain J.T. Spaulding: And you remember happy boy.
Charlie: Hey You still an asshole?
Otis B. Driftwood: [gives Charlie the finger] Fuck you!

Adam: Please... Stop...
Otis B. Driftwood: Stop? Bitch, I have just started.

Otis B. Driftwood: There is no fuckin' ice cream in your fuckin' future.

Chop: [chanting while blasting a fire extinguisher] 'Nam Land! Napalm! Fire in the hole!

Chop: C'mon Bubba. Cook's out here chewing ass like it was steak... "We gotta run for that money now! Chase that dollar, boy! Gotta go fast to catch it... "

Chop: Peel that pig and slice him thick.

[deleted scene]
Chop: [to Drayton] Kiss my plate!

Chop: Uh, I wanna... I wanna buy some uh, radio add time.
Vantia: [getting nervous] Are you fucking crazy? We are closed. Off the air till' tomorrow. You'll have to just... come... back...
Chop: No but... but yeah but... Whoa.

Chop: [to Stretch at the radio station] Can you play Inna-Vida-da-Gadda?

Baby: [after Charlie Altamont pulls out a gun] What the fuck is this shit?
Otis B. Driftwood: You bring us all the way out here and this prick pulls a gun on us? Nice fuckin' plan, daisy!
Captain J.T. Spaulding: Just do it! He's a crazy, pig-fuckin'...
Charlie: What you call me?
Captain J.T. Spaulding: Well if you'd give me a chance, I was gonna call you a crazy, pig-fuckin', dumbass, pussy piece of shit!

Chop: 'NAM LAND!

L.G. McPeters: [seeing Chop-Top cutting up records] Hey! What the shit?
Chop: Lick my plate, you dog dick!

Otis: Consider me fuckin' Willy fuckin' Wonka! This is my fucking chocolate factory! You got it? My factory!

Chop: Burn her like a rat! Burn her like a rat!

[When swinging for Stretch, Leatherface hits Chop Top on his head with the chainsaw by accident, exposing his metal place cover]
Chop: Her, not me you dumbass! Leatherface, you bitch! Look what you did to my Sonny Bono wig do... oh, goddamn I can't believe it! You gonna have to buy me a new plate cover! You gonna have to buy me a new plate cover, Leatherface! Oh... I'm gonna have to go back to the VA hospital to get me a new plate cover!

Otis B. Driftwood: Gimme some sugar, bitch. Make it sweet.

Otis B. Driftwood: I think I can still smell your wife's pussy stink on my gun... hope it doesn't rust the barrel.

Otis: I know what I know and I know I don't like that nut sack.

Chop: [donning L.G.'s cowboy hat after beating him unconscious] Giddy-up!


Baby: God dammit look at that jacket.
Otis B. Driftwood: What?
Baby: On TV.
Otis B. Driftwood: What? Fuck the TV!
Baby: Fuck the TV? Fuck you!
Otis B. Driftwood: Hey fuck you! Will you just keep your head in the business at hand here!

Otis B. Driftwood: [to Wendy, mocking her that he killed her husband and Roy] We regret to inform you that the show "Banjo and Sullivan" will be cancelled tonight.

Otis B. Driftwood: Are you staring at my sister and thinking bad thoughts?
Roy: No.
Otis B. Driftwood: Well why not? You a faggot?
Roy: No.
Otis B. Driftwood: Well what are you? I mean, you got this hot piece of ass shaking her shit right in front of you and your'e not getting any ideas? What do you call that?
Roy: I'm a married man.
Otis B. Driftwood: [Scoffs] A married fucking man? Hey, that's just great!
[Otis and Baby start clapping]
Otis B. Driftwood: Well, let's give 'em a big round of applause, folks, for the married man! Come on!