The Best Frat Boy Andy Quotes

Frat: This is Kappa Eta Sigma property. So you might want to quit perving on our ladies and get back to your trailer homes.
Lenny: Okay, easy there, Abercrombile. I think it's... I think we've been around here longer than you. Been swimming here since we were eight years old, so you just calm down a little bit.
Frat: I'm sure it was the bomb! Cranking to your Al Jolsson tunes on your transistor radio. But it's the 21st century now. And Thicky Thick and the Flabber Bunch should never take their shirts off. Never.
Lenny: That hurts.
Eric: Okay, I guess I'm Thicky Thick.
Lenny: Yeah, well, I don't like being in the Flabby Bunch, either.