The Best Dr. Flora Douglas Quotes

Sheldon: Aren't we going to say grace?
Dr. Flora Douglas: Oh. We don't do that in our house.
Sheldon: Oh.
Dr. Flora Douglas: But you're welcome to do so.
Sheldon: That's all right. I don't believe in God.
Elliot: Well, then why would you say grace?
Sheldon: Because it makes my mom happy.
Dr. Flora Douglas: And why are you wearing mittens?
Sheldon: Well, I don't know where your hands have been.

Mary: Flora, I have to ask about the living arrangements. That's our main concern.
Dr. Flora Douglas: Well, I think I can reassure you about that. My husband and I have been hosting a student for the last several years who recently graduated and is now at Princeton. So we have a guest room available in our home.
George Sr.: That's very generous of you. Does your husband work at the school also?
Dr. Flora Douglas: No, he's retired. He was an astrophysicist for NASA.
Sheldon: [his interest piqued] Please tell me you don't have a dog.
Dr. Flora Douglas: No. We're both allergic.
Sheldon: [turning to Mary] I'm tingling.

Dr. Flora Douglas: I must tell you, in all I've been here, I have never seen such glowing letters of recommendation from a student's teachers.
George Sr.: Well, that's real nice to hear.
Dr. Flora Douglas: Now, listen to this: "Putting aside his superior intellect, Sheldon is a delight to have in the class. He's fun-loving, easy to get along with, and always ready to help another student."
Sheldon: That doesn't sound like me at all.
Mary: Sure it does, sweetie.