The Best Gloria Quotes

Gloria: Like when Rob snapped at me the other day, that was scary. And you all thought I was so calm, but inside I was saying "Gloria Nunen, do not call him a bug-eyed sociopath with a little man complex. Do not say that his hair makes him look like a dirty q-tip. Or that he resembles an older, gay Jonas Brother. Or a midget, Filipino Fonzi.

Gloria: I am older than anyone here.
Mama: Hell Yeah.

Gloria: Life can be difficult sometimes, it gets bumpy. What with family and kids and things not going exactly like you planned. But that's what makes it interesting. In life the first act is always exciting. The second act... that is where the depth comes in.

Gloria: I have a confession to make too. I'm really a man.
[Everyone - OH, Yeah, I told you, etc]
Gloria: Just kidding! I'm really hurt that so many of you believed this.