The Best Chad Quotes

Debbie: [Ruth and Debbie walk outside to the hotel's entrance. Debbie shows Ruth the entrance's marquee] Oh, come on. I thought seeing our name in lights would cheer you up.
Ruth: Technically, it's Bash's name in lights.
Debbie: Well, that would... explain why nobody knows who the fuck I am or what I do. Look, we may never open a show in Las Vegas ever again. Just take a moment and appreciate what is right in front of you, so you don't miss it.
[Ruth looks at Debbie]
Debbie: Hey, this is me speaking as your producer. Everyone is up. Don't bring them down into your... sinkhole of despair.
Chad: [Debbie takes a smoke before Chad the parking valet notices them] Hey. That was fun last night.
Debbie: No, Todd, I... What did we say? I'm not... I'm working.
Chad: It's Chad.
[Chad gets in the car and leaves]
Ruth: Really?
Debbie: Yeah, really. He's 25. I'm single. Smoke 'em if you got 'em.