The Best Veronica Duncan Quotes

Veronica: Georgie, do you really think you're capable of just being my friend?
Georgie: That's a good question. My brain says yes.
Veronica: What about the rest of you?
Georgie: [with a twinkle in his eye] Honestly, I wouldn't trust it.

Pastor: And now, why don't we take a moment to pray, uh, keeping in mind that our prayers should not be for our own benefit, but for our family, friends, fellow Texans, Americans of all races and religions and the world. Well, most of the world. Y'all know what countries to pick.
Mary: [to herself] Lord, please look after my family. Give them everything they need to be happy and healthy. And this lovely young girl with me tonight, help her stay on the path of righteousness.
Veronica: [to herself] God, please look after my sister. You can find her at the women's correctional facility in Lubbock. Help her seek salvation in you instead of cocaine, marijuana and bass players.
Georgie: [to himself] Jesus, I'm sure, even from Heaven, you can see how hot the girl sitting next to me is. And I know I'm not supposed to pray for myself, but here's the deal: if you can get her to fall in love with me and, you know, make some bad decisions, I swear I'll come to church every Sunday.
Mary: [to herself] And thank you for bringing Georgie tonight, even though you and I both know why he came. Speaking of which, whatever he's praying for right now, ignore it.
Veronica: [to herself] And please protect me from impure thoughts, and teach me to respect the sanctity of my body.
Georgie: [to himself] Now, if for instance, she and I were to go skinny dipping and one thing were to lead to another under the moonlit sky, get this: not only do I become a devout Christian, I will also bug everybody I meet to do the same. And you know I can be real annoying when I set my mind to it.
Mary: [to herself] Amen.
Veronica: [to herself] Amen.
Georgie: [to himself] I'm gonna take your silence as a yes.
Georgie: Amen.